Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 23, 2010, Page 4, Image 4

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J J o r t l a n b (D h s e ru e r
The African American Men’s Club, Inc.
Presents an
6 0 ’s & 70’s - Oldies but Goodies
Saturday, June 26,2010
Billy Webb E lk’s Lodge
6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon
9 P M -1 A M
Donation: $15.00 per person
M usic by: DJ Papa Chuck
Best Dressed from the 6 0 ’s & 70’s Wins: $50.00
Raffle & 50/50 Split: Tickets - $ 1.00 each
Menu: Roast Beef, Chicken, Green Beans,
Salad & Dinner Rolls
Tickets Available at:
AAMC Club Members
Cynthia Livingston (503)504-0640
Cannon’s Rib Express (503) 288-3836
One Stop Records (503) 285-1159
Geneva’s Shear Perfection (503) 285-1 159
James & Johnnie Mayfield-Vancouver (360) 576-8519
Proceeds to benefit the AA MC Scholarship Program
The African American M en’s Club is a non-profit organization
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June 23, 2010
Donated Blood is Gift of Life
c o n t i n u e d f r o n t front
“ N ow that L atay is older, she
know s how to handle it,” T iffany
said. “ She know s w hat to look for,
and so do h er school teachers and
frien d s.”
W ith a rare blood type, donating
m eans a lot to Leonard.
He said th e re ’s such a great ben­
efit because it’s hard for hospitals
to find m atches for patients w ith
rare blood types.
“ I f you d o n ’t give, the chance o f
m atching blood th a t’s conducive is
m uch m ore d ifficu lt,” he said.
D iane Lam berth is L atay’s grand­
m other, and said she feels fortunate.
“ Latay has never had to w ait for her
blood type during an em ergency.
“ Y o u ’ll see w here hospitals c a n ’t
find the right type o f blood, and the
person w ho needs it is really su ffer­
in g ,” she said. B ecause o f that, the
fam ily is grateful for blood donors.
“ Som ebody stepped up to d o ­
n ate,” Leonard said.
“ People should give blood - you
Latay Hammick, a Boise Elementary student who ju s t finished the
sixth grade, is surrounded by her loving family, (pictured from left)
grandfather Leonard Lamberth, grandmother Diane Lamberth and
her mother Tiffany Lamberth.
m ight not be able to give a thousand
dollars, o r ten thousand dollars, o r
a fifty-thousand d o llar benefit, bu t
ev ery b o d y can try to give b lo o d ,”
L eo n ard said. “ T h e th in g ab o u t
blood is, it’s not b lack o r w hite, it’s
not A sian o r H ispanic, it’s about all
people h elping each o ther.”
N ick W arren is an em ergency
p re p a re d n e s s s p e c ia lis t fo r th e
A m erican R ed C ross, O regon T rail
C hapter.
Blood Drive Builds Community
Red Cross event
a huge success
T he Portland R ed C ross C harles
D rew B lood D rive w as a huge suc­
cess, not ju s t for brin g in g in blood
d o n atio n s, but fo r stren g th en in g
o u r P ortland com m unity.
T he second annual event held
Ju n e 12 w as initiated by volunteers
from the K aiser Perm anente A frican
A m erican Professional A ssociation,
and, for the first tim e, included A f­
rican A m erican sororities and fra­
ternities. M any sp o n so rin g co m ­
m unity groups attended, as w ell as
tw o local A frican A m erican artists
A n n W illo u g h b y a n d B o b b y
A lso at the event w as D onate
Life N orthw est heart recipient Rosie
T ab b , a local re sid en t w h o has
w orked as an A m erican R ed C ross
d o n o r recru iter and received blood
tran sfu sio n s during her heart tran s­
A ttending artist B obby F outher
carried a personal co n n ectio n to
blood donation as w ell.
“ M y g ran d m o th er died o f sickle
cell before I w as b o m . I know first­
hand the im p o rtan ce o f A frican
A m e ric a n s d o n a tin g b lo o d . B e­
cause w e often share blo o d types
and rare antigens, w e can offer sp e­
cial hope to others w ith sickle cell
Am erican
Red Cross
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Janice Robinson {from left), Yushonna Wilson and Rosemary
Young, members o f the Kaiser Permanente African American
Professional Association, help out at the Red Cross blood drive.
disease," F o u th er said.
vid in g special treats in the donor
M any co m m u n ity groups m ade can teen .
this event possible. R ed C ross o ffi­
T he blo o d d riv e sponsors for the
cials credited all the partnerships 2010 drive w ere D elta Sigm a Theta,
and gave special reco g n itio n to S e lf SEI, T he L inks, Inc., C ham pions
E nhancem ent, Inc. and C ham pions B arber Shop, K appa A lpha Psi, Z eta
B arbershop for their p ro m o tio n and Phi B eta, Phi B eta Sigm a, A lpha
recru itm en t efforts. A dditionally, K a p p a
A lp h a ,
th e
K a is e r
gratitude w as given to sorority Z eta P erm anente A frican A m erican Pro­
Phi B eta for recru itin g one third o f fe s s io n a l A s s o c ia tio n , A fric a n
th e d riv e's b lo o d d o n o rs and to A m erican M en ’ s G ro u p and O m ega
sorority D elta S igm a T heta for pro- Psi Phi.
Low-level Flights Scheduled
W ashington and O regon residents
should not be alarm ed to w itness a
low-flying aircraft over parts o f south­
ern W ashington and northern O r­
egon in late-June through July.
A fixed-w ing aircraft m onitored
by the U .S. G eological Survey w ill
begin co llectin g and reco rd in g g eo­
logic m easu rem en ts this w eek and
lasting ab o u t six w eeks o v er parts o f
W ashington and O regon.
The aircraft is controlled by expe­
rien ced p ilo ts w h o are specially
trained for low -level flying and is
o p erated by G o ld ak A irborne Sur­
veys, S a sk ato o n , S a sk atc h e w an ,
C anada.