Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 01, 2010, Page 22, Image 22

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    Low-Carb Diet Trumps Low-Fat
Bringing boost
in 'good'
(AP) - Over the long term, a low-
carb diet works just as well as a low-
fat diet at taking off the pounds —
and it might be better for your heart,
new research suggests.
Both diets improved cholesterol
in a two-year study that included
intensive group counseling. But
those on the low-carbohydrate diet
got a bigger boost in their so-called
good cholesterol, nearly twice as
much as those on low-fat.
In previous studies, low-carb di­
ets have done better at weight loss
at six months, but longer-term re­
sults have been mixed. And there's
been a suggestion of better choles­
terol from low-carbeating.
The latest test is one of the long­
est to compare the approaches. At
A meal consisting offish, salad greens, vegetables and fruit is an
example of a low-carb diet.
the end of two years, average weight
loss was the same for both — about
15 pounds or 7 percent.
The key difference was in HDL,
or good cholesterol: a 23 percent
increase from low-carb dieting com­
pared to a 12 percent improvement
from low-fat, said Gary Foster, di­
rector of Temple University's Cen­
ter for Obesity Research and Educa­
tion, who led the federally funded
He said the low-carb boost is the
kind one might get from medicines
that improve HDL.
low-carb group, there was an early
"For a diet, that's pretty impres­ rise in "bad" cholesterol, the kind
sive," Foster said.
that builds up in arteries. But after
The findings, published in An­ two years, both groups ended up
nals of Internal Medicine, are based with similar improvements to bad
on a study of 307 adults, two-thirds cholesterol.
of them women. Participants were
The study's strengths include its
obese but didn't have cholesterol size, length and its multiple loca­
problems or diabetes.
tions — Denver, Philadelphia and
Half followed a low-carb diet St. Louis, said Dr. William Yancy,of
modeled after the Atkins' plan and the Durham VA Medical Center in
half went on a low-calorie, low-fat North Carolina.
diet. All attended group sessions to
"These are results we should
help them change bad eating habits, have a lot of confidence in," said
get more active and stick to their Yancy, who has done similar diet
research but was not involved in the
The volunteers had periodic study.
checks of their weight, blood, bone
Foster, the study leader, said di­
density and body com position. eters should be less concerned
After two years, there was no major about which diet to use, and focus
differences between diet groups, on finding the support or technique
except in good cholesterol. Why — like writing down what they eat
the low-carb diet had a bigger effect — that keeps them on track.
on good cholesterol isn't known,
"It doesn't make a difference for
the researchers said.
weight loss how you get there," he
As low-carb plans became popu­ said.
lar, experts feared the diet would
With the current obesity epi­
drive up the risk of heart disease demic, more than one way is needed
because it allows more fat. The lat­ to attack the problem, Yancy said.
est results suggest those concerns
" Both of these are options. These
are unfounded, Foster said. In the diets work," he said.
Three generations
share a birthday
Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need
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Part 17. Understanding Pain:
Why do you have it? How can you get rid of it?
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Can you make any suggestions? it is being injured. When there is taking care of it, painlessly, with­
: You m ight try asking stress in the nervous system, this out d ru g s...J u st as nature in ­
your friend this: “If you heard is a serious problem.
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ee, pain is your nervous system's
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ire alarm. Pain pills may alleviate
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Flowers' Chiropractic Office
P h on e: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
Lidia Selleck (from left), her mom, Irma Castellanos, and her
newborn daughter Sarah Victoria Selleck, share a birthday at
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. Also pictured is Aaron
Selleck, the baby’s dad.
What are the odds of a grand­
mother, mom and daughter sharing
the same birthday?
T h a t’s w hat happened to a
Beaverton family at Providence St.
Vincent Medical Center.
Grandmother, mom and new baby
Sarah Victoria were all bom on the
exact same day of the year-A ug. 18.
Little Sarah V ictoria arrived quite
suddenly. Her mother, Lidia Selleck,
was walking across the parking lot
fo llo w in g a ro u tin e d o c to r’s
checkup. As she walked to the car,
her water broke.
The Aug. 18 date was not ex­
pected. Sarah was not due until Aug.