lune 30.2010______________ ,_______________ pottiani» flftbseruer Pase 5 Obama Nominee Defends Record Court pick on way toward confirmation (A P) -- C hallenged bluntly by R epublicans, S uprem e C ourt n o m i­ nee Elena K agan said T uesd ay the P entagon's recruiters had access to H arvard Law School students "ev­ ery single day I w as dean" and re­ je c te d claim s she m aneuvered to thw art them . "I'm ju st a little taken aback by the tone o f your rem arks b ecause it is unconnected to reality," retorted Sen. J e ff Sessions o f A labam a, the first R epublican on the S enate Ju d i­ ciary C om m ittee to question P resi­ dent B arack O bam a's choice for the high court in public. Said K agan: "I respect and in­ deed I revere the m ilitary." T he exchange cam e near the b e­ ginning o f a full day o f question in g by m em bers o f the panel, w hich w ill vote first on K agan's appointm ent to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. B arring a m ajo r gaffe, the . 'W » »m «mm«» jk M m m w m Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan testifies Monday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 50-year old O b am a ad m in istratio n solicitor general appears w ell on her w ay tow ard co n firm atio n in tim e to take h er seat before the court opens a new term in O ctober. D em ocratic Sen. Patrick Leahy o f V erm ont, the com m ittee's chairm an, w as first to broach the m ilitary re­ c ru itin g co n tro v ersy , raisin g the issue that R epublicans had often cited in p re-h earin g criticism o f K agan. m e a rn a w v ■ aw <■ « i m m "I've o n ly cried once d u ring this process," K agan said, recalling her reaction to an op -ed article praising h er for h er treatm ent o f the m ilitary, a co m m en tary w ritten by a M arine c a p ta in a n d 2 0 0 8 g ra d u a te o f H arvard Law. T he hearings turned testy w hen S essions retu rn ed to the issue o f the m ilitary's p resen ce at H arvard Law School, and a co n tro v ersy that arose w hen she blocked recruiters » « ¡« m s m b Gore Implicated in Sex Scandal 4 (A P) — Portland police say they investigated allegations that form er V ice President A1 G ore had "un­ w anted sexual contact" w ith a m as­ sage therapist during an O cto b er 2006 visit, but they found insu ffi­ c ie n t e v id e n c e to s u p p o rt th e w o m a n ’s claim s. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty D is tric t A tto rn e y M ic h a e l S c h ru n k said a n a t t o r n e y r e p r e s e n t i n g th e w o m a n c o n ta c te d p o lic e in late 2 0 0 6 . S c h ru n k said th e w o m a n re fu s e d to be in te rv ie w e d by d e ­ te c tiv e s an d d id n 't w a n t th e in ­ v e stig a tio n to c o n tin u e . B ut the w o m a n c o n ta c te d p o ­ lice in J a n u a ry 2 0 0 9 an d g a v e a sta te m e n t, sa y in g G o re trie d to h a v e sex w ith h e r d u rin g a m a s ­ sag e a p p o in tm e n t at th e u p sc a le d o w n to w n H o tel L u c ia . G o re re ­ p o rte d ly w as re g is te r e d a t th e h o te l as “ M r. S to n e .” G ore fam ily spokesw om an K alee K reider said the form er vice p resi­ dent had no com m ent. G ore and his i— The National Enquirer was first to report accusations against former Vice President Al Gore. w ife an n o u n ced June 1 they w ere sep aratin g . T he N ational E n q u irer first re­ ported the allegations fast W ed n es­ day, identifying the accu ser as a 54- y ear-o ld w om an. H er nam e has not been released. A police report prepared in 2007 said the alleged incident happened ODhsewer Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 on Oct. 24,2006. G ore was in Portland to give a speech on clim ate change. A c c o rd in g to th e re p o rt, the w om an canceled appointm ents w ith detectiv es on Dec. 21 and 26 o f that year. H er atto rn ey can celed an o th er m eeting set for Jan. 4 ,2 0 0 7 , and said the m atter w ould be handled civilly. “This case is exceptionally cleared as (the w om an) refuses to cooperate w ith the investigation or even report a crim e,” the report states. T he case w as reo p en ed in Jan u ­ ary 2009 after the w om an contacted police. D etectives interview ed her bu t d eterm in ed there w as in su ffi­ cient ev id en ce to support the alle­ gations, P ortland police said in a new s release. In a transcript o f the interview released by p o lice, the m assag e th erap ist said she w as doing re­ quested abdom inal w ork on G ore. She claim ed he started to m oan, d em an d ed she go low er, and later g rab b ed h er hand and shoved it to w ard his pubic area. from the career services office. Pentagon's representatives w orked S he has sa id sh e a c te d b e c a u se through the veterans office on cam ­ the m ilita ry 's "d o n 't ask , d o n 't tell" p u s. p o licy , w h ich b ars o p en ly gay m en K agan also sparred at length w ith a n d w o m e n fro m se rv in g , w as a Sen. Jon Kyi, R -A riz., w ho had said v io la tio n o f the u n iv e rs ity 's a n ti- o n M o n d a y th e la te J u s tic e d is c rim in a tio n ru le s. A n d th a t as T h urgood M a rs h a ll, the first A fri­ an a lte rn a tiv e , she e n c o u ra g e d a can-A m erican Suprem e C ourt Ju s­ c a m p u s v e te ra n s g ro u p to fa c ili­ tice, w as a ju d icial activist. W hen ta te th e P e n ta g o n 's re c ru itm e n t o f K yi's turn cam e to question K agan, s tu d e n ts . he said she had w ritten g low ingly o f Sessions disp u ted K agan's v er­ the m an for w hom she once clerked, sion o f events, saying that for one and he asked w hether she w ould recruiting season "you gave them tend to ju d g e cases in a w ay that (the P entagon) the runaround. ... w ould protect the rights o f the dis­ Y ou've co n tin u ed to p ersist w ith a d v an ta g e d . this view that so m eh o w there w as a " If y ou confirm m e, you'll get loophole in the statute that H arvard Justice K agan, you w on't get Ju s­ didn't have to com ply w ith." tice M arshall," she said. She added K agan gave no ground, co u n ter­ that the "glory o f the courts" is ing that "m ilitary recruiting w ent up accessib ility to all, and after that, th a t y e a r , n o t d o w n ," w h e n the C onstitu tio n rules. Interested in a rigorous education for your child? Come learn about The SEI Academy • A holistic education that includes values, critical thinking and community service. • Exposure to dance, drama, music and the arts. • A learning community where your child will build meaningful relationships with teachers and peers. • Our test scores surpass the district’s average and comparable middle schools’ test scores for our student population in reading, writing and science. SEI Academy 3920 N. Kerby Ave. Portland, OR 97227 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. 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