Page 12 ^ ^ J o rtla n h OOhseruer September 8, 2010 /Arts rNTni ENTERTAINMENT Hawking Tackles Creation Says God not needed for making planets Ulicious Smokehouse & Grill 1505 N.E. KillingsworthSt. 5 0 3 -4 7 7 -3 9 5 8 H o use H o u rs M o n-T hurs 11:30 a.m . - 9 p.m . Fri-S at 11:30 a.m . - 10 p.m . S unday 11:30 a.m . - 7 p.m . All dinners with two sides of your choice for $9.95 potato salad BBQ beans Cole slaw or beans and rice. (AP) — Did creation need a creator? British physicist and m athem a­ tician Stephen H aw king says no, arguing in his new book that there need not be a God behind the creation o f the universe. The concept is explored in "The Grand Design." The book, w rit­ ten with fellow physicist Leonard M lodinow, is scheduled to be pub­ lished by Bantam Press on T hurs­ day. "The G rand Design," which the publishers call H aw king's first m ajor work in nearly a decade, STEPHEN HAWKING and LEONARD. MLODINOW HE challenges Isaac N ew ton's theory God must have been involved in creation because our solar sys­ tem couldn't have com e out of chaos sim ply through nature. B U S IN E S S Chris Guinn HI £ Double J Tires State Farm* Providing Insurance and 1 ifiisac ai Services New & Used Tires Home Office. Bioommglon. Hhnois 61/10 503.703.4462 Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire- limited to stock on hand 30 years in business Ernest J. Hill, Jr. 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland OR 37717 503 286 1103 Fax 503 2861146 emte.hili hSmb^statefarnj com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® J boyds Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape PH (503) 970-5743 Licensed and Bonded 2 locations to Serve You LCB 61 65 T racey H icks 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503.317.5834 , 503-283-9437 James Boyd 4510 SE 5 2 nd & Holgate 3535 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97218 503-771-1834 State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services P eninsula R ealty LANE FAMILY REUNION PORTLAND, ORfcOON $5.00 Tees Peter Clarke Broker tat Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper A 2173 NE B roadw av Portland, O regon 97232 C ellular | 503.804.8781 Direct I 503.802.8837 Fax I 503.802.8937 EarlincPenson@ H w w w .E 503-762-6042 T T T T T T » T E T T I T I , <$• Agent I.ach i »I lice is independent I\ owned and operated IN S U B A N C I R j e Family Reunion Screen Printing But Hawking says it isn't that simple. To understand the uni­ verse, it's necessary to know both how and why it behaves the way it does, calling the pursuit "the Ultim ate Q uestion o f Life, the Universe, and Everything." H aw king, w ho is renow ned for his work on black holes, said the 1992 discovery .o f another planet orbiting a star other than the sun m akes "the coincidences o f our planetary conditions ... far less rem arkable and far less com ­ pelling as evidence that the Earth was carefully designed ju st to please us hum an beings." In his best-selling 1988 book "A B rief History o f Time," H aw k­ ing appeared to accept the possi­ bility o f a creator, saying the dis­ c o v ery o f a co m p lete th eo ry would "be the ultim ate trium ph o f hum an reason — for then we should know the mind o f God." But "The G rand Design" seems to step away from that, saying physics can explain things w ith­ out the need for a "benevolent creator who made the Universe for our benefit." "Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing," the excerpt says. "Spontaneous cre­ ation is the reason there is som e­ thing rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we ex­ ist. It is not necessary to invoke God t o ... set the Universe going." Hawking retired last year as the Lucasian C hair o f M athem atics at C am bridge U niversity after 30 years in the position. The position was once held by Newton. 61 ION. Lombard St. Portland. Oregon 97203 Business 503.286.5826 Fax 503,283.6300 Cell 503.333.5809 petcr.clarkc2@century21 .com century 2 1 AJL...I O R The SIGN of Experience We moved to our new location: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 S Principal Broker .Multi-Million D ollar Producer Advertise with diversity 71KPortland Observer Cull 503-288-0033