Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 2010, Page 5, Image 5

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    lune 16. 2010
ît!r jfJnrtlanh OObserut t'r
Portland Rose Festival 2010
Queen of Rosaría
Victoria Dinu, a senior at
Grant High School, made a
unique bit of Rose Festival
history Saturday when she
was crow ned queen during
the festival’s annual coro­
n a tio n c e re m o n y s p o n ­
sored by Pacific Power.
Dinu becom es the sec­
ond queen from the same
graduating class in back to
back Rose Festival seasons.
H er c la s s m a te R a c h e l
Seeman, was the first junior
s e le c te d R o se F e s tiv a l
queen in 2OO9.
Victoria plays violin with
the Portland Youth Philhar­
monic and the M etropolitan
skating and is considering a
Rose Festival Queen Victoria
Dinu o f Grant High School.
Youth Sym phony, coaches ice
degree in public relations.
photo by M ark
Bringing an International Flair
The flag and dance team from Stu-Te Commercial High School Marching Band from Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
brought an international flair to Saturday’s Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade.
Juneteenth Celebration
Local events
and parade
On Saturday, June 19, Portlan
will celeb rate "Juneteenth,"
proud m om ent o f freedom i
Am erican history.
A ctivities will begin with
"Freedom Parade" at 11 a.m. dow
N ortheast M artin Luther King, Ji
Boulevard from Jarrett Street. Thi
year's G rand M arshall is Lev
Frederick, Oregon State Represen
tative, District 43.
The short parade ends at th<
grass field at 5125 NE M artii
Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, be
tween Alberta and Sum ner streets
where the annual Juneteenth Fes
tival will take place from 12 p.m. tc
8 p.m. There will be delicious
foods, m usical artists, special
guest speakers, arts and craft ven-
dors, prizes, a play area for chil-
dren, and much more.
At 1.00 pm, Portland M ay o r,
Sam Adam s will speak and intro-
duce Portland's new Police C hief
Mike Reese, who will speak. Last
year, M ayor Adams became the
first Portland City official to ever
participate in a Juneteenth event.
O ther speakers include Loretta
Y oung, can d id ate M ultnom ah
County Com m ission, Sable Scott,
M iss Black Oregon 2010; and
New this year, at 6 p.m., a spec­
tacular gospel concert will be held
with perform ances by a num ber of
Portland church choirs and solo­
ists. The festival is free to the
W hat is Juneteenth? Although
P r e s id e n t A b ra h a m L in c o ln
signed the Em ancipation Procla­
m ation in Septem ber 1862, it was
not until June 19,1865 — more than
two years later — that freedom
cam e to the last slaves in Texas.
Juneteenth is meant to rejoice free­
dom and rem ind A frican-A m eri­
cans that their ancestors endured
one of the worst slave experiences
in hum an history.
"This year marks the 145th an­
niversary o f this now national cel­
ebration, yet many people are still
not aware it represents a crucial
part o f our Am erican History,"
said Doris Rush, Juneteenth corn-
mittee chair. “Every American has
benefited from the wealth created
by A frican-A m ericans through
over 200 years o f free labor. Cel-
ebrating Juneteenth allow s all of
us to ackn o w led g e that debt.
Com e join the celebration."
Sponsors of this year's activi-
ties include W ells Fargo Bank,
State Farm Insurance, Portland De-
velopm ent Com m ission, City of
P ortland, M ultnom ah C ounty,
Portland Ice Cream Company, and
PassinA rt among others.
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