Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 2010, Page 10, Image 10

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^Jutilani» ODbseruer
lune 16. 2010
Zoo Swingsint0 Summer
Special activities
fill calendar
T he O regon Z o o ’s sum m er sea­
son has m oved into high gear.
The zoo has an am bitious sch ed ­
ule planned, with a sizzling concert
lineup, the return o f ’W ild Life Live!”
show s, a blockbuster dinosaur e x ­
hibit, and a variety o f educational
and conservation-them ed exhibits
and program s.
The popular “ W ild Life L ive!”
p ro g ram , p resen ted by P o rtlan d
G eneral E lectric, features tw o daily
show s, “ P redators o f the Sky” and
“Jungle Jo u rn ey .” Show s highlight
som e o f the z o o ’s m ost am azing
creatures w hile encouraging visi­
tors to take action to help conserve
w ildlife and habitats.
“ Predators o f the S k y ” displays
quite graphically that not all m eat-
eaters live on the ground. A irborne
hunters like eagles, haw ks and ow ls
sw eep over the audience and d em ­
onstrate how they hunt on the w ing.
This free-flight show com plem ents
the z o o ’s Prehistoric Predators ex ­
hibit, highlighting the sim ilarities
betw een m o d em s birds and their
prehistoric relatives.
In “Jungle Jo u rn ey ,” a hu m o r­
ously adv en tu reso m e tourist and
tour guide search the rain forest for
elusive parrots, encountering m any
other creatures on the w ay, includ­
ing a blue and gold m acaw nam ed
Pele, Finney the ibis, and N ilda, a
prehensile-tailed porcupine.
“ W ild Life L ive!” show s take
place on the concert lawn three tim es
daily — at 11 a.m ., 12:30p.m . a n d 2
p.m . — from June 19 to Sept. 6.
V isitors can also “ M eet the A ll-
S tars” daily at 3:30 p.m ., a chance to
see the anim als up-close and talk to
h an d lers in an inform al setting.
Show s w ill not be perform ed on
concert days, but anim als w ill be on
display for an up-close look. All
Students learn about a Taiwan beauty snake from Oregon Zoo conservation educator Tanya Paul.
The zoo’s popular summer camps return June 21, with programs for children 4 years of age through
8th grade. However, programs are filling quickly, and families should register now to ensure they
can take part in the action.
show s are w eather perm itting.
The Insect Z oo also reopens June
19 w ith a focus on bugs from around
the w orld. This hands-on exhibit
show casing invertebrates that share
o u r very ow n back yards as well as
som e from fa r-o ff lands — will be
open daily through Labor Day.
Trillium Creek Family Farm, located
in the Great N orthw est Exhibit, is
hosted solely by ZooTeens. The farm
gives visitors o f all ages hands-on
experience with anim als, including a
pygora goat, cow s, pigs and other
farm anim als like rabbits and chick­
ens. In addition to guiding animal the m any creatures visitors can leam
experiences, ZooTeens lead guests m ore about. V olunteers w ill be sta­
in a variety o f farm -related activities tioned at the exhibit to give short
like w eaving and spinning. The farm ta lk s an d p ro v id e v isito rs w ith
isopendailyfrom 9:30a.m .to5:45p.m . hands-on contact w ith biofacts.
B e g in n in g J u n e 19, A fric a n
N aturalists also roam through­
pygm y goats are available for p e t­ out the zoo daily to answ er q u es­
ting and groom ing at the A frican tions and share inform ation about
G oat K raal in the S avanna exhibit. the anim als. V isitors can leam about
The sm all, lovable creatures are o f­ w olves, cougars, bears and other
ten active and can be seen playing predators that share the forests o f
and eating all sum m er long.
the Pacific N o rth w est — o r explore
The stars w ill be out at Steller the w o n d ers o f A frica in the P reda­
C o v e ’s tide pool exhibit. Sea stars, tors o f the Serengeti ex h ib it’s D is­
crabs and sea cucum bers are am ong covery Room .
M ic h a e l H o it o iw
B asketball A c a d e m y
8.25 Je w e l with ftadney Foster, presented by Country
Financial, $24.50
7« Femi Kuti &
The Positive Force
special p est TM, $11
7.87 Carolina Chocolate Drops with
Konono No.1, $14.50
Session 1: June 21 - June 24
Session 2: June 28 - July 1
n o Caravan Palace. $ 12 *
For more information call 503 517-9090
Or visit us at
711 Bassekou Kouyate.siuo
• Basketball skills
• Etiquette
• Physical fitness
• Health and nutrition
Jimmy Cliff wilk Trevor Halt $24 J0
715 Jamie Cullum, $2210
7 ii 6reat Bis Sea, $12.50
0.04 Steve Riley ft The Mamou Playboys,
N o , u ra l
1.00 The Levon Helm Band wt* jee p * $24.00
0.11 B-52S.$27J0
N a tu ra l &
S M a R T 0 E N tR G r
0.14 Chris Isaak, $37 jo
0.11 The Quebe Sisters Band, $10.90
010 The Swell Season with oi»ck Frauen,
0.20 Pink M artin i
127 $32.00
Ulicious Smokehouse & Grill
019 A P ra irie H om e C om panion, $30.90
o n Cyndi Lauper, $27
(L a
¿ThuO, vqonuit
ticketmaster com
1505 N.E. Killingsworth St.
H ouse Hours
Mon-Thurs 11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Fri-Sat 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Sunday 11:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
House Specials
Rib Tip $5.00
Rib Sandwich $6.00