September i, 2oio ^lart lanb OObseruer PaSe 15 >lrts .... _ X isiiiiziismsi Cat in the Hat Series Debuts on OPB Zany adventures to spark interest in science S cience learning for p resch o o lers is the focus on the first-ev er Dr. S u ess-inspired an im ated series, the C at in the H at K now s a L ot about That! T he p ro d u ctio n prem iers on M onday, Sept. 6 at 7:30 a.m . on the stations o f O reg o n Public B roadcasting. V oiced by aw ard -w in n in g acto r M artin Short, Dr. S e u ss’s T he C at in the H at guides friends S ally and N ic k - w ith a little help from the Fish, hing 1 and T h in g 2 - on fun-filled ad v en tu res w here they m ake natu ral-scien ce disco v eries, from how bees m ake honey to w h y ow ls sleep d uring the day. B ased on the acclaim ed T he C at in the H a t’s L earn in g L ibrary b o o k series, the show w ill appeal to p re sc h o o le rs’ natural curiosity, and engage them in the p ro cess o f scientific ex p lo ratio n and discovery. T he first season o f 40 episodes w ill air M on d ay through F riday at 7:30 a.m . and repeat at 3 p.m . on O PB . “ In the sam e w ay the original T he C at in the H at b o o k has in tro duced g en eratio n s o f children to the jo y s o f reading, ‘T he C at in the H at K now s a L ot about T h a t!’ w ill e n co u rag e ch ild ren to ex p lore the w o n d ers o f science and n a tu re ,” says K ate K lim o, Dr. S e u ss’s R andom H ouse p u b lish er and E xecu tiv e D irecto r o f D ev elopm ent for R andom H ouse C h ild re n ’s E ntertainm ent. T he series supports young c h ild re n ’s science learning by in tro ­ d u cin g scientific inquiry skills, teach in g core science co n cep ts and Copyrtqht 0 ft**» Enftrpns«*. L P ?009 vo cabulary, and p rep arin g p resch o o lers for kin d erg arten and first g rad e science cu rricu lu m — all in w him sical style. Actor Martin Short is the voice o f the Cat in the Hat in the first-ever Dr. Seuss-inspired animated TV and web series. SCAPOOSE CAFE 33466 Havlik Dr., Scappoose, OR Phone (503) 987-1546 Fox (503) 987-1043 Call ahead for orders made to-go Specialty Coffee & Smoothies Beer, Wine & Spirits Breakfast & Lunch served until 3 PM. Bakery Free Wi-Fi Theater Masterpiece William Hurt and Robyn Nevin lead an Australian and American cast in ‘Long Day’s Journey into Night, ’ Eugene O’N eill’s autobiographical masterpiece now playing through Sunday, Sept. 5 at the Newmark Theatre. The Artists Repertory Theatre and Sydney Theatre Company production is consid­ ered a momentous, world-class play that shouldn’t be missed. Hours Mon-Fri 7am-3pm Sat-Sun 8am-3pm Join Us For Happy Hour 3pm-6pm Mon-Fri Appetizers & Drink Specials