August 4, 2010 *** P ortland (Observer Page IMIIIAISHIM To schedule us for your next event CLYDE’S PRIME RIB v tew us at 5474 N.E. SANDY BLVD.. www PORTLAND OR 503-281 9200 To reserve us fo r your next event, 8:45pm - 12:15 am contact Sat. Aug. 14th Fri. Sept. 10,h Sat. Oct. 9th Megale Roberts E-mail 503-251-4856 A V A IL A B L E F O R S P E C IA L E V E N T S A N D B O O K IN G S Clubs, Private Parties, Holidays. Fairs & Festivals A young girl has fun at Portland's annual Obon festival. Obon Fest Saturday The O regon B uddhist T em ple presents O bonfest, a free com m unity festival on Satur­ day, Aug. 7 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Portland tem ple, located at 3720 S.E. 34th Ave. T he festival features B on O dori (public dance), taiko perform ances by Portland Taiko and its youth group T anuki T aiko, m artial arts dem onstrations, and tem ple talks for th o se in terested in learn in g ab o u t Jo d o Shinshu B uddhism . A sian crafts and popular traditional Jap a ­ nese foods prepared by tem ple m em bers (including yakisoba, yakitori, shave ice and m anju) w ill be for sale, along w ith soft drinks, w ater, and m icro-brew ed beer. Corporate Functions and Receptions ...... P la y in g M u s ic T h a t E v e r y o n e C a n D a n c e T o T h e B on O d o ri o r O b o n d a n c e is a celeb rato ry tribute to Jap an ese ancestors. D ancers o f all ages, ethnicities and w alks o f life circle a to w er housing the tem ple taiko. Som e dancers, practiced in their m ovem ents and d ressed in traditional Jap an ese yukata, form the inner circle o f the dancing p ro ces­ sion. O thers follow along, jo in in g the inclu­ sive spirit o f this “ gathering o f jo y ” . “ O b o n fest gives o ur tem ple the c hance to share o u r celebration o f the ancestors w ith the larger co m m u n ity ” , said Rev. Jundo G re­ gory G ibbs, m in ister o f the O regon B uddhist T em ple. “ It’s a tim e for shedding self-co n ­ scio u sn ess and ju s t having fun d an cin g .” Spectacular Summer Hikes T he M ount St. H elens Institute has h an d ­ picked a spectacular group o f fam ily-friendly Friday hikes as well as Sunday hikes through­ out this sum m er. P articipants w ill explore the m ost sp ec­ tacular vistas, interesting geological stories and beauti ful w aterfalIs around the southside o f M ount St. H elens. A long the w ay, guides w ill tell M ount St. H elens tales that m ake the landscape com e alive for youth and adults alike. A ll hikes cost $ 10 p er person. T he Sunday hikes are scheduled Aug. 8 at A pe C anyon and A ug. 22 at Siouxon C reek for hikers ages 14 and up. Friday hikes for the w hole fam ily are A ug. 13 at June L ake and A ug. 27 at Lava C anyon. To r e g i s t e r f o r a h ik e , v is it m sh in stitu te.o rg . T he M ount St. H elens In­ stitute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people o f all ages gain an u n d er­ stan d in g o f the natural processes and c u l­ tural heritage o f the Pacific N o rth w e st’s volcanic landscapes. K A Tu£/ Ì'l< (AtQ0lll.HI Wck«t»»»«ertom ZOO