Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 01, 2010, Page 9, Image 9

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    September I, 2010
ilf‘ ^orttani» (Observer
Page !
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‘Green’ Degree Program Opens
For careers in
", -;•••'
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church
Come see
the Power
of the Holy
Starting this fall, Portland C o m ­
m unity C ollege’s Civil and M echani­
cal E ngineering T echnology Pro­
gram w ill offer a new option for
students w anting a career in sus­
tainable engineering.
A student pursuing the G reen
T e c h n o lo g y a n d S u s ta in a b ility
O ption w ill take courses in renew ­
able energy, environm ental sociol­
ogy and introduction to geographic
inform ation system s that em pha­
size environm ental skills.
In addition, students get hands-
on w ork perform ing lab tests for
w a te r q u a lity a n d p r o d u c in g
biodiesel from the w aste oil from the
S ylvania C am pus cafeteria. All o f
these classes are required for a Civil
or M echanical E ngineering T ech­
nology a sso c iate ’s degree w ith a
G re en
T e c h n o lo g y
S u s ta in a b ility O p tio n , w h ich is
based at P C C ’s Sylvania C am pus in
southw est Portland.
W ith the em phasis on green tech­
nology developm ent in the A m eri­
can R ecovery and R evitalization
A ct o f 2009, the p ro g ram ’s faculty
expects even a g reater opportunity
in the m arketplace for its graduates
Come Hear
the Bible
Holy Spirit
in Action
The Gospel
Dr. R aym on H. Edw ards, Sr.,
Pastor and S ister Lucy Ellen
Edw ards, 1 st Lady
Portland Community College instructor Greg Gerstner inspects the
bio diesel tank that creates fuel on campus from discarded
cooking oil.
in sustainability fields.
“ W e’re very excited about the
G reen Technology and Sustainability
O ption,” said G reg G erstner, engi­
neering instructor. “The three courses
will not only add technical acum en,
but will address the im portance o f
environm ental responsibility.”
T his isn ’t the first green venture
by the C ivil and M echanical E n g i­
neering T echnology Program . Since
the early 1990s, courses in therm o­
dynam ics, H V A C , energy p roduc­
tion, energy m anagem ent, eq u ip ­
m ent design and solar energy have
been offered.
In the 1980s, faculty w orked on
the design o f the solar hot w ater
system for a cam pus sw im m ing pool.
In 1995, they built a straw bale build-
ing w ith solar panels, w hich w as a
research project to d em onstrate that
this kind o f co nstruction w as a p rac­
tical m ethod in O re g o n ’s dam p cli­
m ate. This solar lab facility still
stands today and is o f f the grid.
“ O v er the years, instrum enta­
tion has been added, and tw o solar
hot w ater system s are alm ost co m ­
plete, so that the facility can be used
to supplem ent o ur therm odynam ics
an d flu id m e c h a n ic s c o u r s e s ,”
G erstn er added. “ It’s ju s t another
w ay w e are tying green and su stain ­
able m ethods into o u r courses for
the benefit o f the co m m u n ity .”
For m ore inform ation on the p ro­
gram , visit pcc.edu/program s/civil-
en g in eerin g .
Sunday Morning Sunday School 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM
Mission Ministry Monday Evening 6:30 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:30 PM
We Invite Everyone to come, Enjoy and be a part
o f a Worship Experience
CALL: (503)335-3035
Norf/wesi Voice For Christ Ministries
"4n Interdenominational Church"
Energy Savings Program Expands
O re g o n has reach ed a m ilesto n e
u n d e r the A m e ric an R eco v ery and
R e in v e stm e n t A c t - c o m p le tin g
w e ath e riz a tio n w ork for m ore than
30 p e rc e n t o f th e h o m es th e state
p la n n e d to w e a th e riz e th is year.
T h e U .S . D ep artm en t o f E nergy
re p o rte d last w eek th a t O reg o n
has w e a th e riz e d m o re th an 1,750
h o m e s u n d e r th e R eco v ery A ct as
o f Ju n e 30.
A s a re s u lt o f the p ro g re ss, the
state w ill n o w h a v e a c c e ss to an
ad d itio n al $ 19 m illio n in R eco v ery
A c t w e a th e riz a tio n fu n d in g to
c o n tin u e p ro v id in g e n e rg y e ffi­
c ie n c y se rv ic e s to O re g o n ’s low -
incom e fam ilies.
Twenty-one tour stops throughout the metro area!
It vireeni
Potto* <£
llu d y
ffiitfiop 31.
.7? 3tody*
¡JeacfiM I Dleuivalitt
Worship Services:
Sundays: Worship Service— 12:00 1:30 EM.
Seminars: Bible Themes—Wednesdays—6:00—8:30EM.
• 11 a.m. - 5 p.
Pf«en{ed by:
j i b C>t)r <>• Fortland Horeau of
•ÄiaÄ-i planning and Sustainability
i. M
Ayftr I
Afl!i«n»n. -IlWtof
Sponsored by: Metro, Eneryy Tinsi o f Oregon Solar Oreyon, Oieyon Hoiw, Bureau of
Development S etvit«, Bureau o f Environmental Services, and Portland Water Bureau
Tickets: $15 - General adm ission
• Online at address below
♦ In person at Ecohaus
Free Information Fair - 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sponsored by:
B oC O U A U S
819 S t Taylor S t, P o rtla n d
The City of Portland well reasonably modify polkies/prccedur« and provide auxiliary aids/
services to persons with disabilities. Call 503-823-4309, TTY: 503 823-6868. or cy the
Vegon Relay Service. 1 •800-735-2900, with such requests.
Tickets: www.portlandonline.com/bps/builditgreen | 503-823-5431
“God The Father”; “God The Son”; and “God The Holy Spirit”
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to
join us at our appointment with Jesus
W e R e a c h , T each, & P reach in .Jesus' nam e!!!
Location: Concordia University Campus
2800 NE Liberty (The GRW Library, Room 303)
Comer of 29th & Liberty
Portland, OR. 97211
To in q u ire about o u r C h u rch p lease call (5 0 3 ) 8 63-6S 45 or
h od gch sp k s(fi/m sn .com
w w w .n w v o iccrn rch rist.co m