June 23, 2010 iEl!' JJortlanii (Observer Page 19 Judgmental Tone Turns Off Faithful Pastor reflects on reasons why J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver It’s no secret that churches are hem orrhaging y o ung p eople at a rapid pace. B ut A dam H am ilton, a p asto r from K ansas and a u th o r o f m any books, thinks he know s the reason w hy. In his new book, “ W hen C h ris­ tians get it W rong,” H am ilton ex ­ plains that a ju d g m e n ta l, n arro w ­ m inded, and very vocal tone in C hris­ tianity is turning o f f people from the faith. B ut H am ilton, w ho w as in P ortland recently for a conference, has a couple thoughts on how to change that. by W hen do C h ristia n s g e t it wrong? describ in g all the people that they think are living sinfully, w hile failing to see that the very act o f sending that letter is a sign that som ething is no t q u ite right in th eir heart. O ne o f the ex am p les I give in the b o o k w as I w as do in g a funeral for a young m an w ho co m m itted suicide and I w as try in g to co m fo rt the fam ily. I had a couple com e up to m e after the serv ice and said, pastor, you really blew it w ith this funeral. Y ou should have told p eople that he w as in hell. I looked to them and said, do you k n o w that? I think there is a host o f other p laces w here they get it w ro n g . W hen they try to m ake the B ible into a 2 1 st cen tu ry scientific textbook instead o f tiy in g to recognize its p o etry its, its inspiration, and how it’s not so m uch tel 1 ing us how things cam e to be bu t w hy. I think w e get it w ro n g w hen w e think w e know the m in d o f G o d w h en it co m es to oth er faiths. I think C hristians get it w rong any tim e they stop living like Jesus did and m ake people feel sm all or A s a pastor it seems like you they becom e like the P harisees that need to take some sort o f moral Jesus really w as in conflict w ith. stand at times. How do you bal­ T h a t’s a natural tendency for us as ance that? C hristians to begin to ju d g e other I look at how Jesu s w o u ld go people, forget w here w e com e from , about doing this. W hen Jesus asso ­ and think it’s really about telling ciated w ith prostitutes he show ed o th er people how to live there lives them love and grace. So it’s this as opposed to us trying to live the b alancing act o f show ing his fol­ life that C hrist called us to live- a life low ers the highest standard: love. o f com passion, ju stic e, and m ercy. E v ery th in g else is m easu red in the What are some examples o f that? light o f love. Jesus also d em o n ­ P eople regularly send m e notes strated w ith his interactions w ith Adam Hamilton people w ho w ere no n -relig io u s or n o m in ally religious this ex trao rd i­ nary grace. T h at’s the thing w e ought to be about. What are some issues that Chris­ tians ought to pay more attention to? W hen w e talk about C hristian ethics first o f all w e are talking about how w e as C hristians live o u r lives, not how o thers live th eir lives. I t’s one thing fo r m e to say that this is w h at Jesus thought in this area o f that area, bu t w hen it com es to m e tellin g b ro ad er society that y o u ’re w ro n g to live this w ay, I think that starts to get it w rong. I think that w e should be asking q uestions like, w h at does ju stic e look like? W hat does it m ean to love o u r n eighbor? W hat is the loving th in g to do w ith each p erson I co m e in co n tact w ith? It’s ap p ro p riate for C hristians to ask q uestions ab o u t policies that o ur co u n try is pu rsu in g that bring harm to oth er people. Why are younger people turn­ ing away fro m the church? I think that part o f the challenge is w hat th ey ’ve seen o f the C hristian faith isn’t a reflection o f w hat Jesus taught or the w ay to live. I’ve heard over and over again from young adults that Christians are asking them to stop thinking or becom e this narrow ­ m inded person w ho m akes other people feel small. W hen you talk to young people about Jesus, th ey ’re like, yeah, Jesus taught som e really great things; I ju st d o n ’t see Jesus in m any o f his followers. B7» r has this narrow mean-spir­ ited tone in Christianity become so prevalent? I th in k th e sam e ten d en cy is p resen t in every religion. I think w e also live in a very p o larized society w ith a lot o f people afraid o f changes. I think it leads us to d em onize the p eo p le w e are afraid of. I th in k there is a large group o f p eople w ho w ant things to be black and w hite. Som e p eople w ant to k n o w that they and ev ery o n e like th em are g o in g to h eaven and ev ery o n e else is going to hell, and they d o n ’t have to think ab o u t it. «ort/wesí Voice For Christ ministries "An WrfeMÍMfaal Ctarch" Gutierre! Join us for an anointed Miracle Service! Come and receive your Miracle and your breakthrough! Patta* <£ ££ect Jitidy 3ft. £.. <£ £evt£ean 3*. fPtMtoftl 3) tacfwt ISiemuafij t W o rs h ip Services: Sundays: C hurch School— 9:00 A.M . M orning W orship— 10:00 A.M . Sem inars: Bible T hem es— W ednesdays— 7:00 P.M. “ G od T he F ath er” ; “ G od The Son” ; and “ G od T he H oly S p irit’ B ishop I lodge and C o n g reg atio n invite y o u to jo in us at our a p p o in tm e n t w ith Jesu s We R each , Teach, & P reach in .Jesus’ nam e!!! Friday, July 30th at 7pm New Song Community Comer 2511NE MLK Blvd. Corner of NE MLK Blvd and Russell Street _______ Doors open at 6pm for every service. Location: 6401 NE 10th Avenue P ortland, O R . 97211 For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 To inquire about o u r C h u rc h p lease call (5 0 3 ) 8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 or h o d g eh sp k s@ m sn .co m w w w .n w v o icefo rch rist.co m or log on to vtfiMw.mnimpoiilantl.com