lune 23, 2010 ìlfe fìortlanb (Ohserur r IN S ID E The Week in Review This page Sponsored by: Page 3 FredMeyer What's on your list today?. page 2 Good in the Neighorhood Time pages 6-7 f . «j»*” ■ Lineup set for annual celebration by L ee T I Arts V tMllllISHtM ENTFE1 pages 9-12 C lassifieds page 13 O pinion P erlman T he P ortland O bserver Good in the Neighborhood, a popular local event and official Rose Festival showcase for the best o f N orm an Sylveste north and northeast Portland, takes the stage this weekend at King School Park, 4815N.E. Seventh Ave. The celebration will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 26, with a pa­ rade from Emanuel Hospital to North­ east Martin Luther King Jr. Boule­ vard and winding up at the festival site. Live music will draw folks to the park event, open from noon to 9 p.m., Saturday, and again from noon to 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 27. The schedule for Saturday in­ cludes Sol Starr at noon, Julian’s Ride at 2:10 p.m., Muthar Ship at 4 p.m., Andrew Stokes at 5:45 p.m., and Soul Vaccination at 7:30 p.m. There will also be an outdoor “mixer” P atrick Lamb party that night with live music by Kirk Green starting at 6 p.m. p.m., Patrick Lamb at 3:45 p.m., Linda The Sunday schedule includes Hombuckle at 5:30 p.m. and Ocean The Light at noon, Kool Breeze at 503 at 6:45 p.m. 1:15 p.m., Norman Sylvester at 2:30 Both days will feature an Infor- ? > pages 14-15 pages 16 . R eligion it '■ f i te ? J : pages 18-19 f & F ood page 20 J u lia n ’s Ride mation Village where public and private agencies and organizations showcase community resources. An Ethnic Market Place will have goods for sale by local entrepre­ neurs, some o f them one o f a kind. A children’s area will offer free lead blood testing, as well as fun activi­ ties. For those so inclined there will be a beer and wine garden and an array o f food vendors. Good in the Neighborhood be- continued on page 16 SV, Celebrating Juneteenth H undreds o f people turned out for Portland’s annual Juneteenth celebration on Saturday, June 19. State Rep. Lew Frederick, Dis­ trict 43, served as Grand Marshall. The parade featured Sable Scott, Miss Black Oregon; M ultnomah County C om m issioner candidate Loretta Smith, the U.S. M arines Honor Guard, and Clara Peoples, w ho e sta b lish e d the P o rtlan d com m em oration 38 years ago while working in the Kaiser ship­ yards during W orld W ar II. Portland M ayor Sam Adams and new Police C h ief Mike Reese also attended. KGW News 8 re­ porter W ayne Havrelly , inter­ viewed Peoples, volunteer Ora Lee Green, and Doris Rush Juneteenth KGW News 8 rep o rte r Wayne Havrelly in te n ie w s long (ime event chairperson. The Portland co m m u n ity ad vocate C lara P eople (se a te d ,) a n d Juneteenth O bserver was a key sponsor o f voiunte e rs Ora Lee Green a n d D oris Rush, e ve n t cha irpe rson See parade image on page 16