Page 12 jPortlanh (Obstruer June 23. 2010 Aris "■ ENTERl ENTERTAINMENT V Advertise with diversity in 1,K' Pt »rtland Observer C all 503-288-0033 ads@.portlandob B U S IN E S S State Farm Providing insuidtiie and Enani;:k Service:« Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61/10 Pablo and Crystal’s Elouse Cleaning. A HD OFFICES TOO!! Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland HR 9/21 7 503 286• 103 Fax 503 2 8 6 'l 46 ernie hili h5mb$$tatetorra com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® UAH 13450 SE Division St. Portland, Or 97206 Pablo Centeno 503.960.6823 »A A « Crystal Centeno 503.960.6009 «MtUAAMCt FREE ESTIMATES!!! I nterstate D ental C linic 5835 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217 watch video at http:// info- 266889 1/lnterstate-Dental-Clinic (503)946-6273 edwarward2 State Farm9 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent We moved to our new location:1 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR website: Default.htm P enin su la R ealty Peter Clarke Broker (Sir Each office is independently owned and operated •«w l 61 ION. Lombard St. Portland. Oregon 97203 Business 503.286.5826 Fax 503.283.6300 Cell 503.333.5809 peter.elai ke2fi/ century2 1 .com century2 1 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 East Coast Meets West Coast Tupae Shakur and Biggie Smalls (aka Notorious B. I.G.) were re-united for the first time - in wax - last week at Madame Tussauds in Washing­ ton, D.C. Both figures are on loan from Madame Tussauds o f New York for three months. During that time, fans will have the opportunity to take photos and get up close and per­ sonal with the incredibly lifelike fig­ ures. Tupac’s wax likeness was cre­ ated from hundreds o f photographs and precise measurements provided by T upac’s m other, Ms. Afeni Shakur. T upac’s wax figure is shirtless - sporting a bandana, Emporio Armani underwear, saggy jeans and replicas o f Tupac’s mul­ tiple tattoos. Biggie’s figure was created from extensive research. Studio artists studied hundreds o f photos and hours o f video footage to create Biggie’s wax likeness, which dons a white three-piece suit, white hat and white shoes. Broke USA Book tells how poor became big business (AP) — To the upper and middle classes, they're all but invisible, but to the working poor, they're a fact o f life: pawnshops, payday lenders, storefronts offering high-rate mort­ gages, tax preparers promising in­ stant cash refunds. They sprouted throughout America's poorest com­ munities over the past two decades, eventually saturating the slums and expanding outward into the sub­ urbs. By late 2008 when they were at the core o f a nationwide economic collapse, they were too big to ig­ nore. In "Broke, USA: From Pawnshops to Poverty, Inc. — How the Work­ ing Poor Became Big Business," business journalist Gary Rivlin un­ ravels the events that led to the inaction o f Washington and state governments, despite the warnings o f consumer advocates. The size o f "Poverty, Inc." is not insignificant. A ccording to Rivlin, consum ers spent $11 bil­ lion on payday loans and check cashing fees in 2008 — as much as they spent on m ovie tickets that year. They spent an additional $7 b illio n on ren t-to -o w n stores, which attract cash-strapped cus­ tom ers with low entry fees, but over tim e sell home furnishings and electronics at m arkups far higher than any conventional re­ crisis, explaining how the dark cor­ tailer. ner o f the financial services sector Rivlin appears to hold particular he calls "the poverty industry" was contempt for the subprime lenders allowed to rage out o f control with who cater to clientele with tarnished the backing o f Wall Street and the credit. Music icons Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. ’s wax figures are unveiled at Madame Tussauds in Washington, D.C. BROKE USA Tupac and Biggie are widely rec- ognized as two o f the greatest hip hop artists and rappers o f all time.