Page 2 îl!C JJnrtlanì» (Observer Teaching Jobs Saved T he U.S. H ouse on Tuesday pushed through an em ergency $26 billion jo b s bill that e sti­ m ated to save 3(X),(XX) teachers, police and others from layoffs, including teachers in Portland and other O regon tow ns. President Barack O bam a im m ediately signed it into law. Ex-Senator Dies in Crash A plane carrying form er A la s k a Sen. T ed Stevens and ex-N A SA ■> will open later this year. Week The Review Fantasia in Hospital G reenland. Potentially in the path o f this unstoppable giant are oil platform s and ship­ ping lanes — and any collision could do untold dam age Storms Delay Well Plug chief Scan O'Keefe « k crashed into a remote ' A , 7 m o u n ta in s id e in the state, killing the long- tim e senator and at least . J -I H four others, authorities said Tuesday. O ’Keefe and his teenage son survived the crash with broken bones and other injuries. Island of Ice Poses Threat An island o f ice m ore than four tim es the size o f M anhattan is drifting across the A rctic O cean after breaking o ff from a glacier in August II, 2010 A pproaching storm s forced crew s to sus­ pend drilling the final stretch o f a relief well aim ed at shooting a perm anent underground plug into BP's busted oil well in the G u lf o f M exico, the governm ent's point m an for the disaster said Tuesday. Second ‘Loo’ Installed Portland's new est solar-pow ered restroom will open on W ednesday. City C om m issioner R andy L eonard will m ake the inaugural flush o f the city's second public loo at Southw est T ay lo r and N aito Parkw ay. T he first loo was installed in 2008 in O ld T ow n and tw o m ore " A m e r ic a n Id o l" w in n e r F a n ta s ia B arrino w as h o sp i­ ta liz e d M onday night for a m ed ica­ tio n o v e r d o s e , a source tells a C h a r­ lotte, N.C. television station. The source says doctors at the C aro lin a s M ed ical C e n te r-P in e v ille noted that B arrino's condition w as not life- threatening. T he source did not know w hat type o f m edication w as involved. Gas Prices Top $3 T he average price for a gallon o f gas in O regon has topped $3 to reach the highest level in nearly tw o years. T he statew ide average for regular gas gain ed four cents this w eek to m ove to $3.04, acco rd in g to A A A . Justice Kagan Takes Oath Becomes 4th woman on high court (A P) - E lena K agan has becom e only the fourth w om an to w in co nfirm ation as S uprem e C ourt ju stic e, giv in g D em ocrats a w elcom e election y ear boost. B ut the court's con serv ativ e m ak e-u p is unlikely to change. Senators voted 63-37 T h ursday to c o n ­ firm K agan as one o f the nine ju stic es w ho act as final arbiters o f the C o n stitution, set p recedent for low er courts, and decide the nation's toughest m oral and legal d ile m ­ mas. continued A T h e O ’Jays Friday, August 27 «Tickets start at $15 ■- -«K b » For Tickets Visit SPIRITM0UNTAIN.COM or call 1.866.840.0091 SPIPJT M OUNTAIN CASI N O « I • • » » • » I » / / • The Northwest's Premier Entertainment Destination John Legend HWY 18 • GRAND RONDE, OR • SPIRITMOUNTAIN.COM Sunday, Sept. 12 • Tickets start at $ 15 ‘ * » I ♦ I » » » ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ » • • ♦ • ♦ • » » • i I » » • » on page 22