Page 14 11,1 fJnrtlanb (Observer Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries "An Interdenominational Church" .4.., September 8. 2010 ismuismsi Exhibit Explores Race, Gender i 11 < » V < » i < ; I > K Paata* i £ Fleet Jiady S3iahap 3d. £ . c£ £u*lean P ‘K adye Paata*! O cache* / Pteviualis t W orsh ip Services: Sundays: W orship S e r v ic e — 12:00-1:30 P.M. Sem inars: Bible Them es— W ednesdays— 6 :0 0 — 8:30P.M . “ G od T h e F a th e r ” ; “ G od The Son” ; and “ G od T h e H oly S p ir it” Bishop I lodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus We R each , Teach, & P reach in J e s u s ’ nam e!!! 1 vocation: C oncordia I University C am pus 2800 NE Liberty (The GKW Library, Room 303) C o m e r o f 29th «St Liberty Portland, OR. 97211 To inquire about ou r C h u rch please call (5 0 3 ) 863 -6 5 4 5 or h o d g c h sp k s@ m sn .c o m w w w .n w v o ice io rc h r ist.c o m Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4009 North Missouri Street, Portland, OR Pastor Johnny Pack, IV Founder “A Pre-Church 23rd Year Celebration!” This fall, the Hoffman Gallery o f Contemporary Art at Lewis & Clark College presents an exhibi­ tion investigating the work of Alison Saar, an artist known for her emotionally candid explora­ tion o f African cultural Diaspora. Alison Saar: Bound for Glory, features the sculptures and works on paper o f this important con­ temporary artist who uses the human body to explore racial and gender issues while engaging her audience in an ongoing dialog. Local audiences may already be familiar with Saar's work. Last spring, Lewis & Clark held a ceremony to officially dedicate Saar’s “York: Terra Incognita” bronze statute on the southwest Portland campus. A tribute to the memory of William Clark’s slave, the sculp­ ture earned praise from the local media and has attracted visitors from the region and beyond. The college’s fall exhibition ex­ plores both Saar’s public artworks and the more personal pieces she creates in her Los Angeles studio. The exhibition opened Tues­ day, Sept. 7 and will continue through Dec 12. It is free and open to the public; the gallery is open Tuesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. More information is available at gallery. C C C A D IA IIW IA S IIS W A Y DESIGNERS Specializing in hair replacement and all phases o f Beauty Work Alison Sarr’s bronze sculpture o f York, the African American explorer from the Lewis & Clark expedition, is a new permanent fixture on the campus o f Lewis and Clark College in southwest Portland. Special I Free Hair with a Weave (Limited Supply) Theme: You are a Unique Church! Ephesians 2:10 Saturday, September 25,2010 at 3pm Irvington Covenant Church-4008 NE M.L.King Blvd. Portland, OR Guest Speaker Evangelist Melanie Pichon-Smith Forgiven Ministries, New Orleans, LA Donations....$20.00 per person Contact Penny Mims at 503-975-5469 i t i l l i 3516 N.E. 15th @ Fremont, Portland, OR 97212 (503) 281-9495 I ashion Show’, featuring Penny s Rags and Riches ! 3516 N.E. 15th @ Fremont Portland, OR 97212 Pre Church Anniversary Brunch Invitation Hattie M. Porter, Owner/Stylist Seating order tickets now availability from t Call for Info: 503-281-9495 Broadway Hairweavers & Designers To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds