Pase 10_____________________ 'rin' |Jort lattb (Observer 2173 NE Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232 Cellular | 503.804.8781 Direct I 503.802.8837 Fax I 503.802.8937 inc {Pennon Principal Broker Multi-Million Dollar Producer The SION of Experfcnrr Rich Layton »mi the Troublemakers - ISSA - Diezel Seven Reasons 7 - Transcendental Brass Band and m ore! FEATURING Solar-powered stage Green and Organic VeMlor», Sponsors, and Speaker* Beer garden Food and Beverage ree Admission « \ 7 T' • OFF THE GRID w J* EC0P4L00ZA fNItMÀINW________ Zoo Series Turns Soulful I ntem ational hitm aker LeRoy Bel l and Portland favorite T ahoe Jack- son w ill bring a little bit o f soul to the O regon Z oo W ednesday, A ug. 11 as part o f the z o o ’s su m m er concert series presented by N W N atural. Bell broke onto the m usic scene as a so n g w riter in the late 1970s, team ing w ith p artn er C asey Jam es to create hits for groups like the Spinners, T em ptations and O ’Jays. In 1979, Bell & Jam es scored a gold record under their ow n nam e with “ L iv in ’ It Up (F riday N ig h t),” and also gave Elton John his last T op 10 single o f the ’70s, the G ram m y-nom i­ nated “ M am a C a n ’t Buy Y ou Love.” T hese days, Bell is know n as m uch for his m ellow , earthy voice as for his songw riting. His band, p lay ­ fully nam ed “ His O nly F rien d s,” features bassist T erry M organ and d ru m m er D avis M artin. C o n c e r t o n th e L a w n at ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CONCERT Tahoe Jackson O pening the show is Portland local T ahoe Jackson, w hose p as­ sionate live perform ances and voice earn her frequent com parisons to R & B legend Etta Jam es. Jack so n co m b in es soul stan ­ dards w ith her ow n serene m elodies LeRoy Bell for an alw ay s-cap tiv atin g p erfo r­ m ance. She w ill be jo in e d by band $10.50. T icket price includes zoo the T rojan 7. adm ission. R em aining tickets will A dvance tickets for the concert be available at the zoo after 4 p.m . on are available online or at the zoo for the day o f the perform ance. I M l I --------------- I -A n evening o f m usic and co n v er­ s a tio n w ith M ic h a e l H arrison, Friday, A ug. 6 at 7 p.m . on the lawn in the G ro tto ’s upper level gardens. T ickets in advance only at or bycalling503-254-7371. and Cannon’s Rib Express Present REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’EX ALL STARS Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express • 5410 NE 33rd Ave C o m m u n ity F u n --T h e fam ily-friendly and m ulti-cul­ tural PR O PE R Festival is held Saturday, A ug. 7, from 12 p.m . to 4 p.m . at M cC oy Park in north Portland. A ctivities include a basketball tournam ent, live art and en tertainm ent, netw orking booths, a puppet show and free food. P r o v id e n c e B r id g e P e d a l - Y o u ’re invited to take in the W illam ette R iver bridges -- including the top decks o f the Frem ont and M arquam bridges — from the best possible vantage point: the seat o f a bicycle. W ith bike rides from 3 to 36 m iles, as w ell as a 6-m ile w alk, the Sunday, A ug. 8 ev en t offers choices for everyone. For inform ation, visit b rid g ep ed m . a (Next to New Seasons) Sunshine, BBQ and a FREE, alhages, outdoor show by a New Orleans’ sax legend, Grammy nominated pianist JANICE SCROGGINS, bass virtuoso BEN JONES & powerhouse drummer TYRONE HENDRIX. What could be better? ... Well, you never know what amazing surprise guest musician will sit in! , M el B r o w n L iv e - Portland H f th e G r o tto - A lte rn a tiv e Energy Source w ith Z ero E lectricity From The City Ausust < 20,0 ja zz giant Mel Brown perform s at S a lty ’s on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday night. K now n as the “ G entlem an o f Jazz,” B row n has a career spanning over 40 years. C hance M c K i n n e y — C h a n c e M c K in n e y an d C rossW ire w ill bring their special blend o f country, rock, m etal and soul to the Ponderosa stage at Jubitz Travel C en ter in north Portland for tw o consecutive evenings Friday, A ug. 6, and Saturday, A ug. 7, start­ ing at 9 p.m . T ickets are $5 at the door. R o a d to E q u a lit y E x h ib it - C lark C ounty H istoric M useum presents the exhibit, R oad to Equality: the Struggle for W o m en ’s R ights in the N orthw est. The m useum is located at 1511 M ain St. in V ancouver. For m ore inform ation, call 360-993-5679. K in g F a r m e r s M a r k e t — The K ing Farm ers M arket is back each Sunday from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . through Oct. 31 at N ortheast Seventh A venue and W ygant Street, adjacent to K ing School Park. Food stam p users can receive up to $10 in m atching tokens. R o c k ‘n ’ R oll L e g e n d — Levon Helm June 6 J u n e 13 June 20 J u ly 4 J u ly 11 J u ly 18 J u ly 2 5 A ug 1 A ug 8 A ug 1 5 Aug 22 Aug 29 Sept 5 S e p t 12 S e p t 19 S ept 26 brings his distinctively soulful and co u n try -tin g ed voice to the O regon Z o o ’s sum m er concert series, T hurs­ day, A ug. 8. H elm shot to rock star­ dom in 1965 w ith the B and -- then know n as the H awks. O u t d o o r A r ts F e s tiv a l - “A rt in the H eart” is d o w n ­ tow n V an co u v e r’s annual o u td o o r festival o f the arts, taking place on First Friday, A ug. 6 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and again on Saturday, A ug. 7 from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . T hirteen galleries w ill be participating. N o r m a n S y lv e s t e r B a n d - B oogie C at N orm an Sylvester and his band perform T h u rs­ day, A ug. 5 at C ly d e ’s; Friday, A ug. 6 at T ualatin in the C om m ons; Saturday, A ug. 7 at Spirit M ountain C asino; Sun­ day, A ug. 8 at the E lephant G arlic Fes­ tival; and both T hursday and Friday, A ug. 12 and 13 at C ly d e ’s. S t. J o h n s F a r m e r s M a r k e t - The St. Johns Farm ers M arket takes place each S aturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m . at St. Johns Plaza through Sept. 25. A bout 24 vendors sell fruits, vegetables, m eat, dairy, honey and m ore. M o m ’s D r e a m a n d F a te - based on the real-life a c ­ count o f b u rlesque star G ypsy R ose Lee, the m usical G ypsy tells the story o f a m o th e r’s unflappable desire to see her daughters becom e stars. Plays at the Lake- w ood T h eater Co. in Lake O sw ego through A ug. 22. M u s ic M ille n n iu m F r e e S h o w s - T h e M usic M illen­ nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live p erfo r­ m ances. E njoy free m usic and the opportunity to m eet artists. C all 503-231 -8926 for a schedule. L iv e J a z z - E very Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m . to 11 p.m ., the T hird D egrees Lounge at the R iver Place H otel, 1510 S. W. H arbor W ay. N o cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore inform ation, v isitp d x ja zz .c o m .