Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 23, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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Q 1,1 I-lortlatih (Dbseruer
War General Risks Job
ond grader Kyron
President Barack
Horm ann passed
Obama weighed
out fliers Friday in
whether to fire the
hopes of jogging
general charged
the memory of any­
w ith
tu rn in g
body who might
to $39 trillion, nearly recouping
around the A f­ have information on the cae. A ques­
losses from the financial crisis, ac­
ghanistan war Tuesday, after the tionnaire also went out to every­
cording to the latest Merrill Lynch-
most extraordinary airing o f mili­ body who at the school when he
Capgemini world wealth report.
tary-civilian tensions in decades. went missing on June 4
The White House summoned Gen.
Lakers Best
Stanley McChrystal to Washing­ Rich Grow Richer
Boston in 7
ton to explain disparaging com­ The rich grew richer last year, even The Los Angeles
ments about his commander in chief as the world endured the worst re­ Lakers won their
cession in decades.
and Obama's top aides
16th NBA champi­
A stock market rebound helped the
onship T hursday
Widening Search for Child
world's ranks o f millionaires climb
with a gritty 83-79
Detectives investigating the disap­ 17 percent to 10 million, while their
victory over the Boston Celtics.
pearance o f Sky line Elementary sec- collective wealth surged 19 percent
Kobe Bryant the Lakers with 23
points and 15 rebounds and was ing cell phone retailers to post the
named finals MVP. Lakers Coach amount o f radiation emitted by each
Phil Jackson won his 11th champi­ phone they sell. Opponents say the
onship; matching Boston great Bill first-of-its kind ordinance responds
Russell’s total.
to unfounded concern over cell
phone radiation.
T Week in
The Review
Deep Oil Drill Ban Blocked
A federal judge Tuesday ruled
NBA Player
against the Obama administration's
Dies at 47
six-month moratorium on deepwater
Manute Bol, a 7-
drilling in the wake o f the BP oil spill.
foot-7 shot-blocker
The White House, which had hoped
from Sudan who
the ban would provide time to en­
spent 10 seasons in
sure other wells are operating safely,
the NBA and was dedicated to hu­
immediately said it would appeal.
manitarian work in Africa, died Sat­
Cell Phone Emission Law
urday at a Virginia hospital where he
Enacted in San Francisco
was being treated for severe kidney
San Francisco's Board o f Supervi­ disease and a painful skin condi­
sors has approved a new law requir­ tion. He was 47.
Obama Call Out to Fathers Battle of
(AP) -- Striking a deeply per­
sonal tone, President Barack
Obama urged fathers to play an
active role in their children's lives,
and lamented the time he had to
spend away from his own daugh­
ters as he built his political career.
Speaking at a Father's Day event
in Washington, Obama said, "I
know I've missed out on moments
in my daughters' lives that I'll never
get back."
The president outlined a series
o f plans to fund local projects that
help train men for jobs, prevent
domestic violence and take other
steps to encourage healthy and lov­
ing families.
"Our children don't need us to be
super heroes. They don't need us to
be perfect," Obama said. "They need
us to show up and give it our best
shot, no matter what else is going
on in our lives."
the Bands
in Iraq
photo by A rmy
S taff
S gt . D avid V arnall
Civilian contractor
Elijah Putman o f
Portland, supporting
U.S. military operations in Iraq, plays drums during the
Battle o f Bands at Camp Victory, Baghdad. Musicians from
all over the base complex gathered for the June 3 event,
giving an audience o f service members and Department o f
Defense civilians a break from war-related duties.
Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s
g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e .
June 23. 2010
Kills Two
A 17-year-old male has been arrested
and charged with m urder in connection
w ith the shooting death o f another teen­
ager on M onday night across from the
Boys & G irls Club in the New Colum bia
district o f the Portsm outh neighborhood.
Initially the deceased was thought to
be an adult male, but later was identified as
Billy A. M oore, 17. Detectives believe that
this hom icide occurred after an argum ent
on a bus and was gang-related.
Four days earlier, officers responded to
the shooting o f a 16-year-old boy near the
area where M oore had been m urdered.
Youth have not been the sole targets o f
re c e n t gun v io le n c e : Shaw n D ecoal
C raw ford, 41, was found dead at about
10:15 p.m. Friday near the intersection o f
North A lbina Avenue and Jessup Street.
Police were also looking at this m urder as
Portland Police Information Officer De­
tective M ary W heat believes that these
shootings might also indicate a growing
trend o f violence in the area due to w arm er
tem peratures and school being out for the
A nyone with inform ation about any o f
these incidents is asked to call Portland
Detective M olly Daul at 503-823-0991
Roosevelt 50
Year Reunion
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m
you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)
The Roosevelt High School Class o f 1960
wants to hear from old classmates as it plans
a 50 year reunion celebration this fall.
The reunion will be held Friday, Oct. 22 at
University Place in downtown Portland.
Everyone from the 1960 class is encour­
aged to send their e-mail and street addresses
to K erry G a th e re r S te v en so n at
bksteve@ easystreet.net
“We are waiting to hear from you so we
can make further and more detailed plans.
Let’s get this gathering going,” Stevenson