Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 2010, Page 11, Image 11

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    July 14. 2010
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Page II
33466 Havlik Dr., Scappoose, OR
Phone (503) 987-1546
Fax (503) 987-1043
n i l lAISHISI
Call ahead for orders made to-go
Specialty Coffee & Smoothies
Beer, Wine & Spirits
Breakfast & Lunch served until 3 PM.
Free Wi-Fi
Mon-Fri 7am-3pm
Sat-Sun 8am-3pm
Kids enjoy the water spray ground at Blue Lake Regional Park.
Stay Cool at Blue Lake
Join Us For Happy Hour
3pm-6pm Mon-Fri
Appetizers & Drink Specials
Locatedjust 20 minutes from down­ ground has a variety o f fully au to ­ co v ered picnic areas.
tow n Portland, M etro's Blue Lake m atic spray and stream ing w ater
M etro’s O xbow Regional Park on
Regional Park has a num ber o f cool features av ailab le for visitors w ho the Sandy R iver also provide a space
options for all ages and abilities.
are eith er y o u n g o r young at heart. fo r co o ler tem peratures. U nder a
A djacent to the sw im beach, the T he non-slip surface, lack o f stan d ­ d en se canopy, trees provide natu­
w ater spray ground is a convenient ing w ater and location n ear the ral air co n d itio n in g for those look­
substitute for those w ho are unable restroom s m ak e the w ater spray ing to hike the trails, spot som e
to m ake it into Blue Lake's sw im area g round safe for those w ith lim ited w ildlife o r ju s t g et out o f the sun.
(children under age five are not al­ m obility or in need o f a w heelchair. E ntrance fees to both B lue Lake and
low ed in the lake).
Blue Lake’s natural backdrop also O xbow regional parks is $5 per car or
T he 3,500 square foot w ater spray provides p len ty o f shady spots and $7 p er van o r bus.
S u m m er C a b a r e t—P ort­
land C en ter Stage p resen ts
G avin & Susannah: A n Intim ate
E vening o f M usical T heater, featuring
M el B row n L ive — P ort­
land ja z z giant M el B row n
p erform s at S a lty ’s on the C o­
lum bia every Friday and Saturday
night. K now n as the “G entlem an o f Jazz,” Brown
has a career spanning o ver 40 years.
-.T w
G a v in G re g o ry an d
Susannah M ars w ith
m usical directo r R ick
Lew is. Perform ances
w ill begin at 7:30 p.m .
W ednesday,
T hursday and F riday nights through Ju ly 23 at the
G erding T heater at the A rm ory.
D ance un d er the Stars: Jazz in the C ity — Y o u ’re
invited to enjoy local ja z z at P ioneer C ourthouse
Square on Saturday night, July 17. Jazz in the C ity is
part o f Y o sh id a ’s Sand in the C ity w eekend, a sand
castle building benefit for Im pact N orthw est.
A ngela C h en g in R ecital - P ortland Piano Interna­
tional presents A ngela C heng, one o f C anada ’ s brig h t­
est stars, on Friday, July 16 at 7:30 p.m . at the W orld
Forestry C enter. T he concert is part o f the 12th annual
P ortland International Piano Festival.
D ine and D ance — Z oo supporters get to dine and dance
am ong the anim als, Saturday, July 17, as the O regon
Z oo Foundation hosts its 11th annual sum m er bash
“Z oolala: A n im alia,” presented by Spirit M ountain C a­
sino. A long w ith untam ed revelry and carnival fun,
there w ill be live m usic and culinary delights from m ore
than 20 o f the a re a ’s top restaurants.
Dixion 's Rib Pit
between 19th & 20th on Alberta Street
12 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tueday thru Saturday
Sunday after 3 p.m.
If I . »
Dinners $9.50
Sandwiches $8.50
And Soul Food
7?v us once you 'll come back again
f l t f í n ti
m /
B arber
/ v n r n tr t/t
B eauty
S al ( j n
Aaron Peterson z Owner
C o a m c to lo ylw t / B a rb e r / S ty ltet
A T aste o f Paris — P aris-based m usicians o f C aravan
Palace, an electro gypsy-sw ing band, w ill be celebrating
B astille D ay at the O regon Z oo, W ednesday, July 14 as
part o f the z o o ’s S u m m er C o n cert Series.
Hr»: 10:30am - 7pm / Mon. • Sat.
(5 0 3 1
k *
2 6 0 -3 6 6 1
5800 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211
T he W hispers and Jeffrey O sb o r n e —O ne o f R & B ’s
m ost beloved and popular vocal groups,
the W hispers, jo in s hit solo artist Jef­
frey O sborne for a Friday, Ju ly 22 co n ­
cert at Spirit M ountain C asino. F or
tickets and m ore inform ation, visit
spiritm ountain.com .
R oad to E quality E x h ib it—C lark C ounty H istoric M u­
seum has opened its n ew est exhibit, R oad to Equality:
the Struggle for W o m en ’s R ights in the N orthw est. The
m useum is located at 1511 M ain St. in V ancouver. For
m ore inform ation, call 360-993-5679.
Zeke’ s Ready Ribs is now Open!!
P rehistoric P redators — E norm ous dinosaurs w ith
lifelike ferocity are represented in an exhibit that
continues through L abor D ay at the O regon Zoo.
V isitors w ill follow a trail through an ancient rain
forest, surrounded by the realistic anim atronic crea­
tures that roar, snarl and m ove.
H ighland G am es — E xperience w orld-class Scottish
athletics, dance, m usic, food and ch ild re n ’s gam es at
the 58th annual H ighland G am es, Saturday, July 17 at
M t. H ood C om m unity C ollege in G resham . D ay ad m is­
sion is $20 for adults and $ 10 for youth. C hildren under
5 are free.
Zeke’s is having a 2 month special (June-July 3rd):
• Wings with toast S 1.99
• 12 wings with Toast and fries $9.49
• 3 wings tries and Toast $4.49
• I lot Link or German Sausage w ith soda $2.99
• ( hilli fritos with soda $2.99
N orm an S ylvester Band - B oogie C at N orm an
Sylvester and his band perform Saturday, July 17 at
T illicum ; Friday, July 23 at D om en ic’s; Friday, July 30
at C ly d e ’s; T uesday, A ug. 3 at D aw son Park; and
Friday, A ug. 6 at T ualatin in the C om m ons.
K ing Farm ers M ark et — The K ing F arm ers M arket is
back each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . through Oct. 31
at N o rth east Seventh A venue and W ygant Street,
adjacent to K ing School Park. Food stam p users can
receive up to $ 10 in m atching tokens.
/N txi to Tht Ctuh ContuKtkm)
Rib dinners special: 3 Ribs 2 sides and bread $9.49
C onte by Today
Open 10:30am till 8:00pm .Monday through Saturday
5800 NE MLK Jr. Bid., Portland • 503-231-5121
the chicken tastes better then .kicks'”