Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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Steinbrenner Passes Away
George Steinbrenner, owner
o f the Yankees baseball
team since 1973, died Tues­
day morning. He was 80.
The Yankees have yet to
announce the cause o f
death. Steinbrenner, who
has been in failing health
for several years, saw the Yankees through
seven World Series championship teams
and 11 pennant winners.
Bomb Rocks Ugandan Capital
Seventy four people were killed in twin suicide
bombings during the World Cup finals in
Kampala, the capital of Uganda on Sunday.
The Somali al-Shabab militia, which has ties to
al-Qaeda, has claimed responsibility, saying
they were retaliating for the presence o f Ugan­
dan and Burundian troops
who form an African Union
peacekeeping force in Somali,
which is propping up the war-
tom country’s weak transi­
tional government.
luly 14, 2010
C o m m is sio n ’s fle e tin g -
expletives policy. The Bush
adm inistration’s FCC de­
creed in 2004 that profanity
containing the F-word, such
as remarks made by U 2’s
Bono during the 2003 Gold Globe awards
show, or crude mentions o f excrement is
indecent in all instances.
T. Week ¡n
The Review
Spain Wins World Cup
On S unday,
Spain won the
FIFA W orld
Cup o f soccer
for the first
tim e.
match that saw Spain triumph over the Neth­
erlands 1-0 was the most watched m en’s
soccer match in U.S. history.
France Bans Burka
The French National Aseemb'ly’s lower
h o u se
voted 335 to 1
to ban the
burka, a con­
troversial Is­
lamic veil, in
public spaces. The law is expected to have
easy passage through the Senate in Septem-
Court Overturns FCC Ruling
A United States appeals court has struck
dow n the F ederal C o m m u n icatio n
ber as well. Offenders would be fined 150
euros ($216) or required to take part in a
citizenship class. The law does not apply if
the face is covered for carnivals or artistic
NAACP Clashes with Tea Party
T he N A A C P
passed a resolu­
tion Tuesday call­
ing on all people
to condemn rac­
ism within the tea
party movement.
P assed on the
fourth day o f the association’s annual con­
vention in Kansas City, the resolution also
urged people to oppose the tea party’s drive
“to push our country back to the pre-civil
rights era.”
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