■ ase 20 ------------------------------------ $Jnrilanh (Dhsemer________________________ July 21,2010 SAFEWAY R ecipes by A llrecipes.com WE DELIVER 61 ♦ n u o u r H onre Ingredients for life.» Fiery Fish Tacos with Crunchy Com Salsa Get FREE delivenj on your 1“ order! L t o Satewayxom «* Ingredients • l cup co m • l/2 cup d iced red o n io n • l cup p e e le d , c h o p p e d jic a m a (a sw eet, root vegetable that looks like a tur- nip) summer . 9 S \ ’I* J \ VALUE RACK ’Iw * .3^ M JF*Jk 2 . * ^ X ... ‘ • 1/2 cup diced red bell x pepper • 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped • 1 lim e, zested and ju ic e d • 2 tablespoons sour cream • 2 tablespoons cayenne pepp er • 1 tablespoon ground black p ep p er • 2 tablespoons salt • 6 (4 ounce) fillets tilapia • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 12 c o m tortillas, w arm ed Rancher’s Reserve* Boneless Beef Petite Sirloin Steak Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs Bone-In. Extreme Value Pack. Or Pork Shoulder Blade Roast. SAVE up to $2 59 on 2-lbs Or Top Sirloin Steak. Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $ 5 7 9 on 2-lbs. EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Price «1 .. * M eat sale ! <1^ ----- Foster Farms Lean Ground Turkey 20-oz Or 16-oz. Turkey Italian Sausage Or 14-oz Turkey Breaktasl Sausaoe SAVE up to $4.99 on 2 Safeway Chicken Thighs, Drumsticks or Leg Quarters Grade A. Fresh. Or Split Breasts SAVE up toSI 29on 2-ibs. Keá, or (àree* SeeJtess <&c«pes for S«r~~M Itt fo. Directions 1. Preheat grill for high heat. 2. In a m edium bow l, m ix together corn, red onion, jic a m a, red bell pepper, and cilantro. Stir in lim e ju ic e and zest. 3. In a sm all bow l, com bine cayenne pepper, ground black pepper, and salt. B rush each fillet w ith olive oil, and sprinkle w ith spices. 4. A rrange fillets on grill grate, and cook for 3 m inutes p er side. For each fiery fish taco, top tw o co m tortillas w ith fish, sour cream , and c o m salsa. Swai or Tilapia Fillets waterfront BISTRO® Medium Cooked Shrimp Farm raised. All ¡are aeckages. Previously frozen SAVE up to $2 60 lb Club Price 5) to Hi -cl 2-to bag [ M . 55 « to. Club Price Ptwxssiy bum SAVE up » S3 30 or. 2-b sag Turkey Breast Tropical Sweet Potato Fries Ingredients • • • • • • • • • 2 sw eet potatoes, unpeeled 2 tablespoons olive oil, o r as needed salt and g round black pepper 1 tablespoon sea salt 1 1/2 teaspoons grated lim e zest 1/8 teaspoon chili pow der 1/8 teaspoon paprika 1/8 teaspoon crushed red p ep p er flakes 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro sim m er until tender, about 20 minutes. Dram and allow to steam dry for a minute or two. Al- low to cool, and then slice ' £ lu c e rn e ¡ tow t*t y*9att MU M o tt's Apple or M edleys Juice ' ' « ’S i, x- 4 \ Deli Counter Meats and Cheeses Virginia Ham Oven Roasted Turkey Breast or While ut Yellow American cheeses Club Price 1. Place the sw eet pota- toes into a large pot and cover w ith w ater. B ring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to m e- d iu m -lo w , c o v e r, and OvenJoy Breads 22-ov While or Wheat 46 Io 64-uz seien!« varieties SAVE up to $2 50 Club Price Tide Laundry Detergent L u c e rn e * Yogurt Club Price M 100-nz. 2x Lipiiiit or 134 to 146-oz. Powder. Se eded varieties SAVE up ta $6.00 6-oz. Selected varieties Club Price : 40e oa. SAVE up to SOe an 10 JflV 7M M L . < - J q j M K : X M. ‘f J? S w eet K eJ o r B la c k Plunks Û,-,«! for Su»-- Smtkiny up to h t» * >- v * F K ra ft S hredded or C hunk C heese 6 to 8 tn Selen!« vawlies SAVE up to S ’ 50 each sw eet potato into w edges. A rra n g e w edges on a baking sheet. 2. Preheat an oven to 400 degrees F (2 0 0 d eg rees C). B rush the sw eet potato w edges w ith o liv e oil, and lightly season w ith salt and pepper. C om bine sea salt, lim e zest, chili pow der, paprika, and crushed red p ep p er flakes in a sm all bowl. 4. B ake in the preheated oven until g olden brow n on all sides, about 20 m inutes. Plate and sprinkle w ith the seasoning m ixture and cilantro im m ediately. 5 5 » !0nz Sete;«! vaneties CkePw» $ ? « ■ « SAVE up » $ 3 55 on 2 59 to 64 oz Chilled Seceded varieties Cw# Pme; $2 50 ee SAVE op to $2 98 on 2 Club Price Bridgeport, Full Sail, Session, Deschutes, Widmer, MacTarnahan's or H. Weinhard's 12-pack. 11 to 12-oz. bottles Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. CELEBRATE OREGON CRAFT BEER M O N T H ' T h at's o u r p ro m is « ... th a t's In g r e d ie n ts f o r life. Advertise with diversity in Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandobserver.com fropicana Pure Premium rSDKP' 3. 71 ‘c Portland Observer Club Price Nabisco Snack Crackers or Toasted Chips I l II J r ? t V ' ^ 's aw c S X arCi ’1 5 n VTo S S «S fusionier ntsust purchase the irsi it« nrOl *£ W Bfl R I R1 HFI W P S H l U l Etf Eil Eribfl Ed Eil Eil wco thur mi sat sun M on wes Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, July 21 thru Tuesday, July 27,2010. ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY, Selection varies by store Wednesday, July ?1 thru Tuesday, July 27,201 0 in all Safeway stores in Orerfon (except Milton-Freewater; and S W Washington stores servino Wahkiakum Cowie? S O M E « M E R n a M G T r E M B Sa^ ° ' iXW* Ji'fS a’ " t e i n 9 P s e u f l o Ä i n e or p h e n y l p r ó K X e l i m i t o ^ tWi> K N STOf,ES S®1» atkreihsed prices may be even lower in some stores On Buy One. Get One Free ( '¡X X itn cJ“ r3 ,o reectve the second Jem free. BOwO offers are not 1/2 price sates If only «single item pur ct«m ri ’ he renolar price ara**» Manufacturers cc.-or-'s ma--tv> used t-» v gaiiofb M o ìkjlkx ^aies tor resala. uquot oa-es at hceosod Safeway stores only O 2010 Safeway inc Availability of itens may vary by stix?