Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 2010, Page 17, Image 17

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    July 14. 2010
il'1' Portiani» (Obstruer
Ethos Selected to Manage IFCC
building, which is owned by PPR
and located on N. Interstate A v­
enue, had long struggled with fi­
nancial instability and had to fold
last spring w hen the city could no
longer afford to prop them up.
The IFCC has given m any art­
ists, especially m inorities, a place
to hone their craft before going on
to great things locally and, for
som e, nationally. PPR evaluated
the application o f each nonprofit
com peting for the space with an
eye on how well they would fulfill
this function, ultim ately deciding
that Ethos was best qualified.
"Ethos has a long history o f
fostering m ulti-ethnic, m ulti-cul­
tural program s, education, and
perform ances, which is exactly
w hat we hoped to be able to con­
tinue at IFCC," said Parks C om ­
m issioner Nick Fish in a prepared
statem ent.
Under the tw o-year renew able
Will foster
diversity in arts
Portland Parks and Recreation
has entered into an agreem ent
with Ethos to m anage the Inter­
state Firehouse C ultural Center, a
historic building that has been a
launching pad for m any artists in
Portland's art scene.
Ethos operates a m usic educa­
tion program based in north Port­
lan d ta rg e tin g d isa d v a n ta g e d
populations, and has served sev­
eral thousand students since it
opened up in 1998. The nonprofit
beat out three other organizations
vying to take control o f the cen­
ter, which was founded in 1982 by
form er Portland Parks C om m is­
sioner C harles Jordan, the city's
first African Am erican city com ­
The form er o p erato r o f the
contract with the city, Ethos will
work w ith com m unity partners to
incorporate all o f the arts into the
IFCC building, and establish pan­
els that will select two resident
theater groups a year, visual art­
ists, dance instructors, and m usic
A pplications for serving on
these panels can be found on
Ethos' w ebsite once the contract
is form erly approved by C ity
Council, which is expected to hap­
pen on July 14. Ethos will also rent
out the facilities to sm aller arts
groups looking for exposure.
Ethos was selected because o f
its prior success operating two
buildings on North K illingsw orth
Street, and for its financial stabil­
ity. The new contract, som e costs
previously covered by the city
will now be covered by Ethos, like
the paying for utilities and routine
m aintenance.
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church
Com e see
the Power
o f the Holy
Low em ission
vehicles to go
on Line 72
Congressman Earl Blumenauer
joined Federal Transit Administra­
tion Deputy Administrator Therese
McMillan andTriMet General Man­
ager Neil McFarlane Friday to an­
nounce that TriMet is slated to re­
ceive $2 million in federal funds to
buy new low-emission, high-effi-
ciency hybrid buses.
The funds will be used to pur­
chase four hybrid buses and will
operate on one o f T riM et’s busi­
est routes, Line 72-K illingsw orth/
Sunday M orning Sunday School 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM
M ission M inistry M onday Evening 6:30 PM
W ednesday Evening Bible Study 6:30 PM
We Invite Everyone to come, Enjoy and be a part
o f a Worship Experience
CALL: (503)335-3035
and m inority riders and those
w ith o u t a c a r th a n th e b us
system wide.
TriM et G eneral M anager Neil
M cFarlane noted that updating
the bus fleet is a top priority.
The new hybrid buses will fea­
ture low -floor accessible board­
ing, lower exhaust em issions and
noise levels, feature autom atic
stop announcem ents and CCTV
security cam eras. Bus delivery is
expected in about 20 months.
H ybrids cost about 40-50 per­
cent m ore than a new bus, but the
new technology has resulted in a
20 percent gain in fuel efficiency.
F uneral
H ome
Our First
Holy Spirit
in Action
Dr. Raymon H. Edwards, Sr.,
Pastor and Sister Lucy Ellen
Edwards, 1 st Lady
To Place Your
C ontact:
P hone: 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3
Fax: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5
T erry F amily
Your Care
Com e H ear
the Bible
The Gospel
TriMet to Buy Hybrid Buses
82nd Ave. FTA selected T riM et’s
com petitive proposal because it
will im prove the environm ent for
riders as well as for residents.
“ By investing in this project,
the O bam a A dm inistration is en­
suring that people in the Portland
area have a cleaner, safer, and
m ore reliable way to get to work,
to school and to doctor's appoint­
m ents," said M cM illan. "In addi­
tion to providing better service to
Portland's diverse com m unities,
these new er buses will be more
accessible to the elderly and per­
sons with disabilities.”
Line 72 provides more than
16,500 trips a day. It carries a
greater proportion o f low-incom e
Page 17
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