Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 2010, Page 20, Image 20

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<T|" P ortiani» Oftbseroer
June 16, 2010
m ake dad a
Recipes by
f ille r
Ingredients for life..
Melon Smoothie
• 1 lim e,juiced
• 2 tablespoons sugar
• 1 /4 cantaloupe - peeled, seeded and cubed
1 1
• 1/4 honeydew m elon - peeled, seeded and cubed
F a th e r's D ay
v e r y t h in g f o r
for Father
C i
See W e e k ly A d fo r
a d d itio n a l d e ta il*
In a blender, com bine cantaloupe, honeydew , lim e ju ic e and
sugar. B lend until sm ooth. Pour into glasses and serve.
SAVE $5 on Rancher’s Reserve® Beef
How to pick a Watermelon (The Ripe Time)
H ow do you know w hen your w aterm elons are ripe?
• T he best m ethod is to look for the curly
tendrils on the stem near w here the fruit
is attached to turn brow n. If they look h a lf
dead, it's ready for picking.
• Y ou can also check the underside o f the
m elon. A ripe fruit will have a cream - or
y ellow -colored spot from w here it sat on
the ground w hile ripening in the sun.
*«p 6/227010
w ith your Club Card
and M inim um S2S*
Any 1 Rancher's
Reserve1 Item .
bteoee b«t ¡»new at
‘ fe O ff tea» wefcaM «< if» Ranc*tf $
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Did you know ? Thumping on the fruit and listening fo r a
hollow' sound isn't particularly accurate. Sometimes, that
hollow' sound actually means the melon has turned to mush
How to Grill a Pizza
; ID
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon w hite sugar
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons cornm eal for dusting
3/4 cup w arm w ater (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
P ork S h o u ld e r C o u n try S ty le R ibs
. . .
Bone-In. Extrem e Value Pack.
Or Pork Shoulder Blade Boast
Club Price
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Club Price U R
SAVE up to S 1 0 0 lb
Jum0° cantaloupe
Good Source
VitHrnin A s c
Rancher’s Reserve*
SAVE up to S3 99 on 2
Boneless Beel
Petite Sirloin Steak
Extreme Value Peck
SAVE up to $2.50 lb
F r e s h S o c k e y e S a lm o n F ille t s
1. P ro o f yeast in w arm
Club Price
R e d T o m a t o e s o n t h e V in e
W eather perm itting All size packages.
SAVE up to 510 001b
Good source o f Fiber
SAVE up to S t.50 lb.
Club Price
2. In separate bow l place
flour, salt, sugar, and oil.
M ake a well in the center
and place yeast/w arm w a­
ter m ixture in. M ix thoroughly until co n sisten cy o f an elastic
ball. A llow to rise 1 l/2hours.
C o lo s s a l R a w W ild S h r im p
F r e s h E x p r e s s o r E a tin g R ig h t *
3. H o u r surface and roll out 1/2 dough. Rub w ith cornm eal.
10 to 15-ct Previously frozen
SAVE up to $ 6 00 lb
C o m p le te S a la d K its
93% or 90% Sirloin
Lean Ground Beef
Or 85% Lean, $2 79 lb
Extreme Value Pack
SAVE up to $ ’ 30 lb
Club Price
Sprinkle w ith your favorite toppings.
6.5 to 14-oz Selected varieties Club
Price: S2 0 0 ea SAVE up to S 3.38 on 2
4. Spray grill w ith cooking spray. G rill dough about 5 m inutes
or until toppings are m elted. R epeat w ith second piece o f
do u g h .
5. G rill the Crust. Prepare the grill for high heat. D u stab a k in g
sheet, a peel, o r a plate w ith flour o r cornm eal so the dough
w on't stick.
6. Shape the dough into rounds, eith er stretching it by hand
or using a rolling pin. Each round should be no m ore than !4
inch thick. Y ou can stack the rounds by layering w axed paper,
parchm ent, or a clean w ell-floured kitchen tow el in betw een
the individual crusts.
W hen the coals are hot, have all o f y o u r toppings ready near
the grill.
7. The easiest m ethod for grilling pizza is to par-bake the crust:
grill one side ju st long enough to firm up the crust so you can
m ove it easily. By taking it o ff the heat, you can take y o u r tim e
arranging the toppings and are less likely to b u m the bottom
o f the pizza.
B egin by placing one dough round on the grill.
■ >.
Chib P rk u
L u c e r n e * S h re d d e d
or Chunk C heese
O venJo y B re a d s
filo 8 o / Selected varieties
22-02 White or Wheat
Chib Pried I
Chtb P r k e
K e n ’s S a la d D re s s in g
C la s s ic o P a s ta S a u c e
16-02 Selected varieties
Limits SAVE up to $2.49
,5 to 24-oz Selected varieties
SA VEupto$,42
osu» musili! «m it
Club P r it»
12-pack.12-oz. cans or
6 -pack. 24-cz bottles Selected
varieties Plus deposit in Oregon
l o w prices
o r B u d w e is e r
12-«. cans.
Selected varieties
Plus depos tin Oregon
Club Prit» I
Club Price I
10 5 to 1, -oz Selected varieties
SAVE up to $3 99 on 2
Club P rit»
■let Pnam*ftck.6totcl2-ct.F'wt3ars
Stift let nripjes Quo Fr».t $? 50 »a
L a y 's P o ta to C hips
Club P rit»
That's our promise...
that's In g re d ie n ts fo r life.
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H m
Prices o n th is page are effe ctive
W edn esd ay, June 16 th r u Tuesday, June 22, 2 0 1 0 .
Selection v varies
by v s store
n w i c n u L u , r PER
en u
a t beieciion
a rie s b
to re
aw Quantity lights reserved SOME ADVERTISING ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN A LL^T O FS Sone adv^rteed
customer must purcbv.se the first item to receive ttie second item to“ B O G o X s am ^ 7 ™
Club Price I
to y o u r H om e o r O ffice
9 6tc 15-02 Seected va'ietes
;CW8r«S2 50ea
Atwayi Qr**t
C lu b C a rd
12-P ack W idm er
or Corona
12-oz bottles
Selected varieties
Pus deposit in Oregon
N abisco Oreo C ookies
it to a plate o r peel; flip it o v er so the "done" side is up, and
add the toppings.
this is a group effort, friends and fam ily can start topping the
pizzas w hile you grill the crusts.
2 4 - P a c k C o o rs
59-02 Chilled Selected varieties
Club Price: $3.00 ea
SAVE up to SI 98 on 2
N e s tle D ru m s tic k o r
D re y e r's F ru it B a rs
9. W hen the crust is set, rem ove it from the heat and transfer
10. R epeat the process w ith the rest o f the dough rounds. If
S im p ly J u ic e
4 b
8. Y ou can oil the grill's grate, but it's not necessary; once the
crust has set, after about three m inutes, it should be easy to
pull o f f the heat w ith tongs, a spatula, or your fingers. D on't
w orry if it droops a little through the grate—it’ll firm up fast.
A fter tw o to three m inutes, give it a little t u g - i t should m ove
easily. I f it sticks, give it another m inute o r so.
Club Price I
♦,» e? ? v i
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phw yiprow x«im m c kmrted by
fB O tiO ’ ° " M8'
apf* es Mamifacturas- couix-ns moy be used
N c to s a ie s