P a s e 2 0 ________________________________________________________________________ ^h* P o r tia n i» (D h s e ru e r ______________________ Recipes by recipes.com lune30.2010 SAFEWAY Ingredients for life Pulled Pork Shoulder ORIGINAL (By Better Homes and Gardens) In gredients • 6 to 8 hickory w ood chunks or 3 cups hickory w ood chips • 1/3 cup D avis D ry Rub (see below ) • 1 5- to 5-1/2-lb. boneless pork shoulder roast (sold in som e regions as B oston butt) r •---------1 • I recipe V inegar Bar- ( becue Sauce • 12 to 18 soft w hite ham burger buns • B ottled hot p ep p er I Lay’s or Lay’s Kettle Chips 10 5 to 11-oz. Lay’s or 8.5-oz. Lay’s Kettle. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2.11 % % Club Price tot "k V y J K B I “*K 1 • C o leslaw -o n the side or top the sandw ich Davis Dry Rub txntfMi VALUE 1/3 cup black pepper, 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup chili pow der, 1/4 clip ground cum in, 1/4 cup packed brow n sugar, 3 Tbsp. g ran u ­ lated sugar, and 2 Tbsp. cayenne pepper. T ransfer to a sm all airtight container or bag. Store at room tem perature up to 6 m onths. Rancher's Reserve* Beef Ribeye Steak äcne ln ûtrerce Valjc t o SAVtuptoSaOOib Rancher's Reserve' Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak Rancher’s Reserve* Boneless Beef Petite Sirloin Steak Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to S3 00 ¡6 Extreme Value t o . SArtsebSZM» > >1i3«SRtHtS«Itt Frozen Sold in a bag SAVE up to $2.90 lb. Or Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs Sone- in Entente Value Pack. Si 49 lb Club P rit» m Vitaminwater 20-oz. Selected varieties. C lub P rie r «01 Foster Farms Fresh Whole Chicken Locally qrown. SAVE up to 50c lb. Or Spiit, 99e lb Super Colossal Raw White Stirimi Fresh Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets Or Rit i->i SAVE up to SI 50 it) ■ S et. Selected varieties SAVE up Io 30c » Mini Watermelon or Tuscan Cantaloupe Sweet Red Cherries ’ Safeway Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns ; Under 12-ct Easypoel Previously frozen SAVE up to S4.00 lt>. Weather permitting All size packages Or Salmon Kabcbs with vegetables $7 99 lb. SAVE up to $1100 lb. Club P rit» 16-< h . Selected » '« lie . , SAVEuptcSe.9Soo3 C lu b P ric e Signataire Cite3 8 -Piece Fried AK Natural« Oark Meat Orken ¿ssen crrasU. Or ju s to Äei-Jii fkiçi« Üark ridu3« 4 nek Lejstn^fs, Pork Spareribs Slim Cut Oscar Mayer Meat Wieners MU* OHlfiSMNIMUf. Club Price«« 5»!«IS!5?|i erster a rm s D irections Summer Sorbet Tart with Fresh Berries Bush’s Best Grillin’ or Baked Beans r « 1. Sm oker Instructions: At least 1 hour before sm oke-cooking, soak w ood chunks or chips in enough w ater to cover. D rain before using. 2. S prinkle D avis D ry R ub evenly over m eat; rub in w ith your fingers. In a sm oker arrange preheated coals, drained w ood chunks, and w ater pan according to m anufacturer's direc­ tions. Pour w ater into pan. Place roast on the grill rack over w ater pan. C over; sm oke for 4 to 5 hours o r until roast is very tender. A dd additional coals and w ater as needed to m aintain tem perature and m oisture. (D o not add m ore w ood after the first 2 hours o f sm oking. Too m uch sm oke m akes roast bitter. ) 3. R em ove roast from sm oker. C over roast w ith foil; let stand for 15 m inutes. U sing tw o forks, gently pull the roast into long thin strands. M ix about 1-1/2 cups V inegar B arbecue Sauce w ith the pork to slightly m oisten the