September 1,2010___________________________ iEhe | } 0 r | (jOhserUf r paSe 19 _____________ C .’ P I N I O N Yes, Families come in all Types When women use donors for motherhood by T amar A brams Y ou know things a re n 't g o in g w e ll w hen your life story turns into rom antic com edies. I guess it beats tragedies, but still... Two o f this sum m er's hottest films, "The Kids Are Alright" and "The Sw itch," involve wom en who use donor insem ination to becom e pregnant. In one case, it's to help lesbians, played by A n n ette B en in g and Ju lian n e M oore, have children. In the other, it's a single w om an. Jen n ifer A niston, who in real life is over 40, unm arried, childless, and sub­ jected to endless tabloid fixation on both counts, stars in that one. E ighteen years ago, I used an an o n y m o u s d o n o r to becom e pregnant with m y daughter. Back in the early 1990s, this topic was hardly fodder for hit film s. Sure, there w as a b rief e x c h a n g e b e tw e e n th en -V ic e President Dan Quayle and a fic­ tio n a l T V c h a r a c te r n a m e d M urphy Brown who gave birth (no m ention o f a father) as a single mom. He took the fictional character to task, but this was a m an who famously spelled potato with an "e" on the end so it blew over pretty quickly. M o n th s later, I gave b irth to a p erfect baby girl w ho w as destined to grow up w ith o u t a father. It w asn't Plan A, believe me. But a long-tim e relationship had ended and I th o u g h t that at 34 m y c h a n c e s o f g e ttin g p re g n a n t w ere qu ick ly grow ing dim m er. "B aby first, husband later," I recall thin k in g at the tim e. It w asn't out o f lack o f respect for the role o f fathers. In fact, my 81 -year-old dad is still a vital part o f m y daughter's life and mine too. It w asn't even that I particu­ larly w anted to do it on my own. It was m ore about circumstances and timing. And I m ade sure that m y child w as surrounded by lov­ ing, caring friends and fam ily in­ cluding quite a few men. M y child is now starting her senior year o f She has liked that. But she has high school. also said that she w ouldn't be How did it all work out? W ell, who she is today if she had a she certainly isn't a m an-hating, father. And she likes who she is truant, pregnant juvenile delin­ today. So do I. quent. In fact, she has a 4.3 GPA, Bill O'Reilly w as clearly cruis­ is a m em ber o f the National Honor ing for a fight w hen he recently Society, has had a great boy­ slam m ed Jennifer A niston for friend for the past year, and is appearing in a movie that he c laims popular and sunny. In fact, her tells " 12-year-olds and 13-year- fath erly in stin cts), b u t for those w h o 'v e not yet found th eir Bill O 'R eilly , I'm ju s t g lad science has p ro v id ed a few o th er o p ­ tions." T h a n k y o u , J e n n ife r. T h e tru th is th a t fa m ilie s c o m e in all ty p e s o f fo rm a tio n s th e se d a y s - - s i n g l e m o m s , s in g le d a d s, s te p -p a re n ts , tw o m o m s, tw o d a d s, g ra n d p a re n ts r a is ­ ing th e ir g ra n d c h ild re n ...T h e c o n fig u r a tio n th a t p re v a ile d w h e n O 'R e illy w as g ro w in g up is still a ro u n d , e v e n th o u g h m a r r i e d m o th e r s a r e m o re lik e ly to w o rk o u ts id e th e h o m e. B u t th e id ea l s e ttin g fo r r a is in g y o u n g p e o p le h a s n 't c h a n g e d : E v e ry c h ild sh o u ld g ro w up lo v e d an d n u rtu re d . olds that, 'Hey you don't need a I'm O K w ith m oviegoers laugh­ guy. You don't need a dad.'" ing about sperm donors. All I L uckily, she's sm art enough know is that a decision that I to d eliv er a m essage th at m ight m ade 18 years ago has produced ju s t shut him up. " O f course, an am azing, resilient, and gor­ the ideal scenario for p aren tin g geous child on the brink o f w om ­ is o b v io u sly tw o parents o f a anhood w ho is surely going to m a tu r e a g e ," A n is to n to ld m ake the w orld a better place. People. "P arenting is one o f the You're welcom e. hardest jo b s on earth. A nd, o f Tamar Abrams is the commu­ course, m any w om en dream o f nications director o f the Institute finding P rince C harm ing (w ith fo r Policy Studies. * The truth is that families come in all types o f formations these days—single moms, single dads, step-parents, two