lu n e 16, 2010 U nited Ol |JortIanò (Observer Way of the Colum bia-W illam ette is seeking self-motivated, e n th u s ia s tic , and fle x ib le individuals for several temporary, fu ll-tim e Community Account Manager positions for its fall 2010 campaign. Make a difference in our community by raising funds for h ealth and hum an se rvic e pro gra m s. C o m p e n sa tio n of $500/week plus business-related expenses. Timeframe: 8/9/10 th ro u g h 1 2 /1 0 /1 0 . P o sitio n closes 6/27/10. Invitations to interview will be extended the week of 6/28. Additional Info: Forward c o v e r le tte r and resu m e to Reference Job #600. An Equal Opportunity Employer. U nited Way of the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette has an immediate opening for a Director-Diversity and Inclusion. Effectively coordinate and guide all efforts to define, understand, a ss e s s, fo ste r, and c u ltiv a te diversity and inclusiveness as fu n d a m e n ta l o rg a n iza tio n a l re s o u rc e s . A d d itio n a l info: Forward c o v e r le tte r and resum e to Reference Job #300. Position c lo se s 6 /2 7 /1 0 . An Equal Opportunity Employer. U nited Way of the has an opening for a full­ time, temporary Campaign Cleric to support the 2010 fund-raising effort by unpacking and storing cam paign m aterials, fu lfillin g ca m p a ig n s u p p ly o rd e rs, organizing and maintaining the supply room, tracking inventory of materials, and providing clerical assistance. Forward cover letter and resum e to Reference Job #100. Position closes 6/27/10. Additional info: www. u n Columbia-Willamette has an immediate opening for a te m p o ra ry Adm inistrative Assistant to provide administrative, clerical, and technical support to United W ay’s W orkplace Giving staff, Loaned Executives, and Community Account Managers. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n : Forward co v e r le tte r and resum e to P o rtla n d Y outh B uilders. as part Reference Job #200. Position of the Green Career Initiative, is c lo se s 6 /2 7 /1 0 . An Equal now offering a special job training Opportunity Employer. opportunity. The program is a 12 U nited Way of the week pre-apprenticeship training Colum bia-W illam ette is in which participants gain hands- s e e k in g c o m m itte d , on experience in the buildin g h ighly sk ille d , and m otivated tra d e s and re ce ive c a re e r individuals for temporary, full-time coaching. The program is for high and part-time Community Speaker school graduates ages 18-25 who p o s itio n s fo r its fa ll 2010 live in zip code 97218, 97220, or campaign. Work with others to 97233. Interested a p p lica n ts raise funds for health and human should call 503-286-9350 x254 service programs. Compensation to apply today! of $500/week (prorated for part- We will be having an open house tim e ) plus b u s in e s s -re la te d and information session about expenses. Timeframe: 8/9/10 this program on June 15th at through 11/12/10. Invitations to 10AM or June 17th at 2PM. interview will be extended the week of 6/28. Additional info: Forward co v e r le tte r and resum e to Reference Job #500. Position closes 6/27/10. Columbia-Willamette L egal N otices M etro Entry rate: $18.68/hr, FT. Deadline: 6/23/10. Park Ranger, $16.83 - $22.53/hr, FT. Deadline: 6/24/ 10. Administrative Specialist III, $13.87 - $18.54/hr, PT. Deadline: 6/22/10. Receptionist, Need to pu b lish a c o u rt document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e- mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503 -2 88-0015 e-mail: The Portland Observer $14.55 - $19.45/hr, PT. Deadline 6/22/10. M etro Store Associate, To a ccess the c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and req u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it w w w .oregonm, or pick up a com plete packet at Metro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland AA/EEO Employer Page 13 Advertise with diversity in t1k PottfondOfoen er Call 503-288-0033 C lassifieds /B ids United Way of the U nited Way of the has Columbia-Willamette has an immediate opening an immediate opening for a Web M arketing Manager for a Web Marketing Manager (part- U N IV E R S IT Y (part-time - 20 hours per week). tim e - 20 h ours per w eek). Department Administrator - Fariborz Research, develop, integrate, and Research, develop, integrate, and Maseeh Department of Mathematics maintain interactive m arketing maintain interactive m arketing and Statistics ( 5 / 2 7 / 1 0 ) strategies, including the web site strategies, including the web site Position Summary and social netw orking efforts. and social netw orking efforts. Responsible for the management