I^age 8 a rt la nò CBbseruer August II, 2010 Cheating Husband on Facebook Wife learns facts with search (AP) — Dread of the unknown hung in the air as Lynn France typed two words into the search box on Facebook: the name of the woman with whom she believed her husband was having an affair. Click. And there it was, the stuff of nightm ares for any spouse, cuckolded or not. W edding photos. At Walt Disney W orld, no less, featuring her husband literally dressed as Prince Charming. His new' wile, a pretty blonde, was a glowing Sleeping Beauty, surrounded by footmen. I was numb with shock, to tell you the truth," says France, an occupational thera­ pist from W estlake, a Cleveland suburb. illicit encounters w hispered about and "There was like an album of 200 pictures often difficult to prove. But in the age of on there. T heir whole wedding." Facebook and T w itter and lightning-fast Affairs were once shadowy matters. com m unication, the notion of privacy is fast becom ing obsolete. From flirtatious text messages to incrim inating e-m ails, marital indiscretions are much easier to track — especially if potentially damaging photographic evidence is posted online. F ra n c e , 4 1 , w as not c o m p le te ly blindsided by her Facebook discovery, which happened in January 2009. That fall, she had grown suspicious when her hus­ band began taking frequent business trips, even leaving the day the couple's new ­ born son came home from the hospital. Once, she found his passport at home when he was supposed to be in China for b u sin ess. Parry Aftab, a law yer who runs the online protection site W iredSafety.org, says the lesson to be learned from the Frances' case is that no form of com m uni­ cation is sacred anymore. But Aftab doesn't recom m end snoop­ ing around online. That can backfire in court if used inappropriately — such as w hen sp o u ses log o n to each o th er's Facebook pages without perm ission. If your spouse isn't trustw orthy, she says, get a divorce and save yourself the trouble. Exec Leaves after ‘Antennagate’ Apple to Fix Security Flaw Mark Papermaster, the Apple executive in charge of iPhone engi­ neering, has left the company weeks after the "Antennagate" contro­ versy over complaints of poor re­ ception on the company's latest smartphone. Apple released the iPhone 4 in June and it was an instant hit with consum ers. But reports spread about bad reception when the de­ vice was held a certain Way, and analysts warned that the company's reputation for quality was under threat. The issue snowballed into a pub­ licity crisis and Apple was forced to call a press conference to tackle the matter. Apple CEO Steve Jobs maintaine'd there was nothing wrong with the iPhone 4, and that the reception problem was one shared by other smartphones. Apple hired Papermaster in No­ vember of 2008, luring him away from IBM, where he had worked for 25 years. Apple is planning to release a fix ware update will be available. for a security hole in the software The flaw drew attention after it that runs on its iPhone, iPad and was used for a program that lets iPod Touch devices. people "jailbreak" iPhones in order Hackers could gain access to data to run programs Apple hasn't ap­ stored on Apple Inc.'s gadgets by proved for sale in its iTunes store. putting a PDF file with hidden code The company declined to say onto a website and luring people to Thursday whether it knows of mali­ visit the site. cious hackers actively exploiting the Apple did not say when the soft­ flaw. Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Looking Beyond iTunes Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the corner ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. w Parkma Ait» 333 NE Russell #200 Russell St s » » I » » • » ( 3 » Digital download sales growth slowed fu rth er for W arner Music Group Corp, in its fiscal third quar­ ter, prom pting CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr. to say that the company was looking "beyond the iTunes model" to return to growth. Bronfman pointed to new "access m od­ e ls" b a se d on monthly music sub­ scription plans, and the entry o f Google Inc. and others into the business to re­ verse a decade o f declining CD sales. Revenue from digital sales of recorded music grew just 3.7 per­ cent to $ 169 million. That's a slower pace than the 4.5 percent growth posted a year ago and 39 percent growth two years earlier. Sales of downloads from Apple Inc.'s iTunes store are slowing as the market matures. Late adopters of new gadgets such as the iPod and iPhone generally consum e less content than early buyers. / » • I f • I I