Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 2010, Page 8, Image 8

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Æl!' j.lurtlanï» (Obstruer
July 14, 2010
R eligion
Still Singing After all these Years
Do I need a counselor?
H4* all haw life stressors, especially in todav’s complex world. Balancing vour
home, work, and spiritual life can be overwhelming.
Internal coping skills can get us through a crisis or change; however, we mav not
have the resources to overcome in the most effective way.
Deciding if counseling is right for vou can he a tough decision. It may initially
feel like admitting failure.
Actually choosing counseling can he the key to making you and vour family’s
dreams a reality. Counseling is like adding tools to vour toolbox.
can help
you find better ways to overcome life's problems.
Service» include»
Grief Counseling
Counseling Center Design and Development
Finding Solutions to Life’s Problems
Substance Abuse Education
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Dealing from Past Hurts
Stress Management
Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service
Providing cognitive behavioral services from a Biblical
perspective with sound psychological principles.
D r. H . L. Hodge, P h . D .
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Ave. Ste 1100
Portland, OR. 97204
Life Change Specialist
Licensed Pastoral Counselor
Professional Trainer
Over 20years of addressing
Life Stressors
-b y Appointm ent Only-
N eal ’s
D uring the late 1960s, “ soul as­
s e m b lie s ” w ere p art o f life at
Jefferson H igh Schoo,.
The gatherings w ould show case
the artistic talent o f students o f the
n o rth e a st P o rtlan d high sch o o l,
som e o f w hich m ade it to the big
O ne o f the groups to com e out
th ese a ssem b lies w as the vocal
group the B eyons, com posed o f
five m en, plus a m an g er-ch o reo g ra­
p h e r, w h o 'v e s ta y e d to g e th e r
th ro u g h the y e ars, b o u n d by a
strong glue o f friendship.
Ira H am m on, T hurtis C hannel,
Sherm an D avis, Jam es Tim s, and
Jeddy B easley began singing to ­
g eth er at Jefferson H igh School
u n d er the nam e th e "D elm ars."
D onnie M cP herson, w ho played
basketball w ith them , began attend­
ing practices, and steadily took on
the role o f m anager and cho reo g ra­
A fter high school, they began
singing R & B at clubs throughout
Portland. B ut life took them on a bit
o f a detour. T hey had fam ilies, and
w ent to school. D avis w as drafted
by the soul group Pleasure, w hich
enjoyed som e national recognition.
In the 1990s, they started singing
The Beyons, from left, Sherman Davis, James Tims, Thurtis
Channel, Ira Hammon, Jeddy Beasley, and their manager Donnie
McPherson, in front.
to g eth er regularly again, but this bonds have only grow n stronger
tim e they sw itched their focus from over the years, as th e y ’ve been there
R & B to gospel, w hich they say w as for each to laugh to g ether and cry
a natural transition.
to g eth er as they've gotten older.
“ 1 think it w as a long tim e com ing
The group has grow n, th e y ’ve
because all o f use grew up in the extended a hand to the younger
ch u rch ,” said H am m on, w ho d e­ generation, to show them the right
scribes a different energy in the path, and serve as p o sitiv e role
group after getting back together, m odels.
and a new feeling from singing gos­
“ For m e, w hen I think about e v ­
pel m usic.
erything o v er the years that these
T h e y n o w s in g a t v a r io u s b ro th ers have gone through and
c h u rc h e s th ro u g h o u t P o rtla n d , how w e ’ve put that to good use as
backed by a full band, including a m en, I think it spends volum es o f
recent gig at N ew H ope B aptist w hat o ur legacy it w ill be," said
C hurch.
T he B eyons, w ho b eg in each
T he B eyons w ill have a w ebsite
practice w ith p ray er and end it w ith u p
so o n
a prayer, are friends first, w hose w w w .th eleg en d ary b ey o n s.co m .
Funeral Services for Carolyn Harden
ssionate Heart
Funeral Home
C arolyn E. H arden passed aw ay
on July 6, 2010. H arden, w hose
m aiden nam e w as G ibson, w as b o m
June 29, 1949 in Ft. W orth, Texas.
She is survived by h er d aughters
S te p h a n ie , S o n y a a n d C a rm e n
H arden w ill be held S aturday July
17, 2010 at R ose C ity Park U nited
G ibson, her son A sm ar R utley, and
Shirley Peck. Funeral services for
M ethodist C hurch, located at 5830
N ortheast A lam eda Street.
We carry your heart
in our hands, with
compassion and care ”
Offering the Best Prices and the
Friendliest Service in Town.
1093 SW Tobias Way
Aloha, Oregon 97006
Only twenty minutes from Portland
Email: nealsfenueralhom e@ hotm ail.com
fcAsk for Margaret Neal
This facility is licensed by the Oregon State
Mortuary & Cemetery Board # 0445
Effective Date April 6,2010
Prolific Gospel Singer Passes Away
W alter H aw kins, a leg en d ary
gospel singer from O akland, passed
aw ay on Sunday after losing a battle
w ith pancreatic cancer. He w as 61.
D uring his thirty plus year career
he produced prodigious num ber o f
hit g o sp el so n g s and p u b lish e d
songs. W ith a keen eye for talent,
H aw kins helped launch the careers
o f m any w ell regarded m usicians
including T ram aine H aw kins, M ary
M ary, K irk Franklin, John P. K ey,
R ic h a r d S m a llw o o d , D o n n y
M cClurkin, LaShaun Pace, Kurt Carr,
Y olanda A dam s, L ynette H aw kins-
S te p h e n s, S h irley M iller, D aryl
C oley, B yron C age, and others.
H e w as the recip ien t o f m any
rew ard s in clu d in g one G ram m y
A w ard, three D ove A w ards, and
m any others.
H is last album w as “ L ove A live
V ” , the fifth in a series o f live record­
In Loving Memory, Don Forman
Don Form an, a local resi­
d e n t w h o h e lp e d te a c h
disadvataged youth the gam e
o f g o lf and served on a key
com m ittee in his credit union,
passed aw ay on July 1.
Form an w as actively in­
volved U nitus C om m unity
Credit Union. Taking time aw ay from
his day jo b at a telephone com pany,
he w ould com e to the credit union
and approve m em ber loans as part
o f h is d u tie s w ith
U nitus’ Credit C om m it­
tee, on w hich he served
for 10 years, including
one year as chair in 1980
an d 1981. L a te r he
served on the su p erv i­
sory co m m ittee for 24
years, including 18 as its chair.
He w as a constant presence at
m onthly board m eetings, and com ­
pleted continuing education to stay
current with U nitus’ internal account­
ing controls. Forman also represented
the credit union at O regon V olun­
teers’ C onference as well as at other
regional and national conferences.
Form an was an avid golfer, a gam e
he w as eag er to share w ith his ch il­
dren, and oth er kids at the First Tee
program , w hich teaches area youth
about the gam e. H e later helped
expand the program to include fi­
nancial literacy.