Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 2010, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 12
< ! P o rtla n d (Observer
July 21, 2010
Big Pipe Art Wins Award
A n art piece m arking the e n ­
trance to P ortland's new sew er
p ip e h as w o n a n a tio n a l art
a w ard .
A m erican s fo r the A rts has
m a rk e d "B ig P ip e P o rtla n d :
M aking the Invisible V isible" as
Ulicious Smokehouse & Grill
1505 N.E. Killingsworth St.
Whole Slab o f Pork Ribs
fo r $25.00 with a free
family size order o f
BBQ Beans.
House Hours
M on-T hurs 11:30 a.m . - 9 p.m .
Fri-S at 11:30 a.m . - 10 p.m .
S unday 11:30 a.m . - 7 p.m .
All dinners with two sides o f your
choice for $9.95 potato salad BBQ
beans Cole slaw or beans and rice.
b ein g on the 40 best p u b lic arts
p ro jects in 2009, out o f 29 cities
in 15 states.
The sculpture is sited on the
banks o f the W illam ette R iver in
north Portland, near the digging
site fo r P ortland's "B ig Pipe"
project, w hich w ill expand and
im prove sew er flow for the city's
residents. The artists attem pted to
create a sculpture that represents
the m assive concrete big pipe is
such an im portant part o f life in
Portland, but rem ains hidden.
Usher CD Doubles Down
U sher's alb u m is b arely 4-
m o n ths-o ld and he's alread y on
to his next project.
T he sin g er is releasin g eight
new songs on a new disc, "V er­
sus," w h ich w ill be out A ug. 24.
T he songs w ill also be released
on a special d elu x e v ersio n o f
"R ay m o n d V. R aym ond," w hich
w as re le ased in M arch . T h at
album includes hits like the N o. 1
so n g "O M G ."
U sh er fo llo w s in the fo o tstep s
o f L ad y G a g a, w h o rele ased
"T he F am e M o n ster" as a se p a ­
rate disc and also as a deluxe
v ersion o f "T he Fam e" after the
success o f that album
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