sportiani» (Observier PaSe6 . luneîo. 2010 Take Action Get Tested j ready * I Multnomah County Health Department's j $20 bibs I . . L I I ' ■ HIV Community Test Site offers | confidential HIV testing | with or without your name | at these locations: I I Downtown Community Test Site I I I I I I I I I Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. j Mon I Thurs I Fri | 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, | Portland, 97204 | “Free with this coupon” Public Health Northeast Health Center Just walk in I Tuesdays j 5:30 - 7:15 pm j Aaron Peterson opens Zeke's 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, | Portland, 97211 1 --•s mm R h HSHHHSHSHHHB p . — _ — J Ready Ribs at 58 00 N.E. MLK Blvd. Hair Salon Owner Expands with Zeke’s Embracing faith, family by L eonard L atin T he P ortland O bserver Dr. Billy Ft. Flowers (above center) and his skilled sta ff are ready to help those in need. ____________ THE____________ SPINACOLLIMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 8. CONSTIPATION: The backing up of body’s sewage system. : N o th in g has e ve r rea lly h e lp e d m y c o n s tip a tio n . W hat can C hiropractic p o ssib ly do? : As a natural form o f h e al­ ing, there is m uch a C h iro ­ practic and the im proved lifestyle w e recom m end can do to rem ove the im m ediate distress and long term health hazards o f co n stip a­ tion. But before we begin, you should understand that co n stip a­ tion takes tw o approaches. The first is the tight, som etim es painful feeling in the low er back area. The second and m ore insidious type is w hat we call “ hidden co n stip a­ tion.” This is w hen we seem ingly m ove our bow els regularly, but never com pletely elim inate everything in o u r colon (large intestine). This causes the colon to back up and spread toxic poisons throughout the body. This can lead to everything from sinusitis to allergies to arthri­ tis. C hiropractic can help to alleviate this problem by gently turning nerves back on in the colon and sm all intes­ tine. It is not uncom m on for a patient to have tw o, three o r even four bow el m ovem ents after the first adjustm ents on his o r her spine. A man w ith FB SS (failed back surgi­ cal syndrom e) w ent hom e and had 12 bow el m ovem ents that night. A nd he claim ed he w a sn ’t even constipated! W hatever questions you m ight have about health and healing, you ’ 11 find that C hiroprac­ tic is often the answ er. C all us for an appointm ent today. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124NE Hancock, Port land Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 287*5504 T he local hair salon S h ’A a ro n ’s Looks was nam ed after ow ner Aaron P e t e r s o n 's e ld e s t d a u g h te r S h ' A aron, and has long been a place to get a haircut and m ake friendly conversation. N ow Peterson is e x ­ panding his business venture by opening Z e k e ’s R eady R ibs, nam ed after his eldest son Ezekiel. Peterson believes in fam ily and alw ays show s them his support. His ethic is w ork hard and com m unity, feeling blessed to open up his b ar­ becue facility right next to his b ar­ bershop at 5800 N.E. M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. P eterson w as b o m in Los A n g e­ les, and grew up in the Portland area, graduating from John A dam s H igh School in 1977. H e said that as a child and a young m an he m ade m istakes like everybody else, but w ith the b less­ ings o f G od has changed his life around. “ I c a n ’t change the past, I w ish I co u ld ,” he said. “G od has blessed m e to be the m an I am today and I truly thank G od. As far as people w ho continue to criticize and hate, they need to know G od has put m e in a place on earth that m akes m e feel like I'm on cloud n in e.” P eterson volunteers at Loaves and F ishes preparing m eals for the elderly each m orning. He has also given m any free b arbecues in the P ortland area and has fed fam ily, friends and people in the co m m u ­ nity. Peterson is proud o f his d au g h ­ ter S h 'A a ro n and h er acco m p lish ­ m ents. S h 'A a ro n has achieved c o l­ lege success w ith an a sso c iate ’s, b ach elo r’s and m a ster’s degrees, and is currently w orking on her doctorate. He is also so proud o f his three other children Shquana, A aron Jr. and U ’Dell w ho he expects w ill follow in th eir siste r’s footsteps. C u rtis H uff, an acco m p lish ed cook w ith experience in the co m m u ­ nity, has been hired by P eterson to m anage Z e k e ’s. H is success in the restau ran t b usiness includes c o o k ­ ing fo r Ja c k ’s on 9th Street and C annon R ibs on 33rd A venue. “ It’s nice to do things the right w ay and help o th ers,” H u ff said. “T his opp o rtu n ity is truly a bless- ing. P eterson called H u ff a natural fit for his latest venture. Community Clean-Up S afew ay is team ing up w ith the B oys and G irls C lub in a clean-up cam paign to encourage com m unity in v o lv e m e n t and e n v iro n m e n ta l aw aren ess. V olunteers and Safew ay ’ s B right G reen C lean T eam will set out to clean -u p various public locations, including the O regon Z oo on S atu r­ day, July 10 from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m ., and O aks A m usem ent Park on S u n ­ day, July 11 from 12 p.m . to 7 p.m . T he public is en co u raged to jo in in and lend a helping hand. T here will be a special draw ing fo r a co m p reh en siv e clean-up day fo r a local school. O n-site p artici­ pants w ill also receive free sam ples and dem onstrations o f B right G reen cleaning products.