Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 2010, Page 18, Image 18

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ilu |J u r tla n ì» (O b s e rv e r
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
"An interdenominational Church"
Times Remain Hard
c o n t i n u e d f r o m front
3hoto* <£
Skofiap 3L £. <£ Ecvtiean 3 3todye
Pat tvx 1Jeachvt ¡3levwu£iat
Worship Services:
Sundays: Church School— 9:00 A.M.
Morning Worship— 10:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes— Wednesdays— 7:00 P.M.
“God The Father”; “God The Son”; and “ God The Holy Spirit’
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to
join us at our appointment with Jesus.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
July 14. 2010
is facing an unexpected $577 million
b udg et sh o rtfa ll. G ov. Ted
Kulongoski, using his executive
power, ordered 9 percent across the
board cuts, which will slash ser­
vices for vulnerable citizens just
when they need them the most.
State officials are still determin­
ing how the cuts will be implemented,
while legislative leaders are hoping
for an infusion o f cash from the
federal government.
Teachers will be laid off, and se­
niors and families with disabled
members will lose in-home care from
the Oregon Department o f Human
Services. There will also be other
cuts as well.
Cuts to the Oregon Housing and
Community Services Department
will mean that programs aimed at
staving off homelessness and hun­
ger will be deprived ofbadly needed
Under the cuts, the department
will lose $382,179 for its homeless
assistance program meaning that
31,158 people will not get help find­
ing shelter.
Lisa Joyce, spokesperson for the
department, said that the program
funds county shelters and non-prof­
its fighting homelessness, as well
as providing hotel vouchers for
needy families. Funding for shelters
has remained flat for years, said
Joyce, and the cuts will come at a
time when Oregon is experiencing a
surge in homelessness.
Also on the chopping block is
state funding for the Oregon Food
Bank, which runs a statewide net­
work o f food pantries. The budget
cuts will mean $95,169 less for the
OFB, which will now have to find
other money to buy about 275,000
pounds o f bulk staples like beans,
rice, and oatmeal.
“It’s very hard to know how much
that will affect us,” said Rachel
Bristol, the CEO o f the OFB. She
said that her organization is looking
for funding elsewhere, and added
that she’s seen more newly-impov­
erished people rely on it for help.
She also expects cuts elsewhere in
the state budget to funnel more
people to the OFB.
Mosquitoes on the Rise
desirable- even when they’re un­
insect repellant containing DEET or
c o n t i n u e d f r o m front
Temporary Shared Location:
likely to be fatal.
the chemical picaridin, writes Chris­
6401 NE 10th Avenue
Oregon in 2004, West Nile has
Portlanders are advised to defend tine Stone, communications officer
Portland, OR. 97211
plagued more than 100 Oregonians, themselves by removing standing for the Oregon Public Health Divi­
Mailing address: P. O. Box 15532 SW Pacific Ilwy, C-1B #23oj including 12 just last year. Though water from around their homes be­ sion, in an e-mail exchange.
Tigard, OR. 97224
the general prognosis o f a mild West cause an unused kiddie pool or bird-
Though the 14th annual National
To inquire about our Church please call: (S03) 863-6545 or
Nile virus infection is very good, the
encephalitis and flu-like symptoms
associated with the disease are un-
B U S IN E S S X / r e c l : ry
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$5.00 Tees
Pablo Centeno
bath can be a breeding ground for Mosquito Control Awareness Week
thousands o f m osquitoes, says was three weeks ago, Portlanders
must continue to follow protective
Those who choose to go out in procedures. Unlike that o f the mos­
the evening should wear long cloth­ quitoes, this buzz might be annoying,
ing and spray themselves with an but it is far from meaningless.
Crystal Centeno
Fam ily Reunion
Screen Printing
1549 SE Ladd
Portland, Oregon
(503) 615-0425
(503) 244-2084
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Michael E Harper
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E ditob - in -C hief , P ublisher : Charles H. Washington
E ditor : M ich a el L eig h to n
D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington
C reative D irector : P aul N e u fe ld t
W eb E ditor : Jake Thomas
P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer,
P0 Box3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8
C ALL 503-2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
F A X 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 15
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