lune 23, 2010 ìl!,f floHIanò (Obstruer Page 5 West Linn Church Gives Back Southlake Church in West Linn, armed by hundreds o f its church volunteers, spent Saturday using rakes, clippers, paintbrushes and other tools to clean up the grounds and spruce up the interior o f Roosevelt High School. Pictured from left are Susie Perkins Tara Chasteen, Marybeth Lewis and Jim Lewis. sp rit Mountain executive Rodney Ferguson (center) receives a Newsmaker o f the Year award from Royal Rosarians Raymond Hanson and Sue Klobertanz. Spirit Mountain Executive Honored Spirit Mountain Gaming Chief E x e c u tiv e o ffic e r R odney E. Ferguson has been honored for his accomplishments and leadership in guiding the Spirit Mountain Casino and Resort to sustained growth with major additions to facilities and cus­ tomer services. Ferguson was named Newsmaker o f the Year by the Royal Rosarians, Portland’s official ambassadors and greeters. He was nominated for the award by the Portland Observer. Ferguson is a long time executive in the gaming industry, with prior experience with Isleta Casino and Resort, Hyatt Gaming and trump Casino Resorts. Originally from Williamsburg, Va., he began his career in 1978 in Philadelphia, Pa., as an auditor for Coopers & Lybrand, an interna­ tional CPA firm. In July 1983, he entered the gaming industry in At­ lantic City, N.J., and held various positions in financial management for Harrahs, the Golden Nugget and Trump Plaza prior to starting an ac­ counting practice in 1991. In 1994 Ferguson returned to gam ing in New O rleans as chief financial officer for River City Casino. In 2003, he joined Isleta Casino & Resort in A lbuquerque, N.M ., where he helped transport a stand alone casino into a full ser­ vice resort that included a 27-hole g o lf course, fam ily entertainm ent center with a bowling alley, an RV park, lakes, m usic park and cam p­ ground facility, as well as a re­ cently opening a four-diam ond level hotel and convention center which won the 2008 Hopsy Award for “ Best Boutique H otel” and “ Best Hotel L obby.” photos by M ark W ashington J r ./T he P ortland O bserver Roosevelt High School neighbor and booster Mike Verbout (from left) welcomes Southlake Pastor Kip Jacob and church organizer Jeff Perkins to the north Portland school Saturday for a major volunteer cleanup day. Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 7. CHILDREN & CHIROPRACTIC: Start off early in life for a lifetime of health : When will my children be old enough to benefit fro m seeing Chiropractor? : Children o f Chiropractors of­ ten receive their first spinal ad­ justments the day they are bom. Using special techniques for in­ fants, Chiropractors are able to correct spinal m isalignm ents caused by the traumatic and turn­ ing o f childbirth. W hat’s more, w e’re frequently able to alleviate infant problems like colic that of­ ten keeps both babies and parents up all night. Q: / have a frien d who takes her children to a Chiropractor even when they aren ’t sick. Why would she do this? : Actually, there are more rea sons for children to see a Chiropractor regularly than there are for adults. First o f all, because o f their activi­ ties in school and out, children natu­ rally take more spills than an aver­ age adult. This is one o f the most common reasons people bring their children to a Chiropractor. But the best reason o f all is so that with regular C hiropractic care, chil­ dren can develop a nearly per­ fect spine. Not only to help them do better in school, but to gain increased strength, health and vitality throughout their adult lives. To find out all the ways Chiropractic can help your chil­ dren experience a lifetime o f good health, please call us at the num ­ ber below. flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124NE Hancock, Portland Oregon97212 Phone: (503) 287*5504