August II, 2010 'ri,v j.lnrtlanb (Obstruer Page 13 Hawthorne Street Fair Sunday The H aw thorne Street Fair w ill feature over 80 m erchants, food and craft vendors, free m ovies, kid friendly festivities, live m usic, and local a rt­ ists. T he 17th annual event is held along S o u th ­ east H aw thorne B oulevard, betw een 12th and 50th avenues, on Sunday, A ug. 15from 10a.m . to 5 p.m. T his y e ar the H aw thorne B oulevard B usiness A ssociation is team ing up w ith Fish E m ergency S ervices to facilitate a food donation drive in conju nction w ith the street fair. Sunday Parkw ays, P o rtlan d ’s p rem ier bicycle event w ill also cross H aw thorne again this year, draw ing thousands o f people to the festivities. Secure bicycle parking w ill be set up in the p ark ­ ing lot o f C hase B ank, 3902 S.E. H aw thorne. ENTERTAINMENT R I A I Th» S ion of M el B row n L ive — P ort­ land ja z z giant M el B row n perform s at S a lty ’s on the C o ­ lum bia every Friday and S aturday night. K now n as the “G entlem an o f Jazz,” Brow n has a career spanning over 40 years. GLIDE Z oo S eries Soul - International hitm aker LeR oy Bell will bring a little bit o f soul to the O regon Z oo, W ednesday, A ug. 11 as part o f the z o o 's S um m er C o n ­ cert Series. Bell broke into the m usic scene in the late 1970s, te am in g w ith p a rtn e r C asey Jam es to create hits for groups like the Spinners, T em ptations and O ’Jays. df1 2173 NE Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232 Cellular | 303.HtM.H7Kl Direct I 503.802.H837 Fax I 503.K02.H937 EarlinePen»on4£HAiiiion.coni www.EarlinePenbonxotn I 0 ‘ga,. H S tin e \ P e n to n , Principal Broker M ulti M illio n Dollar Producer I’ifirnifiut A ug. 14 at Theatre! T h e ­ ater! on Southeast B elm ont. M o m ’s D ream and Fate — based on the real-life account o f burlesque star G ypsy R ose Lee, the m usical G ypsy tells the story o f a m o th e fs m ifla p p a b le desire to see her daughters b e­ com e stars. Plays at the L akew ood T h e ­ ater C o. in Lake O sw eg o through S u n ­ day, A ug. 22. * C o m m u n ity Fun - T he next fam ily- friendly and m ulti-cultural PR O PE R Fes­ tival is held S aturday, Sept. 11, from 12 p.m . to 4 p.m . at K enton Park in north Portland. A ctivities include a bike and car show , healthy living exhibits, live art and entertainm ent, netw orking booths, a p u p ­ pet show and free food. M exican E questrian C ulture - T his sum m er, the O regon H is­ tory M useum presents its new ­ est exhibit A rte en la C harreria: T he A rtisanship o f the M exican E questrian C ulture. O ver 300 stunning objects, m any dating from the late 1800s, offer a unique view o f the culture surrounding the charro or M exican cow boy. L ive Jazz - Every Friday and S aturday from 8 p.m . to N orm an S ylvester B and — B o o g ieC at N orm an S y lv e ste ra n d h is band perform T hursday and Friday. A ug. 12 and 13 al 11 p m " the ™ rd D egrees Lollnge al lhe R iver Place H o te' ' 1510 s -w - H arbor W N ° c o ™ r o r m inim um p u rch ase' p o r m ore inform ation, visit p d x m . P reh isto ric P red ators - E norm ous d i­ nosaurs w ith lifelike ferocity are rep re­ s e n te d in an e x h ib it th a t c o n tin u e s through L abor Day at the O regon Zoo. V isitors w ill follow a trail through an a n c ie n t rain fo re st, su rro u n d e d by th e re a listic anim atronic creatures that roar, snarl and m ove. C lyde s; Saturday, A ug. 21 at the W est M usic M illenniu m F ree S h ow s - T he M usic M illen- L in n S a lo o n , F rid a y , A u g . 27 at nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live perfor- P ersim m on s; and Saturday, A ug. 28 at m ances. Enjoy free m usic and the opp o rtu n ity to m eet G em ini Pub in Lake O sw ego. artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule. R oad to E quality E xhibit - C lark C ounty H istoric M u- seum presents the exhibit, R oad to Equality: the Struggle for W o m en ’s R ights in the N orthw est. T he m useum is located at 1511 M ain St. in V ancouver. For m ore infor­ m ation, call 360-993-5679. K in g F arm ers M ark et — T he K ing F arm ers M arket is back each Sunday from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . through O ct. 31 at N ortheast S eventh A venue and W ygant Street, adjacent to K ing School Park. F ood stam p users can receive up to $10 in m atching tokens. St. Joh n s F arm ers M ark et - T he St. Johns Farm ers M arket takes place each S aturday from 9 a.m . to 1 p.m . at St. Johns P laza through Sept. 25. A bout 24 vendors sell fruits, vegetables, m eat, dairy, honey and m ore. R ock Story B a lle t—Innovative direc­ to r a n d c h o r e o g r a p h e r J e s s i c a W allenfels re-im agines one o f ro c k ’s m ost critically acclaim ed album s through the lens o f her aggressively graceful rock m eets ballet aesthetic in F ind M e B eside Y ou, now playing through Saturday, S am son the T . R ex -- A m agnificent -foot-long T y ran ­ nosaurus rex skeleton, one o f the m ost fearsom e c a r­ nivores e v er to w alk the face o f the earth is on display at O M SI. T he 6 6 -m illio n -y ear-o ld fossil know n as Sam son is one o f the m ost com plete T yrannosaurus rex specim ens in existence. D iscou n t A d m ission — O M S I visitors pay only $2 per person fo r general adm ission on the first Sunday o f each m onth as w ell as discounted adm ission o f $5 to th e P la n e ta r iu m , O M IM A X T h eater and U SS B lueback subm arine. Fiddler on the R oof - - C lackam as R ep er­ to ry T h e a tre p re ­ sents “F iddler on the R oof,” at C lackam as C om m unity C ollege th r o u g h S u n d a y , A ug. 2 ,1 9 6 0 0 M olalla A ve., O regon C ity; T ickets are $ 14-$24; call 503-594-6047 o r v isitclack am asrep .o rg. Spectacular Family Affordable Prices Starting at Just $16! SEPT. 2 -5 Thu. SEPT 2 * 7 JO PM OPENING NIGHT TICKETS 10!* *!*> hxki Cwcet CafafcrKif* Fri. SEPT 3 Sat SEPT i 7:30 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM Sun. SEPT. 5 1:00 PM few eM VIP waa No JcwM a _•*» > Buy tickets at, all participating Safeway/TicketsWest outlets, The Rose Quarter Box Office (Mon. - Fri., 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM) or call 1-877-789-ROSE (7673) Groups of 10 or more call 1503) 963-4400 Ticket Prices: $16 - $22 - S38 VIP - $62 Front Row - $82 Circus Celebrity Limited number of VIP, Front Row and Circus Celebrity scuts available Cull or go online for derail». (Service charges, facility and handling fees may apply.) Í ’»•<£5 f] .«.tv.» i