Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 11, 2010, Page 10, Image 10

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    iin■^lotUanb (Observer
August 11.2010
D ixion’s Rib Pit
between 19th & 20th on Alberta Street
12 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tueday thru Saturday
Sunday after 3 p.m.
D inners $9.50
Sandw iches $8.50
And Soul Food
Try us once you 'll come back again
I k l
1 an«* Cannon’s Rib Express Present
Sundays 5-8pm
at Cannon’s
Rib Express
5410 NE 33rd Ave
(Next to New Seasons)
Sunshine, BBQ and a FREE,
alFages, outdoor show by a New
Orleans’ sax legend, Grammy
nominated pianist JANICE
r ..
SCROGGINS, bass virtuoso
BEN JONES & powerhouse
What could be better?
... Well, you never know what amazing
surprise guest musician will sit in!
Mayiafc >** •*«»♦
June 6
Jun e 13
June 20
J u ly 4
J u ly 11
J u ly 1 8
J u ly 2 5
A ug 1
Aug 8
Aug 15
Aug 22
Aug 2 9
Sept 5
S e p t 12
S e p t 19
Sept 26
Young Jazz Artist Featured
Fresh from his m usic studies at
the prestigious Julliard School in
N ew Y ork C ity and nom ination as a
presidential scholar in the arts, P o rt­
land trom bonist Jav ier N ero has
scheduled tw o concerts this m onth.
N ero, 20, is an accom plished
m usician, co m p o ser and arranger.
W hile in high school, he w on solo­
ist aw ards at the M t H ood, C lark,
M onterey, N orth Texas, C lackam as,
and W illam ette H igh School Jazz
Festivals. He w as one o f only four
trom bonists nationw ide to perform
in the G ibson/Baldw in G ram m y Jazz
E n s e m b le , th e M o n te re y J a z z
Festival's N ext G eneration Jazz O r­
chestra, as well as the Jazz B and o f
He w as recently selected to take
part in the annual Betty C arter Jazz
A head program , w hich focuses on
c o m p o s itio n a n d p e rfo rm a n c e .
W h ile stu d y in g at the J u illia rd
School, N ero has also been fo rtu ­
nate to study and play w ith m any o f
the w o rld ’s m o st d is tin g u is h e d
m usicians in jazz.
T he upcom ing concerts include
a T uesday, A ug. 24 date at 6:30 p.m.
atJim m y M aks Jaz z C lu b , 221 N.W .
10th A ve. (C all 5 0 3 -295-6542 for
R S V P seatin g ); and a M onday,
A u g .3 0 concert at 8 p.m . at the M is­
sissippi Pizza Pub, 3552 N. M issis­
Portland trombonist Javier Nero plays two concerts this month.
sippi Ave.
Back to School
Family Fun
Let the Portland Housing Center and Champions
Barbershop help you start this school year off on the right
Check out our now private nightclub suite.
» » ♦ I » » I I • I
track with a Back to School,
Back to the Basics celebration
on Saturday, Aug. 14 from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. at Champions
Barbershop, 3827 N.E. Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
There will be free food and
lots of fun.
Highlights include back-to-
school tips; a Thrifty Chic fash­
ion show with ideas for keeping
your kids in style and saving
money; and registration for a
new Financial Fitness series,
Getting Your House in Order.
Participants will learn more about
a 3; 1 matched savings program