Page 20 ^Jortlanb (Dbseruer July I4, 20I0 SAFEWAY R ecipes by A SUWMhAER. PRODUCE Ingredients for life.» Sweet Potato Apple Scallop Ingredients • • • • • • • • • 2 p ounds sw eet potatoes 2 m edium apples, peeled and cored 1 tablespoon lem on ju ic e 1/2 cup packed brow n sugar 1/4 cup chopped pecans 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnam on 1/2 teaspoon pum pkin pie spice 1/2 teaspoon orange extract 2 tablespoons butter or stick m argarine re you DON’T FINO OUW ¿ S Ä » - « S Ä » Rancher’s Reserve® Beef 7-Bone Steak D irections 1. P lace sw eet pota- toes in a saucepan and c o v er w ith wa- ter. B ring to a boil; cook for 20-25 m in- i utes or until tender. D rain and cool. Peel L Club Price O Bone-in. Extreme Value Pack. Or 7-Bone Pot or Blade Roast. SAVE up to $1.80 lb. See Weekly Ad . EATING, y 4 " Boneless Whole Pork Loin into 1/4-in. slices. P la te in .i I } in \ '> ... in. x2-in. baking dish * * * * C 2 S 5 ^ k c o a te d w ith n o n - |_____ Eating Right8 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs Sold in the bap Or Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops. Extreme Value Pack Club Price KM stick cooking spray. 2. ( ut apples into 1/4-in. rings; cut in half. A rrange over sw eet potatoes. Sprinkle w ith lem on ju ice. C om bine the brow n sugar, pecans, cinnam on, pum pkin pie spice and orange extract; sprinkle over apples. Dot w ith butter. B ake, uncov­ ered, at 350 degrees F for 25-30 m inutes o r until apples are tender. Club Price M l SAVE u p to $ 2 2 0 Ib SAVE up to $1.50 Ib. Or Tender or Thin Sliced, $2.49 ib. cm»*»* ■ lh Fresh Cockeye Salmon Fillets ™ •” Weather permitting. All size packages. Club Price M l t J ■M $^VE up to $12 00 Ib. w aterfro n t BISTRO* Jumbo Raw Shrimp Ib Club Price m 21 to 25-oz 2-lb. bag. Bulk $6.99 Ib Previously frozen SAVE up to $2.50 Ib Chicken in Sweet Pepper Sauce In gredients • • • • • • • • • • CAtAtakxxpes 2 (6 ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon butter 1/3 cup chicken broth 1/3 cup w hite w ine, o r additional chicken broth 1/4 cup chopped sw eet yellow p ep p er 1/4 cup diced tom atoes 1 tablespoon m inced fresh cilantro CUi.» Vr**. •M uf *> M Club Price *J> S afew ay Butter Top Breads Primo Taglio* Turkey Breast 22-oz. While or Wheat SAVE up to 70e Selected varieties SAVE up to $3.00 Ib. Club Price M l com bine the 11.mi salt IHbOLMb R a g u P a s ta S a u c e «fa ÛM* C h a rm in B a th T is s u e o r B ra w n y P a p e r T o w e ls 16 to 26-oi. Selected varieties Club Price: $1. 25 ea. 12 te l Satti ’ issue # ic r iW 'c w e ls . SAVE up to $2 96 on t Selectee .auet-es SAVE vote S3 GO j » ' JÙ Bh and pepper; add chicken and shake to coat. In a large skillet. I brow n chicken in butter i$. Chateau Ste Michelle or Clos Ou Bois 750-ml W « T .4 ■ Selected varietals SAVE up to $ 8 00 Breyers Ice Cream 1.5-qt., Popsicle Novelties 6 to 24-ct., Klondike Novelties 6-ct. »O*d‘urt' on both sides. Stir in the broth,wineoradditional broth and y ellow pep- per. B ring to a boil; cook for 5 m inutes o r until liquid is reduced by half. Stir in the tom ato and cilantro. L u c e rn e * S h re d d e d or C hun k C heese Club P r i c e 32-oz Medium Only M l Six Pack S in g le B o t t le Carrier Price S a le P ric e Selected varieties See Store for Desalts Club Price MUST BUV3k>g«(llKw«M prie« Ml FREE BOX of Natur» V i»»/' b anoit U n (Max value: 11 M ) Four-Fruit drink Recipe Ingredients • 2 cups unsw eetened pineapple ju ic e • 2 cups cranberry ju ic e • 2 (5.5 ounce) cans apricot n ectar • l/2 c u p lim e ju ic e • 9 slices lim e • 2 ( 1 2 fluid o unce) cans o r b ottles gin g er ale, chilled * r In a large bow l o r pitcher, com b in e the pineapple ju ic e , cranberryjuice, apricot nectar, lim e ju ic e and lime slices. C over and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Ju st before serving, stir in g in g er ale. Til • ■ 'Participating product* General Mill* [■¡RS l - 3 ’r ■*“’ 6 W» 1 INSTANTLY! '*» partOMM« k a muu » scannt« m patkaut) a a «nÿe »m aca» wat. w>j cam. O W niaM TrtW M sK W rw ftnc»M «a«|XM siM r«itaa««U**a«sim s im .; Cheenos 8 9-02., Honey Nut Cheenos 12.25-02 , Cinnamon Toast Crunch 12.8-02., Cocoa Puffs 11 8 -o z. Trix 10.7-02., Golden Grahams 12-02. Cereal. Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks4 5 to 6-oz Selected varieties (Excludes Fruit Shapes), Nature Volley Granola Bars 6 7 to Si-oz Selected varieties Always great Club Card H Specials D irectio n s That's our promise... . that's Ingredients for life. W i Wi a Bfii SUN MON ru e s J S 2 K S J SSffluTJSSi is, \ , L i ■». JSg ~ ■ w 1 Sweet yellow W a K a Walle Oniov« D irections f latten chicken to I 4- in. thickness. In a large resealable plastic bag, «*- H B H H | Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, July 14 thru Tuesday, July 20, 2010. A l l LIM ITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY f le c t io n varies by store