Page 14 ^ J J n rtla n b (Dhseruer September I. 2010 .Ar t s ' V ENTERTAINMENT FNTFD1 Original Muppets Find a Home Collection donated to the Smithsonian The original Kerm it the Frog, his body created w ith an old dull-green coat and his eyes m ade o f pingpong balls, has returned hom e to the nation's capital, w here the puppet got his start. The first Kermit creation from J im H enson's M uppet's collection ap ­ peared in 1955 on the early TV show "Sam and Friends," produced at W ashington's W R C -TV . H enson's w idow Jane H enson donated 10 characters from the show A ug. 25 to the Sm ithsonian's N ational M useum o f A m erican History. She said the original characters provided five m inutes o f fun each night after the local new s. "1 think people realized that if you put K erm it's face up there, it was ju st as pow erful," Jane H enson, 76, said. "W e w ere m ostly ju st d o ­ ing it to entertain ourselves." The H ensons attended the U ni­ versity o f M aryland and got into the TV business w ith W illard Scott and other pioneers while incollege. Their connection to the area m akes the S m ithsonian a perfect hom e for H enson’s original puppets, friends said. "It's not ju s t the puppets com ing hom e, but in a w ay it's Jane and Jim com ing hom e," said A rthur N ovell, executive director o f the nonprofit Jim H enson L egacy in N ew Y ork City. "They started their careers, their lives in W ashington." Harry the Hipster (left) and the original Kermit, along with other early puppets o f Jim Henson, are donated to the Smithsonian Institution, during an Aug. 2 5 ceremony at the National Museum o f American History, in Washington, D.C. (AP photo) B U S IN E S S J boyds Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape Double J Tires New & Used Tires Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire- PH (503) 970-5743 Licensed and Bonded limited to stock on hand 3 0 LCB 6165 2 locations to Serve You James Boyd 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437 3535 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97218 years in business F e c t o T he S m ithsonian already has a familiar Kermit the Frog puppet made fam ous on "S esam e Street" and "The M uppet Show ." B ut the o rigi­ nal K erm it w as m ore lizard-like, and a d u ller green. His body w as m ade from an old coat throw n out by H enson's m other. Som e o f the o th er early M uppets donated to the m useum include the puppets that inspired C ookie M on­ ster and O scar the G rouch, as wel 1 as Sam from "Sam and Friends." The group also includes H enson's old­ est su rv iv in g p u p p et, P ierre the French Rat. T he puppets m ostly m im ed on the show and w ould lip- sync to p o p u lar m usic. C u rato r D w ight B locker Bow ers said the M uppets w ill be a boon for the m useu m 's collection. "It certain ly show s the M uppets at the begin n in g o f the career o f a large fam ily o f entertainers," he said. "M ore than anything, I think it shows the genius o f Jim H enson." TOtfwSsSRsiwSiftTOÄ Z State - Farm1 ----------------- Providing Insurance ami Financial Services Home Office. Bioomington. Illinois 61710 Chris Guinn I I I 503.703.4462 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland, OR S7217 503 2861103 Fax 503 286 1146 emie hill hSmb^slatefarm com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® . " -x ■> % • ■ Tracey Hicks 4510 SE 52nd & Holgate 503-771-1834 • • , KMHD Jazz Commute A rea residents are invited to cel­ ebrate ja z z w ith P o rtlan d ’s prem ier ja z z station, K M H D . T he public station w ill host a live p erform ance at P ioneer C ourthouse Square, dow ntow n, w ith Jazz saxo­ phonist D evin Phillips and his band, and tunes spun by a deejay, on W ednesday, Sept. 8 from 6 a.m . to 9 a.m. B esides the jo lt o f ja z z , p artici­ pants w ill also be o ffered a cup o f coffee, a K M H D doughnut, and sta­ tion souvenirs. State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent Peter Clarke Broker o u r new location: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 LANE family reunion P O R T L A N D , O R EG O N 6110 N. Lom bard St. Portland. O regon 97203 Business 503.2S6.5S26 Fax 503.2S3.6300 Cell 503.333.5809 peter.clarke2(d century2 1 .com century 2 1 O U U o C I l D C ’ Fill Out & Send To: ^lortlanh QObseruer Attn\ Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 fiutli office is independent!} owned and operated W e m oved to 503-288-0033 P e n in s u l a R ea lty $5.00 Tees s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) F a m ily R e u n io n N ame : _________ T elephone : ___________________________ A ddress : ____________________________ S c re e n P r in tin g 503-762-6042 or email J 1