June 23, 2010 |lnrtla«b (Observer Page 9 Arts ' X EMOTAIMENI Home Grown Talent Published Jefferson alum writes two children's books Random House has published Jefferson High School graduate Renée W atson’s first children’s book to be released in stores June 22. A Place Where Hurricanes Hap­ pen records the voices o f four young friends describing their lives before, during, and after Hurricane Katrina. They learn that even though the world can change in a heartbeat, it’s people who shape the character o f a com m u­ nity and offer com fort and hope in the darkest hours. P h ila n th r o p is t a n d a u th o r Caroline K ennedy writes in the book’s forward, “A profound trib­ ute to the pow er o f friendship to heal and give us hope in troubled tim es. This book explores the im ­ pact o f a national tragedy in the m ost personal term s and is engag­ ing and whimsical at the same time — an im pressive achievem ent.” W atson’s second book, pub­ lished by Bloomsbury, will be in stores July 6 and ready for pre-order on June 24: What Momma Left Me. After the death o f their mother, Se­ renity Evans and her younger brother go to live with their grand­ parents, who try to keep them safe from bad influences and help them come to terms with what has hap­ pened to their family. Booklist writes, “Packed with events, details, and revelations, this first-person novel creates a believ­ able portrayal o f Serenity, strug­ gling through a difficult time but drawing strength from her wise, lov­ ing African American family and their broader community." Watson, c lass o f 1996, grew up in Portland, where even as a child she was writing and acting. Whether in school or church plays, in the living room with her family or in the pri­ vacy o f her journal, she has always had a story to tell. She has worked in public schools Advertise with diversity in n'c Portland Observer C all 503-288-0033 ads(i