m eat. 4. To serve, pile pork onto buns. S prinkle w ith hot p ep p er sauce. Serve w ith rem aining V inegar B arbecue sauce and K ohlrabi C oleslaw . M akes 12 (4 -l/4 -o u n c e )to 18 servings. ■ i gether 1 / 2 cup paprika, 1— ------------------ 1 Great for Picnics. Club Price: S2.50 ea SAVE up to S4.98 on 2 C lu b P rit» Club P rit» « ■ Fresh Express* or Eating Right1 Salads 4.5S»l2-oz saoage. Setettd ansi«. Cité t o $2.1»«. SAV£»#$2««i2 Club P rit» SAFEW AY % Valid 6/30 thru 7/6/10 COUPON I mw ”WK be s^stroc « Pre « tuntost Cite »am *4?i Can « I Caujon uw t two t e K? cauaun W wmh S’O u ju ta » ipaktei wu w it a g n U W » CANNOT at « M i t t ! C o u W iv M m SAFEW AY S W COUPON thru 7/6/to SAFEW AY s I lins omwi titjsi v at «ne d owexw o n * «aie «eh cm are c a c r iron five «ere pv coupon SW ixttfim ipM M yukrN aM m CCtTO-^tWCT6F»XWCatior r»iilP'. ■ *19 Valid 6/30 thru 7/6/10 COUPON SAFEW AY A 16 c : Selected varieties. 000000304313 Valid 6/30 thru 7/6/10 COUPON D irections 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. C om bine graham cracker crum bs, su g ar and m elted butter in bow l; m ix w ith a fork. 3. To assem ble each dessert; press 3 tablespoons crum b m ixture onto bottom and up sides o f sm all (1/2 cup) ram ekin. R epeat for rem aining 3 ram ekins. B ake 20 m inutes. Let cool com pletely. 4. Scoop 1/2 cup lim e sorbet into each ram ekin; sm ooth out sorbet so top is level. 5. Place 1 sm all scoop o f black cherry sorbet on top o f lim e sorbet; w ith back o f spoon press level to top o f ram ekin. A rrange 1-2 m ini scoops o f other sorbets around the black cherry scoop. 6. G arnish w ith berries. Serve im m ediately. WITH CARO AND COUPON WITH CARDANO COUPON 7 Fn r CS a«« « «J 7 Fnr A ICJf Nabisco Snack Crackers or Toasted Chips Wish-Bone Salad Dressing 5 5 to 10- ox. 16 oz Selected varieties WITHOUT COUeOM WITH CARD AND COUPON 7 QQ CUHHHCf without t owom < 4 riv tW ttl WIlti'MlT (ouroH WtSOtiTt Kingsford Charcoal Briquets O r i t i «kt 15 7 to 16 5-lbs Selected varieties tSenMJ « * 3« as Cuv lint far km pr a>w ifarv 000000088060 5’0 jurase xcevs » 9 1 ca«m COK« 3 W IT « ■ k W L E ù w o w k H iv 'Îtî rllGINHUMfo ^ev rr« of e v e r y d a y low pmees Selected varieties. RRR« taBSCWii-¿4te « hmmsm i l l ’.»i ¡niOn» le*Pee V».¡f - m k h n r r dsuRhafi* aMPfies eaxm» CKMüW IS jw iÄ t K i s « , aae y»«« Always grevi« Club Card ■ ■ S p ed a ¡o » usa » ?æ«iN ï /uw«» M rih :jsJ ne 'agon irtts n te r «r c w satte Ä w SIO -aiUsv v* Sr jl c w 2 V » 3 » 3 r ä !« a i5 £ u M « ttte r w o ""OOOOO 0 8 9 6 9 That's our promise... that's ingredients for life. jfc Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, June 30 thru Tuesday, July 6, 2010. ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store. , ilFMS MAVM5T f i^ V A R ^ F ^ N . a h - is iP (c’KBPl Mitton Freewater) and S.W. Washington stores servino WahWakutn Q w litz ? ,eS•c' products £ * to,W 8 pseudoephedrine or phenvfpr^anciamine hr,med by fiv « w w i .n' MlL at* e,tKec Pntes n,aT « « " tower m 8»«» slotos. On Buy One, Get One Free fBOGO i offers h. second t,ern h«e 0DG0 otters are not 17? pnee sales. If only a single item Emhaaed, the regular price applies M ir.fa c tw c ts coupons may he nsec “1 -RW coupon per purchased dent Customer wW be responsible lor tax ano deposits as reauired py law on the purchased and tree items. No honor sales Liquor sales at licensed Safeway stores only. © 2010 Safeway Inc Availability of items may vary by store