Page 20 ♦ • ♦ ♦ ìl?t flortlanò (Observer lune 23. 2010 SAFEWAY Recipes by WE deliver gro m Ingredients for life.» Raspberry Lemonade uout Home or G e t FREE “ on your 3 so » Safeway RANCHERS Ingredients • 3 cups w ater £ - - • 3/4 teaspoon lim e ju ic e • 1 cup crushed ice M ^ L ^ x • 1 ( 1 2 fluid ounce) can o r bottle lem on-lim e flavored carbon ated • !< ... a ' ? ** b e v e ra g e ¡M fluid ounce) frozen raspberry lem onade concentrate • I cup fresh raspberries, garnish • IS M int leaves, for garnish (o p tio n al) Rancher’s Reserve® Boneless Beef Chuck Steak Club Price n Directions Or Cross Rib Steak Extreme Value Pack. Or Roast. SAVE up to $2.80 lb. See Weekly Ad SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! In a large punch bow l, co m b in e raspberry lem onade co n ce n ­ trate. w ater and lim ejuice. Stir in lem on-lim e soda and crushed ice. G arnish each glass w ith a fresh raspberry and a m int leaf. Red White & Blue Cheesecake Pie Eating Right* Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts or Thighs C lu b Price K> Jng^edi^n^ SAVE up Io $1 50 lb Or Tenders or Thin Sliced. $2 49 lb Safeway SELECT* Extra Meaty Pork Back Rib Club Price tOt waterfront BISTRO« Cooked or Raw Shrimp C lu b Price M i • 1/2 cup straw berry je lly L SAVE up io $1 00 lb Or Whole Boneless Fresh Pork Tenderloin Soto m the bag. S3 99 lb. Fresh Rockfish Fillets Si » IW-d looked or 51 SK-cl Aar 2-t ¡as. to . S4WlF-Ms»y.'-5.»t SASfi#b$530aea’ -fe bag C lu b Price M l Weather permitting SAVE up to $4 0 0 lb **—... Directions 1. O n a flat surface, place one sheet phy llo dough. B rush it w ith m elted butter o r m argarine, and c o v er w ith an o th er piece o f phyllo. R epeat until all 8 sheets are used. U sin g kitchen scissors, cut layered phyllo into a 12 to 13 inch circle. C arefully press circle into a greased 9 inch pie plate; gently fan edges. Bake at 425 degrees F (220 d eg rees C ) until edges are just golden, 6 to 8 m inutes; cool slightly on a w ire rack. OvenJoy Breads 2? oz White or Wheat Signature Cafe* Whole Roasted Chicken i4fî$x$nci 32-oz. SAVE up to S t 50 ea. W i l l ! (H i sm» «c«bw «eaters« whotesakirs Sales of products contwiwa e n tw in e ¡mtowphedrioe or nrenvinri B' WRKABLE h A ll SfOHES Some asW tisw prices may be wen tower in some stores On Bus Or», Gel D im mslornei ust uurchaae the . »si stem in tacoteg the second item free 90G0 offers are nor 1/2 price sales If only a aingte item pumtam] the mgusar poce «odes Mani fartirera' P^'^toed Pams or % — not on free Bums. U n * one coupon per punjipad Item. Cuatenier wtl be fponaM a Hora» «id ikaatos « r«mF*qbv « W excess of u? gallons No liquor sate lor resale Liquor Mies at licensor! Safeway atoms only O 2010 Satoway Inc Avaiiabwty of items may vary bv stem