îl!‘ ^Jnrtlanh (Ohseruer R ecipes by Sum m errecipes.net SAFEWAY groceries W or O ff ice Ingredients for life Apple Carrot Quencher r Ä o t FREE r V delivery ‘ ordert Ingredients: „ „ Safeway .com to. • 2 cups carrot juice • 1/2 cups apple ju ice • 6 ounces non-fat vanilla or plain yogurt, frozen • 1 banana SUMMER Directions: Rancher's R e serve* Boneless Beef Chuck S teak • Put all in g re d ie n ts into blender. Blend until sm oothie consistency is reached TV YOU D O N ’T F IN O O U H FRODUCF c o m p le te lf FR ESH, R.TPE and d e l ic io u s , VVE’UL R E FU N D yOURtVuONEY - AND yOOR FRODOCE FREE. A ssorted Pork Loin Chops S Bone-In. Or Center Cot Chops, $2 49 lb. Extreme Value Pack Or Cross RD Steak Extieme Value Pack Oi Boast EATING, EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Price «3» Butter Barbecued Salmon MEAT SALE! Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • ninsw 6-8 lb w hole salm on, cleaned Salt and pepper, to taste 2 cups chopped m ushroom s 1 cup chopped green onions 2 tbs m inced parsley 1/2 cup grated Parm esan cheese G rated peel and ju ice o f 1 lem on 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or m argarine, m elted 4-5 lem on slices aloe PACK Eating R ig h t* Boneless Skinless Chicken B reasts or Thighs 9 3 % or 9 0 % Sirloin Lean Ground B eef Or Ttim Sliced or Tenders Extreme Value Pack J u f J oo O z .t a lo u p e s O r VkovMrAArw T.’wrto»', 1 t a - < 4 .0 0 S/W F U» t o < 2 - 0 0 «*• Butter Sauce Ingredients: • • • • 1 /2 cup butter or m argarine 1 cup sour cream 1/4 tsp seasoned o r onion salt 1 tsp chopped chives Fresh Cooked Northern Shrimpmeat Fresh King Salmon Fillets Farm raised. Color added All size packages Weather permitting SAVE up to §3.00 lb Club Price SAVE up lo $300 lb Chili-Cheese Sauce Ingredients: • 1 /2 cup butter or m argarine • 1/2 cup chili sauce • 1/3 cup crum bled blue cheese T artar Sauce Ingredients: • 1/2 cup butter or m argarine • 1 envelope tartar sauce mix • 1 cup sour cream i • 2 tbs sw eet pickle relish xre^e Navel Orae, SAVE up te. CL"**. Club Price Of Safeway English Muffins is 6-ct. Selected varieties. SAVE up to 30 e . . Signature Cafe® Whole Roasted Chicken ea ... Club Price « « 32-oz S A V E uptoS 1.50ea. ? Directions: 1. R em o v e h ead fro m salm on, if desired. 2. Place salm on on double thickness o f w ide foil, m ak- ing sure foil is three to four inches longer than fish at each end. m edium cheddar * ** Tied ■Romoirirt» Tomoctoes «0-03- Conto»’««'*. SAVE up