Pasc 18____________________ ^lu ^Jnrtkuiô (Dhseruer____________________ luflc 3Q> 2010 EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United 4X00 NE 30th Ave. Port­ land O R 97211 503-335-8772 You are cordially invited to w orship with us in these services: Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M Pastor & W ife- Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright Worship Serv ice 12:00 Noon Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. W eekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00 Your Care Vin Shambry(from left), Elizabeth Klinger, Rebecca Teran and David Cole star in ‘Songs fora New World. ’ Songs for a New World Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broachvay and Sandy Blvd.) • A utom obile accident injuries • C h ro n ic h e a d a c h e a n d jo in t p a in • W orkers C om pensation injuries Call for an appointment! F our actors, tw o m u sician s and a baby grand. T he in g red i­ ents p ro v id e an intim ate, aco u s­ tic p r e s e n t a t i o n o f R o b e r t B r o w n ’s o f f - B r o a d w a y h it Songs for a N ew W orld, now playing through Saturday, Ju ly 3 at M iracle T h eater, 525 S.E. Stark St., as part o f the local th eatre g ro u p ’s Staged! M usical th ea te r series. From a ledge 57 stories above Fifth A venue to a deck o f a 1492 Spanish sailing ship, from ayoung m an w ho hopes basketball is his ticket out o f the ghetto, to the wife a certain North Pole resident who loves her husband but c an ’t face B U S IN E S S Stale Farm Providing insumm and • .¡¿¡Vite:» Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61 710 (503)228-6140 Pablo and Crystal’s House Cleaning. A N D O F F IC E S TOO!! Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97717 M 3 786 1103 Fax M 3 286 1146 ernie.toli hbrnl^statefann tom 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® 13450 SE Division St. Portland, Or 97206 Office Number (503) 761-2452 Pablo Centeno 503.960.6823 C07p5®U(Z) Crystal Centeno 503.960.6009 FREE ESTIMATES!!! Paóto* ¿i Elect l a d y Pßitsfuip 3ft. <£ //? 3f€udgc 3Paa to* f 3eacftcri / fReuiualia t W orsh ip Services: Sundays: C hurch School— 9:00 A.M . M orning W orship— 10:00 A.M . another C hristm as alone, the play is about the hard choices and star­ tling discoveries w e m ake at piv­ otal m om ents in life. T ic k e ts c an b e p u rc h a se d from m ilag ro .o rg , calling 503- 236-7253 or from the PD X Ticket N etw ork box office at the H o lly ­ w ood T heatre. I nterstate D ental C linic 5835 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217 watch video at http:// 2668891/lnterstate-Dental-Clinic LANE FAMILY REUNION P ortla n d , ontooN $5.00 Tees Family Reunion Screen Printing 503-762-6042 State Farm* Providing Insurance and financial Services Onluoí Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 P e n in s u l a R ea lty Michael E Harper P e te r C la rk e Broker Agent (2> liatli o llk c ls iiidepeiidenilv ou lied and opeuled Sem inars: Bible T hem es— W ednesdays— 7:00 P.M. “ G od T he F ath er” ; “ G od The Son” ; and “ G od T he H o ly S p irit” B ishop H odge and C o n g reg atio n invite y o u to jo in us at our ap p o in tm en t w ith Jesus We R each , Teach, & P reach in J e su s ’ nam e!!! Location: 6401 NE 10th Avenue Portland, OR. 97211 To inquire about o u r C h u rch please call (5 0 3 ) 863-6545 or h o d g eh sp k s@ m sn .co m w w w .n w v o icefo rch m (503)946-6273 edwarward2 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR website: Default.htm 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 61 ION. Lombard St. Portland, Oregon 97203 Business 503.2.S6.5X26 Fax 503.2X3.6300 Cell 503.333.5XW peter.clar kc2(u century21 coin ccntury2 I