moms, two dads, grandparents raising their grandchildren 2__________ fatherlessness m ay be the least rem arkable thing about her. But, the truth is there were m any tim es over the years when she wished for a father. Once, when she was in grade school, I asked what she would do if she had one. "Call him Daddy," she responded. I have had a long­ term relatio n sh ip and, though we've never m arried, he has stood in for a dad on several occasions. I Clueless Commentator with a Microphone A brazen insult by Dr. Laura by M arc H. M orial Here we go again. O ne m ore tim e, a clueless commentator with a microphone and an audience o f millions, has brazenly insulted Black America and re­ acted as if we were the perpetrators. The latest incident involves Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the host o f the Dr. Laura radio show. On Aug. 10, Dr. Laura made racially insensitive statements and repeatedly used the "n-word" in responding to Jade, a black woman caller, who complained that her white husband's friends and relatives use racial slurs and make racially demeaning comments in front o f her. Instead o f offering helpful ad­ vice, Dr. Laura scoffed, "some people are hypersensitive." She noted that "black guys" use the n-word "all the time," and repeated the word 11 times during the call for emphasis. But her most revealing comment was, "I don't get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it's a horrible thing, but when black people say it, it's affectionate. It's very confusing." As she a d m itte d , Dr. Schlessinger most emphatically doesn't get it and she is very confused about what consti­ tutes racism. It is beyond com­ prehension that she would con­ sider Jade "hypersensitive" for be­ ing offended by the n-word. Dr. Schlessinger's comments, which can be heard in their entirety at m e d ia m a tte rs.o rg /b lo g / 201008120045, created a national uproar. Millions o f people o f all races were offended by her insensitive and highly offensive on-air rant. Her resignation on Aug. 18 came just five days after the National Urban League urged the Talk Radio Network to drop the Dr. Laura Show from syndication; and it demon­ strates the impact people o f good conscience can have when they speak out against intolerance. Several days after the incident, vented her or her supporters from cial reconciliation and a celebration Dr. Schlessinger did issue a written speaking their minds. But nobody o f diversity, we find it necessary to apology which said in part, "I was is also preventing the public from make it clear once again that this attempting to make a philosophical reacting. It should be noted that kind o f divisiveness and casual use point, and I articulated the "n" word following her remarks, several ofher o f racial slurs have no place among all the way out - more than one time. a ffilia te s and m ajo r sp o n so rs the public discourse. And that was wrong. I'll say it again dropped her show. That was their Marc H. Morial is president and - that was wrong." Constitutional right. chief executive officer o f the Na­ That is an understatement. We As the nation works toward ra­ tional Urban League. cannot help but wonder, as did Nita Hanson (Jade's real name), how Dr. EMMANUEL Schlessinger, who grew up during C hurch of God in the height o f the civil rights move­ ment, and who once was a practic­ C hrist United ing marriage and family counselor, 4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­ could not understand how hurtful land OR 97211 the n-word is to most Americans. It is also disturbing that former 503-335-8772 vice presidential candidate, Sara Palin would publicly say to Dr. You are cordially invited S c h le ssin g e r, "D o n 't to worship with us in retreat.. .reload." That kind o f pan­ these services: dering to the basest element o f the American electorate is highly offen­ Sunday Service sive, inflammatory and counterpro­ Sunday School 10:00 A.M Worship Service 12:00 Noon ductive. Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. Dr. Schlessinger claims she re­ Weekday Service signed to "regain her Constitutional Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M. right to free speech." That is ludi­ Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M. crous on its face. Nobody has pre­ Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00