Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 15, 2010, Page 7, Image 7

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    September 15, 2010
'ri1' Portiani) (Dhsvruvr
Hispanic Arts, Culture Festival
B eginning Friday, Sept. 17, and co n tin u in g
throug h O ct. 2, M iracle T heatre G roup presents
‘‘La L una N u ev a” , a festival o f H ispanic arts
and cu ltu re from aro u n d the w orld celeb ratin g
H ispanic H eritage M onth.
L ike the n ew m oon em erg in g from the sh ad ­
ow s, “ La L una N u ev a” shines its light on new
artists and new w ork across a v ariety o f d isci­
plines. T he festival w ill feature 22 p erfo rm an ces
o v er 16 days at the M ilagro T heatre, 525 S.E.
S tark St.
T he lineup includes spirited flam enco, p a s­
sionate tango, C uban ja z z and intim ate boleros,
bilingual poetry and songs from local authors and
m usicians, sto ry tellin g for fam ilies, open m ic
nights and stag ed read in g s o f fo u r new plays,
in c lu d in g th is s e a s o n ’s w o rld p re m ie re o f
B oom cracklefly.
A dm issio n p rices v ary w ith m an y o f the
events for free. V isit m ilag o .o rg for a com plete
schedule. T ickets can also be o b tain ed th rough
the PD X T ick et N etw ork box o ffice at the
H ollyw o o d T heater.
Page 7
Agenda Set for
Latino Summit
“One United V o ice- Una Voz Unida” is the theme
for an historic two day summit slated for Oct. 17 and
18 in Salem, convening Latino leadership from
throughout the state to catalyze and coordinate
statewide efforts promoting the social and economic
well-being, political capacity, and civic leadership o f
the Latino community in Oregon.
“Our Latino community in Oregon is at the tipping
point with a new, collaborative ethos for presenting
a united front for effective strategies for change, and
that is why we are organizing this historic statewide,
explains Consuelo Saragoza o f the Oregon Latino
Agenda for Action group.
Focusing on the main issues o f economic condi­
tions, health, immigration, employment, and social
and cultural development, participants from urban,
suburban, rural, and coastal areas o f Oregon will
discuss, deliberate and decide in an open, non­
partisan, and participatory model o f regional en­
Summit details, registration info, and a survey to
help prioritize the issues and suggest strategies for
public policies and proposed legislation, can be
found on olaaction.org.
Jenna Rohrbacher and Dominic Bridge bring the passion and
burning intensity o f the tango to life. The dancers will be part o f
the Hispanic Heritage lineup on Friday, Sept. 1 7 at the Miracle
Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St.
M 'i
avwnate Sfavd
iuncuil Piemie
1093 SW Tobias Way
Aloha, Oregon 97006
(503) 642-4620
You are invited to join us for A night of
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(Only 20 minutes from Portland)
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We Offer I he Best Prices & I he Friendliest Service In Town.
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Friday, September 24th at 7pm
Corner of NE M LK Blvd and Russell Street
Doors open at 6pm for every service
Margaret Gibbs-Neal, Funeral Director & Owner
License#: 0445
Jerome Cox- lanner. Funeral Director
License #: 0582
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For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481