•.Si August II. 2010 ^ “'Portiani» (Dhseruer Page, Il Jr****.- INIIilAINUrNI Beaverton Park Movies Lineup A free screening o f the movie E. T. will be shown Friday at dusk at City Park in Beaverton. E.T., B ack to the Future and T he B lind Side are next three free m ovies com ing to the Flicks by the M ountain o utdoor fam ily-friendly m ovie series at C ity Park in B eaverton at the co rn er o f Fifth S treet and Hall B oule­ vard. The screenings will be shown in order over the next three Friday nights at dusk. Early arrivals can enjoy pre­ m ovie entertainm ent such as local m usicians and per­ form ers at 8 p.m. follow ed by the feature presentation. “ Flicks by the Fountain have becom e a fun tradition for the com m unity to com e and enjoy a relaxing evening at C ity Park w hile enjoying som e free, sum m er fare,” said M ayor D enny D oyle. A ttendees are w elcom e to bring blankets, food and low -backed chairs, w ith seat height no higher than 1 inches. You are asked to please leave glass containe s, barbecues, alcoholic beverages and pets at hon e. Sm oking is not perm itted. Parking for the event is free and available in the C ity Park parking lot on the corner o f T hird Street and Hall B oulevard, and in the B eaverton C ity Library parking lot on the co rn er o f T ucker A venue and Fifth Street. att.com ...K a s' - . i ' ............. — It’s all about connections. At AT&T we know access to the Internet is no longer a luxury. It's how we learn, find jobs, and connect with family and friends. It drives innovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger community. We believe in endless possibilities for all. That's why we are investing in America, bringing broadband access closer to you. Rethink Possible 2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. « « » 1 » I I