^Portiani» (Ohsvmcr_____ SAFEWAY O Recipes by Allrecipes.com Ingredients for life.® Strawberry Cream Roll Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • WELIEND R A N C H E R S S IZ Z L IN G STEAK SPECTACULAR 3 eggs 1 cup white sugar 1/3 cup hot water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar for dusting 1 cup fresh strawberries I cup heavy whipping cream I teaspoon unflavored gelatin 1 tablespoon white sugar ONLY R a n c h e r’s Reserve® B e ef R ib ey e S te a k Bone-In. Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to S5 00 Ib SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! R a n c h e r s R eserve® 3?® B o n eless B eet Top S irlo in S te a k Extreme Value Pack CMPrkvH SAVE up to S3 0 0 ib F o s te r F a rm s F re s h W h o le C h ic k e n R a n c h e r ’s R e s e rv e ® 2?® B o n e le s s B e e f P e tite S ir lo in S te a k Directions: 099 * HHI * * * SAVE up Io $1 00 lb ; Or Whole Boneless Fresh Club Price H I Club Price Safeway SELECT5 Extra Meaty Pork Back Ribs |l> Po,k '•«««'tom SoW in the Bag S3 9 9 lb. Club Price I F re s h A tla n tic S a lm o n F ille ts o r N e c ta rin e s (■arm raised Color added All stve packages SAVE up to S 3 0 0 lb Great with Lucerne1 IceC ream 1 SAVE up to S I .50 lb. Y e llo w P e a c h e s E a tin g R ig h t4 S a la d s S a fe w a y V a r ie ty B re a d s 24-05 Selected varieties SAVE up to 60C C lu b Price I Campfire Banana Splits 7 to 12-05 package Selected varieties. SAVE up to $ 2 9 9 on 2 H e rm is to n R ed S w e e t S e e d le s s W a te r m e lo n • 6 large bananas, unpeeled, stems removed • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips • 1 (10.5 ounce) package miniature marshmallows Club Price Club Price I 5 9 - o r Chilled Selected varieties Club Price $ 3 .0 0 ea SAVE up to $ 1 9 8 on 2 Nestle Drumstick of Dreyer's Fruit Bars i i ClubPrice H l Advertise with diversity //? i w R)rdandOfcserver C all 503-288-0033 ads@portland< >b servcr.com 4-c: Or jmstKA or 6*s 12-ct. ► nut Bars Setscsec *3Tet«s AoPxe s?50» Clos Du Bois or Willamette Valley Vineyards Directions: 4. Carefully open th b anana ju s t w id enough to place th chocolate chips am marshmallows insid the peel with the ba nana. Stuff with a much of the choco late chips and marsh mallows as desired. 5. Wrap the banana: with the aluminum foi and place on the gril or directly in the coals of a fire. Leave in long enough to mel the chips and the marshmallows, about 5 minutes. Unwraf bananas, open the peels wide, and eat with a spoon. Or Seeded Watermelon SAVE up to $ 4 .0 0 ea Minute Maid Pomegranate Blueberry or Simply Juice Ingredients: 1. Preheat the grill for high heat. 2. Spray 4 sheets of aluminum foil, large enough to wra bananas, with cooking spray. 3. Slice the peel of the banana from stem to bottom, whi] slicing the banana inside lengthwise. The bananas can be ci into slices instead ifyou like, (while still in the peel) foreask handling later. I orally grown SAVE up to 5 0c Ib Or Split Prys, 9 9e 9) Extreme Value Pack rawer«, «to SAVE up to S2 5 0 » 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 de- greesC). Butterajelly roll pan. Line it with buttered foil or but­ tered parchment pa­ per. 2. Beat the eggs until thick and lemon col­ ored. Gradually add 1 cup white sugar, beat­ ing constantly. Stir in water and vanilla extract. Fold in flour, baking powder, and salt. Pour batter into tin. 3. Bake lor 15 minutes. It should be springy to the touch, and beginning to shrink away from the sides of the pan. 4. Lay out a tea towel, and sprinkle it with confectioners' sugar. Turn the jelly roll out on the towel. Take off the paper or foil. Cut away crusty edges. Roll the cake up in the towel, and leave it to cool. 5. Whip the cream. Add unflavored gelatin and 1 tablespoon sugar. Fold in strawberries. Unroll the cake. Spread with the strawberry cream, and roll up again. Chill. Cover the top with more whipped cream when serving. August 4, 2010 750-ml Selected varietals. SAVE up to SB 00 Nabisco Oreo Cooktes Club Price S a fe w a y S E L E C T * orH o neyM aid L a u n d r y D e te r g e n t 9.6 lo 18-05 Selected vanetles Club Price: S2 50 ea SAVE up to $ 2 9 8 on 2 SELECT' ¡50-07 2X Liquid or Ì9 0 -0 5 2X Powder 9 6 Loads Selected varieties * aosou — , Six Pack Carrier Price 8 " 81® Club Price I Look for th e s e participating tags in the frozen aisle. BUY5 S E SAVE 2 MIX & MATCH 1OO s of items to choose from 62« Î4 to isti iixTnì T h o u san d s» of EVSHYDAV L O W P R IC E S AUGUST * Si*ww'a Ciw VrgeBtte 12 » I*«, on* «ne »» ììDt hnM> tmta A tw « y s g r e a t C lu b C a rd w S p e c ia ls That's o u r prom ise... th a t's In g redien ts fo r life. Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, August 4 thru Tuesday, August 10, 2010. ---. ..w.. WED THUR »... w ni ERI sat sun tv IUC3 • ALL — ----------------ER V HOUSE!---------------------- ,, HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies bv store M iv o rv n tues LIMITS ARE PER satwns Page 20