Page 12 (Phseruer lune 16. 2010 -f I su luisui si Steel Buildings - Caribou Contracting Discounted Priced To Sell • 24x30-120x250 • Will Deal Source#0RD 541-227-692 Debutante Ball Best Ticket in Town Special night to bring elegance, entertainm ent B U S IN E S S by t ABEL Textured Hair Spei ialist/Designer Hon» Office, Bliiwnr 'I liiriDA 5'W Beautyfirst & Salon Clackam as Prom enade 8946 SE Sunnyside Road Clackamas, OR 9 7 0 15-7778 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Aoenf Tl-6N VdPfUl.'VCI »«vO'.• P' rt .03 286 1H6 !'i>i H/’lfi ■' Tr',;i'y i u" ’ 5 0 3 .6 5 4 .4 6 5 6 o r 5 0 3 .6 5 4 .5 3 5 7 Relaxer • Cut-Style • Color 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service" Availability: Thurs. 9-3 {after 3 by Appt.) Saturday 9-3 iMtUIAMCI — Stop by or call for Appointment M izani P rofessional H air care products used a n d so ld at this salon C I nterstate D ental C linic 5835 N Interstate Ave, Portland, O R 97217 watch video at http:// 2668891/lnterstate-Dental-Clinic (503)946-6273 edw arw ard2 State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper A gent W e m oved to our new location: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR website: Default.htm 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 A the P ortland O b se r v e r The m uch anticipated annual pre­ sentation and tim e-honored tradi­ tion o f local area high school stu ­ dents, the Les F em m es D ebutante Ball is Saturday, June 19 at 6 p.m. on at the Lloyd C en ter D ouble Tree Hotel. E m inent, illustrious and d istin ­ guished, the D ebutante Ball is a hot ticket not to m iss. E xpect a flurry o f fashion forw ard, sea o f styles and red carpet roll-out o f w h o ’s w ho, w h a t’s w hat, and w here y o u ’ve got to be. T he annual event, w ith its rites o f passage program , celebrates heri­ tage, culture and our future fem ale and m ale leaders. T o purchase tick ­ ets (individual and tables are av ail­ a b le ) , e m a il L adyJT B aby@ Y ah o o .co m . G uests w ill include the fam ilies and friends o f the debutantes and their cav alier escorts, past m em bers o f the Les F em m es D ebutante o rg a ­ nization as w ell as a potpourri o f prom inent com m unity leaders, pres­ tig io u s su p p o rte rs, p ro fessio n als and peers. T he D ebutante Ball has a rich history o f p resen tin g o u r you n g ladies and m en to the com m unity. Its rites o f passage celebrate d e m ­ onstrated excellent character, intel­ lect, and leadership. In the A frican tradition, the youth m ust ask for the rite (right) or p e r­ m ission o f passage (passing on) to a hig h er level o f hum ane, social and educational developm ent. O ne o f the m any pledges is that it teaches Pablo and Crystal’s House Cleaning. AND OFFICES TOO!! 13450 SE Division St. Portland, Or 97206 Pablo Centeno 503.960.6823 Crystal Centeno 503.960.6009 FREE ESTIMATES!!! Ä F a S h u n N. S t y l e s F or r Slate Farm* I IN D O O R /O U T D O O R b S hot tubs PRIVATE R O O M S C h e c k o u t o u r n e w p riv a te n ig h tc lu b su ite. 8028 St Stark Si. Portland. Oregon » 503.281 H8Ö «M M M 4 group o f debutantes get energized during a contemporary dance rehearsal for a Debutante Ball in Elk Grove, Calif. Portland's traditional Les Femmes Debutante Ball is Saturday, June 19 at the Lloyd Center Double Tree Hotel. its y o u n g w om en and m en social responsibility and en co u rag es them to engage in the com m unity. T hey o rg a n iz atio n ’s legacy is not ju s t to plant the seed, but cu ltiv ate them th roughout their high school years, and help them harvest. T he Les F em m es organization along w ith the A frican A m erican co m m u n ity has a long tradition o f c h a rita b le e v en ts an d activ itie s. T hey also have a historical pledge in prom oting successful m entorship am o n g its m em bers for business ow ners, en trepreneurs and citizens to share resources w ith all cultures. T h e D e b u ta n te B all is no t ju s t a m a je stic m id su m m e r nig h t, i t ’s a m o m e n t in tim e to re fle c t on th e m ile s to n e s th a t th e y o v e rc o m e and o b tain ed . E ach p a rtic ip a n t w ill be fo rm a lly in tro d u c e d in to so c i- ety . T h e a n n u al D e b u ta n te B all is for fa m ily an d frien d s to g a th e r for an e v e n in g o f d in n e r an d d a n c in g to c e le b ra te th e d e b u t the h igh sch o o l se n io rs. F ro m d e b u ta n te s w h o w ill d ress in w h ite C in d erella- lik e b a ll g o w n s , to f o r m a lly d re sse d fa th e rs an d fa m ily m e m ­ b e rs, it is a lw a y s a w h o ’s w h o. T he program is a testam ent to the d ev elo p m en t and social responsi­ bility am ong y o ung people. The Portland O bserver congratu­ lates the 2010 Les F em m es D ebu­ tantes & Escorts. A s w ith “ Isn ’t She L ovely” , a song by Stevie W onder from his 1976album Songs in the Key ofL ife: Isn 't sh e lovely, Isn ’(s h e w o n d erful Isn 't sh e precious, L ess than one m in u te o ld — I n e ve r th o u g h t through love w e 'd he — M aking o n e a s lo vely a s she. B u t isn't sh e lo vely m a d e fr o m love...