|u ly 2 l,2 O IO îl?* RitiriIa«ò (¡Dbsemer IN S ID E The Week ¡n Review page 2 This page Sponsored by: Page 3 Fred Meyer What's on your list today?, L ocal N ews Blazers Hire New GM First Asian-American to hold NBA position S ustainability X pages 4-5 O pinion pages 6-7 ENEEPIAINMENT pages 9-12 C lassifieds H ealth page 13 pages 14-15 F o o d page 20 New Trail Blazers general Rich commented not just on his several players, manager Rich Cho says while qualifications but on who he is "Portland's definitely come a he's impressed with Portland's as a person," Blazers president long way, but I think there's youth and depth, the team is still Larry Miller said in a statement, room for improvement," Cho lacking the piece that will bring "He is well known for his ability said. the city another championship, to co n n e c t g e n u in e ly w ith Michael Bom, Portland's di- Cho, who spent nine seasons people. Rich will be a great fit rector o f NBA scouting, and as an assistant general manager for our organization and for Chad B uchanan, director o f with the Oklahoma City Thun- Portland. He is an executive on college scouting, took over GM der, was introduced as the Blaz- the rise and we're thrilled to duties while the search was on. ers' GM on Monday. He The Blazers made an re p la c e s K evin offer for U tah re ­ Pritchard, who helped stricted free agent usher the team out o f W esley M atthew s, the Jail Blazers era sev­ but have otherw ise eral years ago but was been quiet in recent ultimately dismissed last w eeks. month. B la z e rs coach Cho, a Northwest na­ Nate McMillan said tive and the first Asian- he got to know Cho American general man­ when both o f them ager in NBA history, said were in Seattle. that under his watch the "A fter talking to Blazers will be "process Rich I called some oriented and methodical friends and everyone in our approach." said pretty much the " C h a ra c te r, team - Rich Cho was nam ed Trail Blazers General same thing, that this work and accountability Manager Monday. H e’s the first Asian American guy is ready for the will be three o f our core general manager in NBA history. o p p o r tu n ity ," values," he said. McMillan said. The Blazers also considered have him as a Trail Blazer." T hunder general m anager former Cleveland Cavaliers GM Terms o f the contract with Sam Presti was certain Cho Danny Ferry and former Miami Cho were not disclosed. would be a competent GM. Heat GM Randy Pfund before Pritchard, who had been with "He's got a lot of versatility to settling on Cho, 44, who joined the Blazers since 2004, was fired his skill set. He's going to put in an the Thunder as an intern when by Allen just hours before the incredible amount of work and the franchise was based in Se­ NBA draft. It was never made he's going to think things through attle. clear what exactly precipitated and be very analytical about how Cho interviewed with Blazers the dismissal. he approaches decisions," Presti owner Paul Allen, the billionaire Pritchard built a promising said. "I just think overall he brings co-founder o f M icrosoft, last young team around guard Bran- a nice balance and he's going to week in Helsinki, Finland. Allen, don Roy, who was chosen the do wonderful." still traveling in Europe, said in league's rookie o f the year be- During ¿jis time in Seattle, a statement: "Rich has depth o f fore becoming a three-time All- C ho w o rk ed c lo se ly w ith character, a foundation in busi- S tar. P ritc h a rd w as also a Microsoft to develop a compre- ness and legal matters and a staunch supporter o f 7-foot hensive player evaluation sys- knowledge o f the game o f NBA center Greg Oden, the top pick tern. A member o f the Washing- basketball that will help our team in the 2007 draft who has been ton State Bar, he also served as get even better. He is part o f the plagued by injuries. a vice president in charge of new generation o f NBA execu- During Pritchard's tenure the legal affairs for the SuperSonics fives." Blazers also returned to the play- from 2005-07, handling issues With a law degree and also a offs after a five-year absence, including licensing agreements background in engineering, Cho but they were unable to get past and employment contracts, has gained a reputation for his the first round for the past two Cho, who also has worked at expertise with the salary cap seasons. Boeing, received his engineer- and the collective bargaining -Portland, which won the NBA ing degree from W ashington agreement. He's also got scout- championship in 1977, went 50- State. He attended law school at ing experience. 32 last season even though the Pepperdine. "Everyone I spoke to about team was dogged by injuries to The A sso c ia te d P ress