Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 30, 2010, Page 17, Image 17

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    lune 30. 2010
Il!r Portiani) Oftbsrroer
Page 17
P © r f l a n d O t s e r v e r A n i © R © view
Rested Vehicle information: 2.5L Horizontally-Opposed 4-Cyl Engine; Lineartronic Continuously Variable transmission with 6-speed manual mode- 2 2 citym pg 2 9
highway mpg, MSRP $24,595, Tested MSRP $28,298.
2010 Subaru
Outback 2.51
Premium / ADD
fit rig h t in w ith ty p ic a l a c tiv e
lifestyles and everyday com m uting.
T he 2.5i trim s are p o w ered by a
2.5-liter boxerfour rated at 170 horse­
p o w er at 5600 rpm and 170 Ib-ft o f
to rq u e at 4 0 0 0 rpm . T he 2.5i is o u t­
by K athleen C arr
fitted w ith an all-new 6-speed m anual
The Subaru Premium-trimmed 2.5 i tran sm issio n from the factory. The
adds a 10-w ay p o w er adjustable tested vehicle cam e eq u ip p ed w ith
driver's seat, 17-inch alloy w heels, a the S ubaru's L ineartronic C V T ,
le ath er steerin g w heel, auto up / w hich selects any ratio betw een its
dow n driver's w indow and fog lights, h ighest and low est av ailab le ratios
and raises the sticker price to $24,595. at any tim e and adds $1000. This
O p tio n a l fa re in c lu d e s th e m eans a m ore efficien t use o f p o w er
Lineartronic C V T, all-w eather pack­ and b etter fuel econom y. In the past,
age, a 4 4 0 -w att H arm an K ardon ste­ m anual g earboxes go t b etter m ile­
reo and a sunroof. T he O utback's age than th eir autom atic co u n ter­
standard all-w heel drive, rugg ed parts, bu t in the O utback the 6-
nature and general outdoorsy vibe speed delivers 19 m pg city/27 m pg
hig h w ay , w h ile the C V T posts 22
m pg/29 m pg
T h e d e sig n o f th e u n ib o d y sh ell
an d th e low , h o riz o n ta lly -o p p o se d
e n g in e k e ep th e c e n te r o f g ra v ity
lo w , m in im i z in g s id e - t o - s i d e
w e ig h t tra n s fe r w h en c o rn e rin g .
S p rin g s an d sh o c k s a re m a tc h e d
a n d tu n e d m o d e ra te ly firm ly fo r
g o o d c o n tro l w ith m in im a l b o d y
ro ll w h e n c o rn e rin g , d e sp ite th e
c o n sid e ra b le 8.7 in c h e s o f g ro u n d
c le a ra n c e , w h ic h a llo w s e a sy an d
safe d irt-ro a d d riv in g a n d p ro te c ­
tio n fro m ro a d d e b ris th a t m ig h t
s u rp ris in g ly a p p ea r.
T he base 2.5i co m es standard
w ith 16-inch steel w heels, autom atic
headlights, adjustable ro o f rails and
cross bars, full p o w er accessories,
cruise control, a tilt-and-telescop-
ing steering colum n, height-adjust-
able d riv er seat and a fo u r-sp eak er
stereo w ith C D p lay er and an au x il­
iary audio ja ck . T he 2.5i P rem ium
adds 17-inch alloy w heels, fog lights,
rear privacy glass, eig h t-w ay p o w er
d riv er seat (w ith p o w er lum bar) and
a leather-w rapped steering w heel.
O ptional on the P rem ium is an A ll-
W eath er package that adds heated
side m irrors, a w indshield w ip er de--
icer and heated front seats. The
optional H arm an K ardon stereo in­
c lu d es n in e sp ea k e rs, a six -C D
ch an g er and B luetooth phone and
audio connectivity
T he O u tb ack w ill catch you o ff
g u ard ev ery tim e you step out o f the
d riv e r seat, b ecau se o f its high
g round clearance, w hile d riv in g it,
you feel a relativ ely low c en te r o f
g rav ity w hich adds to the feeling o f
a low ground vehicle. The O utback's
im p ro v ed interior space and c o m ­
fort, also help to im prove both ride
and h an d lin g q ualities. It m ay have
a station w agon look h o w ev er the
sm ooth, co m fo rtab le and great h a n ­
d lin g d escrib es the O utback's o n ­
road behavior. T he o u tb ack is truly
a v ersatile p erform s w hile in tow n
and o f f road w hile p ro v id in g sp a­
cious cargo room . I feel like I w as
d riv in g a SU V .
In Loving Memory
Denell Ann Tanner Mullen
T his is the third y e ar since D enell has left us to go hom e to o u r
Lord. She passed aw ay on June 2 8 ,2 0 0 7 at hom e w ith her girls and
husband after a 6 y e ar battle w ith H o d g k in ’s lym phom a cancer.
She w as a fighter and w ent through three different k em os for
alm ost four years. She never co m p lain ed one tim e b ecau se she
never w anted her fam ily to w orry. A s I said, she w as alw ays
thinking o f others before herself.
She is terribly m issed by all o f h er children; her husband D oug;
h er m om Sally T anner; h ersisters, Sheila, D ebbra Lee, C edra; her
brothers, D arreal and C eodus; all her aunts; and m any oth er
fam ily m em bers and m any friends.
A ll w ho knew D enell knew she w as a great w om an and the great
m other, sister and w ife any and ev ery m an w ish es for. She w ould
be 50 years old this year.
W e are thankful for the lord blessing us w ith h er for a very short
tim e o f 48 years w hen she passed. W e all kn o w the L ord takes the
good young and w e all are sure he had a b ig g er plan for D enell.
L et us n ev er forget how great a w om an she w as. W e love you
D enell and m iss you so m uch b ab y doll.
D o I n eed a counselor?
Wc all haw life stressors, especially in today's complex world. Balancing your
home, work, an d spiritual life can be owrwhelming.
Internal coping skills can get us through a crisis o r change} howewr, we m ay n ot
haw the resources to owrcom e in the m ost effectiw way.
Deciding i f counseling is right for you can be a tough decision. It mav initially
feel like adm itting failure.
Actually choosing counseling can be the key to m aking you an d your family's
dreams a reality. Counseling is like adding tools to your toolbox. We can help
you find better ways to owrcom e life's problems.
Service» includo
Counseling Center Design and Development
Finding Solutions to Life’s Problems
Substance Abuse Education
Stress Management
Grief Counseling
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Healing from Past Hurts
Hodge Comprehensive Counseling Service
Fireworks at Fort Vancouver
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page
In o rd er to m ake the new event
econom ically sustainable, the Fort
V ancouver N ational T rust is charg-
ing a nom inal adm ission fee to those
ages 13 and older. C hildren ages 12
and u n d er are free. Save $2 p er ticket
b y p u r c h a s in g tic k e ts o n lin e
through m idnight on July 3— and
pay o n ly $5.
T ickets are available to purchase
on lin e at F o rtV an .o rg . T ickets p ur­
ch ased at the gate on July 4 w ill be
$7 for ages 13 and above.
Providing cognitive behavioral services Oom a Biblical
perspective w ith sound psychological principles.
Life Change Specialist
Licensed Pastoral Counselor
Professional Trainer
Over 20years of addressing
Life Stressors
~by Appointment Only-
D r. H . L . H odge, I ’h. D .
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Ave. Ste 1100
Portland, OR. 97204
(503)220 1790