pg&e-S-------------------------------------------------------------- Jlortlanò (Observer____________________ September is, 2010 [ERS___________ Season for vaccinations W ith the back-to-school season here, it’s tim e to schedule vaccinations - for parents and children. V accines play a m ajor role in preventing and protect- D ixion ’s Rib Pit ing adults and children against infec­ tions and diseases. They w ork by fooling our immune system into think­ ing that a real infection is in our bod­ ies. Then, if w e are exposed to the infection at a later date, the im m une system is already prepared to protect our bodies against it. Side effects are by L arry L ucas usually short-term and not nearly as serious as the diseases or infections they protect us against. V accines are particularly critical for you n g children. If y o u ’re the parent o f a you n g child, it can seem 1 ike you are at the doctor every w eek fo r routine check-ups and sch ed ­ uled vaccines or blood tests. U n ­ derstandably, the process can be stressful but keeping up w ith the p rescribed vaccine schedule is criti­ cally im portant. W ithout v accin a­ tions, childhood diseases m ost o f us h a v e n ’t heard about in decades - like w hooping cough, m easles and 1 between 19th & 20th on Alberta Street 503-753-0868 Hours 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tueday thru Saturday Sunday after 3 p.m. Dinners $9.50 Sandwiches $8.50 polio - could com e back. Som e parents have m istakenly been lead to believe that there is a co n n ectio n betw een vaccines and autism - though a 2009 federal court ruling and countless scientific stu d ­ ies have found no connection b e­ tw een the tw o - and as a result have refused vaccinations for th eir ch il­ dren. T he consequences o f inac­ tion can be serious and far reaching. For exam ple, earlier this year, an in v estig atio n by the C en ters for D isease C o n tro l and P rev en tio n found that a m easles outbreak in San D iego w as fueled by kids w hose parents refused to v accin ate them , thus endangering o th er children too y o ung to be vaccinated. B ut vaccines a re n ’t ju s t for kids - and som e o f the vaccines you received as a child require a second dose. A ccording to the C D C , adults need a second dose, o r a booster, o f certain vaccines that lose their ef­ fectiveness over time. Som e o f these boosters include tetanus - w hich is reco m m en d ed every 10 years - and w h ooping cough. D uring your next visit to the d o c to r’s office, be sure to ask w hat v accin es y o u ’ll need in the next y e ar and schedule them , if n ecessary . A s w e head into fall, d o n ’t forget the v accin atio n you and your ch il­ dren need every year: an influenza - o r flu - shot. N ot only does it protect against the flu, but it also helps prevent m ore serious health issues like pn eu m o n ia that can result from the flu. V accines play an im portant role in k e e p in g A m e r ic a ’s c h ild re n healthy as they begin a new school year. Larry Lucas is a retired vice presi­ dent for Pharm aceutical R esearch and M anufacturers o f A m erica. And Soul Food / n us once you It come back again Suicides Higher Than Average _____________________________________________________ State looks at risk factors NEW N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) O regon's suicide rate is 35 p e r­ cent hig h er than the national av er­ age. T he rate is 15.2 suicides per 100,000 p eople co m p ared to the national rate o f 11.3 p er 100,000. A fter d ecreasin g in the 1990s, suicide rates have been increasing significantly since 2000, according to a n ew report, "Suicides in O r­ egon: T rends and R isk Factors," from O regon Public H ealth. T he re­ port also details recom m endations to prev en t the nu m b er o f suicides in the state. "Suicide is one o f the m ost p er­ sistent yet preventable public health problem s. It is the leading cause o f death from in ju rie s -m o re than even from car crashes. E ach y e ar 550 people in O regon die from suicide and 1,800 p eople are h ospitalized for non-fatal attem pts," said Lisa M illet, principal investigator. The single m ost identifiable risk factor associated w ith suicide is de­ pression. M any people are able to m anage their depression; how ever, stress and crisis can overw helm their ability to cope successfully. S tresses such as from jo b loss, loss o f hom e, loss o f fam ily and friends, life transitions and also the stress veterans can experience re­ turning hom e from deploym ent - all increase the likelihood o f suicide am ong those w ho are already at risk. "M any p eople often keep their d epression a secret for fear o f dis­ crim ination. U nfortunately, fam ilies, com m u­ n itie s , b u s in e s s e s , s c h o o ls and oth er institutions often d iscrim inate against people w ith d epression or o th er m ental illness. T hese people w ill continue to die n eedlessly un­ less they have support and effec­ tive com m unity-based m ental health care," said M illet.