August 4, 2010 H J |.Iorttanò (Dhseruer ealth matters ; Take Your Healt Delivering After Your Due Date by D r . R ichard N. W aldman The due date is one of the most important dates on an expectant mother’s calendar. It gives women an idea of when their babies will come and a timeline to prepare for the arri val. B ut as many mothers can tell you, the due date is an estimate, not a definite, and can be hard to predict. Doctors calculate your due date by determ ining the first day of your last m enstrual period and adding 280 days (40 w eeks)— the length of an average pregnancy— to that date. The due date is usu­ ally set early on in pregnancy and an ultrasound exam may be used to help confirm the gestational age of the fetus. However, only five percent o f babies are born on their due date, with many women giving birth as m uch as three weeks before or two weeks later. If a woman has not delivered at or after the 42nd week, the pregnancy is considered post-term. Roughly 10 percent of pregnancies are post­ term, which can up the chance of health problems for the woman and her fetus. The placenta may not function as wel 1 as it did earlier in the pregnancy, the umbilical cord may become pinched, and the amount of amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac may begin to decrease. The risk of cesarean delivery also doubles in women who are beyond their due date. Despite these risks, most ba­ bies bom late are healthy. So what can you expect after y o u r due d a te p a s s e s ? A fte r 4 1 -4 2 weeks o f pregnancy, your doctor may perform tests to m oni­ tor the fetus’s health— such as fetal heart rate testing, ultrasound evaluation of am niotic fluid vol­ ume, or a biophysical profile— several tim es each week. You may also be instructed to count and record the num ber of kicks your baby m akes in a given am ount of time or at certain tim es during the day. Your doctor may use m edica­ tions that contain prostaglandins or devices or substances designed to quicken cervical ripening— a softening, thinning, and opening o f the cervix— that gets the body ready for labor. If you d o n ’t start labor on your own by 41 -4 2 weeks, several com ­ mon techniques may be used to induce it. Your doctor can sweep a gloved finger over the thin m em ­ brane that connects the am niotic sac to the uterus (“stripping the m em brane” ), or may break your w ater by m aking a hole in your am niotic sac. You may be given m isoprostol or oxytocin to stim u­ late or intensify contractions. In some instances, cesarean deliv­ ery may be necessary if a w om an’s labor still does not progress. For more information, the patient education pamphlet “What to Ex­ pect After Your Due Date” is avail­ able at Dr. Richard N. Waldman is presi­ dent o f the American Congress o f Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 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Pastor & Wife - Bishop & Mrs. A .L Wright Worship Service 12:00 Noon Evangelistic Service 7:00 PM . Weekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 PM . Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: j Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. Mon |Thurs | Fri | 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, | Portland, 97204 : My shoulders hurt so bad bursitis at one office, tenosynovitis the cause was there long before at times, I can hardly sleep. at another and so on until they the pain itself. By treating the What can Chiropractic do for me return home confused, frustrated cause, we not only relieve the pain, that no one else has been able to? and still in agony. As Chiroprac­ d o n ’t su ffer through an o th er : Shoulder pain ism without tors, we are concerned about nerve sleepless night. Call for an ap­ question, one o f the most flow to the various parts o f the pointment to find out how Chiro­ debilitating types of pain we en­ body. O f course, we look to see if a practic can eliminate the cause of counter. Because the shoulder is bursal sac has been traumatized or the problem once and for all. Or so intricately related to the spine, if a tendon has been injured. But feel free to call us if you have any virtually any movement can be more importantly, we look to see questions whatsoever about your excruciating. It is not at all uncom­ what caused the injury. You see, health. mon to see cases like yours where patients’ hurt so bad, they cannot even get a decent night’s sleep. 2124 N .E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 To Complicate matters, many pa­ tients go from doctor to doctor P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 > 5 5 0 4 seeking relief, being told they have Q A Flowers' Chiropractic Office