|uly2l, 2010 ‘ri'c •$.lortlanb (Observer Page II INIlílAINMtNI Zoo to Raise Second Tuesday Prices Due to the slow economy, the Oregon Zoo will be reconfiguring some o f its prices, but there are still ways to get some affordable entertainment. The zoo's popular Second Tuesday discount program, offered on the second Tuesday o f each month, will now go from $2 to $4. Children under two will continue to be admitted free. However, people who take public Sum m erCaba- r e t — P o rtlan d Center Stage presents Gavin & Susannah: An Inti­ mate Evening of M usical T h e­ ater, featuring Gavin Gregory and Susannah Mars with mu­ sical director Rick Lewis. Performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 21 -23, at the Gerding Theater at the Armory. transportation, can take advantage o f an additional discount program. Anyone who takes a TriMet bus or MAX to the zoo can shave o ff an additional $1.50 off their $4 admission. Parties o f 20 or more can still get a 20 percent discount when payment is made in one purchase. Zoo officials say that the higher prices are in response to budgetary pressures. every Friday and S a tu rd ay n ig h t. Known as the “Gentle­ man o f Jazz,” Brown has a ca­ reer spanning over 40 years. R oad to E quality E xhibit — Clark County Historic Museum has opened its newest exhibit, Road to Equality: the Struggle for W omen’s Rights in the Northwest. The museum is located at 1511 Main St. in Vancouver. For more information, call 360- 993-5679. K ing Farm ers M ark et - The King Farmers Market is back each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Oct. 31 at Northeast Seventh Avenue and Wygant Street, adjacent to King School Park. Food stamp users can receive up to $ 10 in matching tokens. St. Joh n s F arm ers M ark et - The St. Johns The W his­ p ers and J e ffr e y O sb o r n e - - One o f R& B’s most beloved and popular vocal groups, the Whispers, joins hit solo artist Jeffrey Osborne for a Friday, July 22 concert at Spirit Mountain Casino. For tick­ e ts and m ore in fo rm a tio n , v isit spiritmountain.com. Farmers Market takes place each Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Johns Plaza through Sept. 25. About 24 vendors sell fruits, veg­ etables, meat, dairy, honey and more. K oi and G oldfish Sh ow — The World For­ estry Center hosts the 30th annual Koi and Goldfish Show, with some o f the beautiful koi and goldfish you have ever seen, Saturday, July 31 and Sunday, Aug. 1, Admission is free. Li ve J azz — Every F riday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the River Place Hotel, 1510 S.W. Harbor Way. No cover or minimum purchase. For more information, visitpdxjazz.com. M usic M illennium Free S h o w s— The Music P reh istoric P redators — Enormous dino­ saurs with lifelike ferocity are represented in an exhibit that continues through Labor Day at the Oregon Zoo. Visitors will follow a trail through an ancient rain forest, surrounded by the realistic animatronic creatures that roar, snarl and move. Boogie Cat Norman Sylvester and his band perform Fri­ day, July 23 at Domenic’s; Friday, July 30 at Clyde’s; Tuesday, Aug. 3 at Dawson Park; and Friday, Aug. 6 at Tualatin in the Com­ mons. N orm an S ylvester Band - M el B row n Live ~ Portland jazz giant Mel Brown performs at Salty’s on the Columbia Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live performances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to meet artists. Call 503-231- 8926 for a schedule. Sam son the T. R ex — A magnificent -foot- long Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, one o f the most fearsome carnivores ever to walk the face o f the earth is on display at OMSI. The 66-million-year-old fossil known as Samson is one o f the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex specimens in existence. D iscou nt A dm ission — OMSI visitors pay only $2 per person for general admission on the first Sunday o f each month as well as discounted admission of $5 to the Plan­ etarium , O M IM A X T heater and USS Blueback submarine. A V A II A B I I FO R S P E C IA I E V E N FS A N D B O O K IN G S Clubs. Private Parties, Holidays. Fairs & Festivals Corporate Functions and Receptions ...... P la y in g M u s ic T h a t E v e r y o n e C a n D a n c e T o