Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 15, 2010, Page 19, Image 19

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    Stone T ow er C hurch, 3010 N .E.
H olladay St, invites the com m unity
to a special concert w ith pianist,
m usic publisher, concert perfo rm er
and recording artist C alvin T aylor
on Saturday, Sept. 18 at 6 p.m . A
free-w ill offering w ill be taken.
T aylor m ade history at O berlin
C onservatory w hen he becam e the
first organist in the sc h o o l’s history
to im provise a g raduate co n cert
W ith a large hand span o f over
one and a h a lf octaves, he presents
sounds and colors that w ould nor­
m ally require four hands. B eloved
hym ns, w ell-know n spirituals and
classics take on new significance
through the artistry o f C a lv in ’s im ­
p ro v isa tio n s.
H e has to u red th ro u g h o u t the
w orld, playing in N orth and South
A m erica, E urope, the F ar East, and
m ost recen tly U kraine.
Calvin Taylor
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Do I need a counselor?
Church Usher, Volunteer Remembered
Travis Sango
A funeral w as held T hursday,
Sept 9 ,2 0 1 0 at V ancouver A venue
F irst B ap tist C h u rch for T rav is
L aw rence Sango.
He w as b o m M ay 12, 1923 in
M uskogee, O kla. to M orris and Lila
Parker Sango, the y o ungest o f four
children; tw o boys and tw o girls.
H e graduated from M anuel Train­
ing H igh School in 1941; entered the
N avy in 1943 and w as honorably
discharged in 1946. He married Lizzie
Lee C arter R ussell in 1957. The
c o u p le a n d th e ir s te p - c h ild re n
Z enobia and R obert m oved to P ort­ for the Lord, alw ays at his post. Y ou
land in 1959. He w as em ployed at alw ays knew he w as in church b e­
T enevalt C hem ical C om pany until cause o f his w itness. H e had a
he retired.
passion for cards and dom inoes,
T ravisjoined V ancouver A venue w here ag ain he w as very loud e n ­
First B aptist C hurch and becam e an jo y in g the gam es; y ou knew he w as
usher. H e w as a proud door keeper in the house because he w as “the
In Loving M em ory
Ferrell Allen Mack
A m em orial service was held Saturday
for Ferrell A. M ack at the K ingdom Hall o f
Jehovah’s W itnesses in north Portland.
H e w as bora in W aco, Texas on Nov. 25,
1923 to Oci and Lena M ack.
H is parents, loving wife; V ashti M ack,
tw o brothers; N olan M ack and John M ack
and one sister; O pal M ae W hite all pre­
ceded him in death.
H e leaves to celebrate his life, daughter
C onnie E. M ack-Franklin and grandchildren; Katria
C ayw ood, Traem on Franklin, Travante Franklin, three
great grand-children; a brother, Jam es Lloyed M ack;
and a host o f nieces, nephew s, and m any other family
In Loving M em ory
Jeanette Robinson
Jeanette R obertson, 54, w as called hom e to be w ith
her H eavenly F ather on Sept. 3 ,2 0 1 0 .
Jeanette w as b o m in Picayune, M iss., to W illiam
and M ae L eaner R obinson on Jan. 2 7 ,1 9 5 6 , th e sixth
o f nine children.
She had six children o f her ow n in w hich she lived
for, cherished, and loved. She w as a m em ber o f St. Luke
M em orial C hurch o f G od in C hrist w here she diligently
served the L ord singing H is praises w ith the vo ice o f
an angel. She devoted 14 years to E m anuel H ospital
little m an w ith the big v o ice.”
T r a v is d e liv e r e d M e a ls o n
W heels for L oaves and Fishes five
days a w eek for the past 22 years,
n ev er m issing a day until his health
H e w as preceded in death by his
parents; siblings, wife Lizzie and step­
daughter Zenobia. He leaves to cher­
ish his m em ory, a cousin C ozine
T u rn er o f O m aha, N eb.; chosen
daughter Eva N. Miles; G od-children
Peggy, Sheri and Lisa M iles; grand­
children, G ene, Jim m y, N atasha,
Shawntae and Eva M ariea Miles; aunt
O llie Belcher; nephew Paul, and niece
M axine Belcher; Loaves and Fishes
volunteers and clients; the V ancouver
A venue First Baptist C hurch family,
and m any friends.
A rran g em en ts entrusted to T erry
Fam ily Funeral Hom e.
m em bers and good friends.
H e w as b a p tized as o ne o f
Jeh o v ah ’s W itnesses on July 15,
1968 and served as one o f Jehovah ’ s
loyal servants until his passing on
Sept. 8,2010 at his home in Portland.
Ferrell A. M ack w as also know n
as “Poppa” and “ Bro M ack”. He
w ill be rem em bered for his kind­
ness, generosity, w arm sm ile and
candy treats for the kids.
H e will also be rem em bered for
his articulate bookkeeping for dif­
ferent congregations.
It w as said by a brother, “ I f I could clone brother M ack’s
bookkeeping abilities and put him in each congregation,
I w ould.”
faithfully doing w hat she loved and serving her co m ­
m unity.
She w as p reced ed in death by h er eld est son, D ale
L am ont W hite, h er parents, one sister and one nephew .
She leaves to m o u rn and cherish her m em ories, her
lifetime com panion o f3 6 years, Jam es G eorge Lawrence
III; five children, T am ir H assan L aw rence, Janice
Jean ette L aw rence-S loan, A d o fo Jum aane L aw rence,
C orey Jabaar Law rence and A lexis B obbette Law rence;
and by nine g randchildren and a host o f o th er relatives
and friends.
A hom eg o in g service w as held M onday, Sept. 13 at
St. L uke. In term ent follow ed at R ose C ity C em etery.
We ail haw life stressors, especially in today's complex »vrU . Ilalancing your
home, work, an d spiritual life can be overwhelming.
Internal coping skills can get us through a crisis or change; howewr, we may n ot
haw the resources to owncome in the most effectiw way.
Deciding if counseling is right for you can be a tough decision. It may initially
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Actually choosing counseling can be the key to making you and w u r family's
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Providing cognitive behavioral services from a Biblical
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Lire Change Specialist
Licensed Pastoral Counselor
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Over 20years o f addressing
Life Stressors
Dr. H . L. H o d g e, P h . D .
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Ave. Ste 1100
Portland, O R 97204
(S03) 220-1790
—by A p p oin tm en t O nly-
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church
Come see
the Power
o f the Holy
Come Hear
the Bible
Holy Spirit
in Action
The Gospel
Dr. R aym on H. Edw ards, Sr.,
P astor and S ister Lucy Ellen
Edw ards, 1 st Lady
Sunday Morning Sunday School 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM
Mission Ministry Monday Evening 6:30 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:30 PM
We Invite Everyone to come, Enjoy and be a part
o f a Worship Experience
CALL. (503)335-3035