Additional info: www.unitedway- Additional info: www. united wav- and administrative functioning of Forward cover letter and Forward cover letter and to resum e the Fariborz Maseeh Department resum e to of Mathematics and Statistics. Supervises office staff. Monitors Reference Job #700. Position Reference Job #700. Position D e p a rtm e n t b udget. R eports c lo se s 6 /2 7 /1 0 . An Equal c lo se s 6/27 /1 0 . An Equal directly to the Department Chair. Opportunity Employer. Opportunity Employer. P erfo rm s d u tie s a ssign e d by Sub-Bids Request D e p a rtm e n t C h a ir and departmental faculty as needed. THE OREGON ZOO More detailed information can be VETERINARY MEDICAL CENTER found at h ttp :// PORTLAND, OREGON Columbia-Willamette Portland State o Required Qualifications • B/\/BS (MS/MA preferred). • Excellent computer skills. • Proficiency in MS Office suite, especially Excel. • Supervisory experience (2 years minimum). • Budget monitoring and financial m anagem ent and a cco u n tin g experience (2 years minimum). • Familiarity with Banner software - preferred • S tron g in te rp e rs o n a l and com m unication skills (oral and written). • Demonstrated ability to work in d e p e n d e n tly w ith m in im a l supervision. • Demonstrated ability to make d e c is io n s re g a rd in g the im p lem enta tion o f plans and procedures. • Demonstrated ability to manage deadlines and deal with multiple tasks and priorities. • S uccessful com pletio n of a background check. Compensation The starting annual salary rate for th is position w ill be betw een $35,568 - $57,828, depending on experience, with an excellent benefits package, including fully paid health care, a generous retirement and vacation package, and reduced tu ition rates for employee, spouse or dependents at any of the Oregon University System schools. To Apply Email cover letter and resume (P D F d o cu m e n ts o n ly) to m cle o d c @ p d x.e d u . Review of a p p lic a tio n s w ill begin immediately and continue until finalists are identified. Portland State University is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n , Equal O p p o rtu n ity In s titu tio n and welcomes a p p lic a tio n s from d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who support diversity BID DATE: JU N E 30,2010A T 2:00P .M U1DUISN C O N S T H U C T IO M P O R T L A N D J. E. Dunn Construction Company 437 N. Columbia Blvd. PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 PHONE: (503) 978-0800 FAX: (503) 978-1031 OR CCB #188876 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Masonry Restoration & Cleaning at Holgate House Apartments JOB NO. RFB 06/10-106 Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP), 135 SW Ash Street, Portland, Oregon 97204, 5th floor Metolius Conference Room, until 2:00 pm, Tuesday, July 6, 2 0 1 0 . Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP-421, must be received by 4:00 p.m. the same No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. day. Holgate House Apartments is a five-story reinforced brick masonry building built in 1971. The basic work consists of concrete and masonry restoration repair which includes repointing of deteriorated mortar joints, replacement of spalled brick units, hot water power washingofall concrete and masonry surfaces, joint sealants, minor painting, and application of water repellent sealer over all brick and concrete surfaces. Bid Documents are available at Ford Graphics, 401 NW 14th Avenue, P ortla nd, OR. 97209, phone: (5 0 3 ) 548 -9 6 45 , A $50 deposit for one set and $20 (twenty) for each additional set is refundable when documents are returned within 10 days after bid opening. Attendance of bidders is recommended at a pre-bid tour of the project commencing at Holgate House Apartments, 4601SE 39th, Portland, OR. 97202 at 10:00 am, Tuesday, June 2 2 ,2 0 1 0 . Questions posed during the tour, not addressed in the documents, will be answered by addendum. HAP has an aspirational goal of 20% of DBE/MBE/WBE/ESB participation in the execution of this project. Thereforb, non-D/M/ W/ESB prime contractors will be required to submit proof showing that good faith efforts have been made to contract with D/M/W/ ESB subcontractors. This contract is for a public work subject to the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage decision. Prevailing wage rates shall apply to this project. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in co m p lia n c e w ith the p re s crib e d b id d in g p ro ce d u re s and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Cinna’Mon Williams at 503-802-8533. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND