Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 11, 2010, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
<rin' •jjnrtlanb (Observer
August II, 2010
c,!‘ |Jnrtlaith (©bserver
Sustainability ,
Plans Drawn for Sustainability Center
Facility would target green economy
T he Portland C ity C ouncil has
directed the Portland Bureau o f Plan­
ning and S u stain ab ility and the
Portland Developm ent C om m ission
to initiate schem atic design for the
O regon Sustainability C enter, a p ro ­
posed facility to grow the green
econom y and m ake O regon a w orld-
class leader in sustainability.
"The O regon Sustainability C en ­
ter is a pioneering project. W e're
doing som ething here that's never
been done before at this scale,” said
Portland M ayor Sam Adam s. “ W e're
seizing an opportunity to show the
w orld that Portland's engineers, a r­
ch itects, d e v elo p ers, c o n tra cto rs
and building professionals are at
the forefront o f green-building in­
n o v atio n .”
T he O regon C ongressional d el­
egation also announced W ednes­
d ay th a t th e y h a v e s e c u re d a
$300,000 appropriation to help d e ­
sign the center.
As one o f the highest perform ing
com m ercial buildings in the w orld,
the proposed cen ter w ould achieve
triple net-zero perform ance in e n ­
ergy and w ater use and carbon em is­
sions. It is designed to m eet the
w o rld ’s m ost stringent green b u ild ­
ing criteria: the C ascadia R egion
G reen B uilding C o u n cil’s Living
B uildingC hallenge.
The design team , led by Sera
A rchitects, G erding Edlen D evel­
opm ent and G B D A rchitects, e x ­
pects to com m ence schem atic d e ­
sign in m id-Septem ber.
T estim ony by rep resen tativ es o f
SolarW orld, Intel and G eneral E lec­
tric em phasized the private sec to r’s
enthusiasm for the p ro ject’s jo b cre­
ation potential as well as its cap ac­
ity to create an im m ediate m arket for
O regon products and services and
incubate the co m m ercialization o f
new products.
Officials say the design and con­
struction o f the center will create more
than 1,300jobs in the near term , with
workers gaining unique experience in
innovative prototype building that
will accommodate a growing dem and
for green construction.
L ocated on the edge o f the P ort­
land State U niversity cam pus in
d o w n to w n P o rtla n d , th e c e n te r
w o u ld bring to g eth er acad em ic,
g overnm ent, nonprofit and b u si­
ness sectors to advance the re g io n ’s
innovation in sustainability.
An a rtis t’s rendering
shows the proposed
Oregon Sustainability Center
at Portland State University, a
facility that would grow the
green economy and make
Oregon a world-class leader in
Oregon Department of Transportation
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goals
for Federal Fiscal Years 2011-2013
This will serve as notice of the Oregon Department of Transportation’s proposed
overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal of 11.50% for Federal Highway
As a result of the statewide Disparity Study, ODOT has received a waiver from
FHWA to allow contract goals for specific groups identified as having a significant
contracting disparity. The annual goal has been calculated as 11.5%, of which 1%
would be a race-conscious goal for Black American owned DBF firms and Asian
American owned DBF. firms. The remainder of the annual goal, 10.5%, would con­
tinue to be race- and gender-neutral. The 2011 Goal is 1.0% for Federal Transit
Administration contracts and grants, and will be entirely race- and gender-neutral.
This calculation is made in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26 to comply with U.S.
DOT requirements.
ODOT invites all interested parties to a public meeting to discuss the proposed
FFY 2011-2013 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal. We’ll review the pro­
posed Goal and hear comments from the public.
When: August 23, 2010,1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: ODOT Headquarters, 3 55 Capitol St. NE, Room 122, Salem
Written comments may be submitted, by mail or fax, to:
ODOT, Office of Civil Rights
Attn: C Jill Miller
355 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
Fax: (503) 986-6382
ODOT will consider all comments and quantitative and anecdotal data in de­
termining its final DBE goals, and will post its analysis and final goals at
For more information, contact the ODOT Office of Civil Rights at
Appliance Rebate Offer
Expands for Homeowners
O r e g o n ’s A p p lia n c e R e b a te
p ro g ra m h a s p ro v id e d e lig ib le
lo w -in c o m e h o m e o w n e rs w ith a
70 p e rc e n t re im b u rse m e n t, up to
$ 2 ,0 0 0 , fo r E N E R G Y S T A R h eat
p u m p s and fu rn ac es.
N ow the p ro g ra m has b een e x ­
p a n d e d to in c lu d e e lig ib le low -
in c o m e h o m e o w n e rs w h o p u r­
ch ase E N E R G Y ST A R w ater h eat­
ers, refrig era to rs, d ish w ash e rs and
c lo th e s w ash ers.
A v a ila b le re b a te v o u c h e rs are
d is trib u te d on a “ first-c o m e , first-
s e rv e d ” b a sis. In te re ste d O re g o n
h o m e o w n e rs can call 1 -8 0 0 -4 5 3 -
5511 to le arn a b o u t th e p ro g ra m
a n d a p p ly fo r a re b a te v o u c h er.
A fte r p u rc h a se an d in s ta lla tio n
o f e lig ib le E N E R G Y S T A R a p p li­
an ces, q u a lifie d h o m e o w n ers m ay
re d e e m v o u c h ers fo r 7 0 p e rc e n t o f
th e p u rc h a se p ric e , up to a s p e c i­
fied m axim um . O ld appliances m ust
be le g a lly re c y c le d , n o t re -s o ld o r
re -u se d , in o rd e r to re c e iv e re b a te
fu n d s .
T h e p ro g ra m is fu n d e d by $ 3 .6
m illio n o f fe d e ral R e c o v e ry A ct
(s tim u lu s) fu n d s.
¡S u b s c rib e ï 3;288^0”
■ .
I JUSÎ $60 p e r yea r
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