Page 16 il!‘^Jiirtlauh (Obstruer August II, 2010 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to New Prices Effective May 1,2010 Martin z '-g i Cleaning WiKi LEAKS! 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W e live in grim tim es, w hich is w hy y o u h a v e to ta k e your laughs w here you can get them . F or e x am p le, in W ash in g to n , w here R epublican congresspeople keep talking about their concern for their grandchildren as an excuse for voting a g a in s t...w e ll, p ractically e v e ry th in g : e c o n o m ic stim u lu s packages, financial reform , im m igra­ tion reform , etc. T hey say they don't w ant to hang a huge debt around the necks o f th eir p o o r g ran d ch ild ren , thereby robbing the tikes o f a future. W hat a laugh. In truth, y o u r average R ep u b li­ can co ngressperson w ould feed his g ran d ch ild ren to allig ato rs if he thought it w ould get him enough cam paign loot to put him over the top in the next election. Thus w e w ere presented w ith the delicious irony o f C ongress giving up on clim ate le g isla tio n -la rg e ly bv because o f R epublicans w ho say they don't believe in global w arm ­ in g -ju s t as the m ercury in W ash­ ington topped 103 degrees. O h, and by the w ay, it also hit 105 degrees in M oscow the oth er day. T hat m ay not be p ro o f o f global w arm ing, but it's a hint. A good num ber o f the R epub­ licans said they w ere thinking o f th eir g ran d ch ild ren w hen they voted. A pparently the kids like hot w eather. Then there's the cosm ic coinci­ dence o f the B P me lodrama in the G ulf reaching a pause, ju st as another huge oil spill plum ed in C hina and experts m onitored the million gallons o f gasoline that poured into a creek and the K alam azoo R iver from a rup­ tured pipeline as it traveled toward Lake M ichigan. Gee, I thought they only happened every hundred years or so. Drill, baby, drill. M o d em R epublican politicians have no interest in the future b e ­ yond the next election. W ith an o ccasio n al e x cep tio n , th ey have been unanim ous in opposing every O bam a initiative in an effort to d is­ credit him w ith the public. A nd to the great sham e o f the A m erican p eo p le, th e ir strateg y seem s to be w orking. R ecent polls show the public to be largely d issat­ isfied with the way President O bam a is running things. A nd that's ju st not the lunatic fringe talking; real people feel that w ay too. A m azing. It's as though the crow d at a fire scene blam ed the firefighters for destruction o f the building. W ell, as H.L. M encken once said, dem ocracy m eans giving the people w hat they w an t—good and bad. A nd it begins to look as though that's exactly w hat w e're going to get. If I sound a little more dispirited than usual, it's because I am. I've generally supported this president. I've thought that he's a good man fighting the good fight against diffi­ cult odds and m aking a decent jo b o f it. T he S hirley Sherrod affair, how ­ ever, gives m e pause. By now you know the story: a tw o-bit right-w ing blogger uncov­ ers a clip o f a black em ployee o f the Ag D epartm ent confessing that she had not done h er best for a client because he w as w hite. R acism ! A nd on the part o f a black person! In the O bam a ad m in ­ istration! T he clip flashed around the Internet and soon m ade ap p ear­ The W hite H ouse acted w ith a l­ m ost equal speed. In a flash and a half, the w om an w as called to task and fired. N o racism here, the adm in­ istration seem ed to be saying. Except nothing w as as it seem ed. T he w om an, far from being a racist, w as a heroine o f the civil rights m ovem ent and h er speech, taken in the context intended, w as an object lesson in the evils o f discrim ination no m atter w hat the race involved. The O bam a adm inistration, a ct­ ing slow er now , apologized and o f­ fered h er another jo b , as the "V ast R ight W ing C onspiracy" laughed out loud and con g ratu lated itself on a jo b w ell done. It had been able, w ith little effort, to m ake O bam a and his m erry band o f H arvard g rad u ­ ates look like a bunch o f boobs. The im plications are om inous. The right and its m edia co h ort have this adm inistration on the run. So-called liberals have taken to look­ ing under their beds at night and sleeping w ith the lights on. O bam a's people took the w ord o f a right-w ing pipsqueak o f evil rep u­ tation rath er than get the real story from one o f their ow n. That truly bodes ill for the future. ances on Fox N ew s, thence to re­ spectable venues. OtherWords columnist Donald Kaul lives in Ann Arbor, Mich.